I Like the all one Hero ARAM

I would complain. Totally removing the best part of Aram would be bad imo. But I have QM, and a life, so I would never spam threads and create alts to boost those threads (nothing personally directing to you).

Sadly you dont speak for the (majority) You only speak for yourself.

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psst, the topic is about people that like the mode. Might wanna shelve that double-standard if you’re trying to be “on topic”

They aren’t, actually. However, considering that you delude yourself on complaining, it tracks that you want to pretend complaining brings value.

Part of the issue of complaints is that they’re easy to do, they aren’t perceivable negatives to doing it, and people convince themselves of false-positives. There’s little incentive for people to learn to complain better, so they don’t: it’s a low bar for entry with limited quality involved. Complaints rarely actually identify a problem and are more indicative of perceptions that want to be placated by people that simply don’t want to do better.

While there can be a correlation between something getting a complaint and something that could be improved, those that choose to express themselves by complaining tend to create an issue for themselves and demand someone else fix it for them: it doesn’t identify a ‘problem’ like the complainer thinks and in many cases, they just want something, almost anything, to pretend they got value for the complaint.

If someone tries to rationalize positives from complaints by reversing the logic, it’s going to demonstrate how ineffective it is.

“Close the forums, see who complaints”. (if the forums closed then there wouldn’t be an outlet to visualize the complaint therefore…)

For someone insisting that “knights” run the forums, you don’t actually come around enough to engage with anything to have much of a knowledgable opinion, nor do you care to want to have one. You know the game is ‘dead’, come around only to marginally complain about it and you likely even leave games that aren’t “worth it” to you regardless of it being aram or not.

It’ not like you represent a dedicated or paying sample of the playerbase: you just create lies to act like you’re “right” because you are looking for shallow false-positives in how you ‘waste’ your time. And it is a ‘waste’ because you’re afraid to do things that give it value, so you’re stuck in a mire hoping to just get something by complaining.

Maybe you should bother to read more than 2 bits of your own posts and realize how much of the issues you complain about are your own fault and the extent of how you’re trying to claim it’s not.

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Me, thats the whole point I made the thread is that blanket statements like these are not applicable to everyone in the literal sense, you can say 99.9% won’t complain and I can’t prove you wrong but I’ll be annoyed if they remove it.


I was just rallying the knights. If people really wanted MM’s it would have it’s own mode . So few people liked it had to be forced on the players.

lmao sounds more like an admission

thanks captain obvious

love how quickly the knights rally to tell me how wrong I am . love how quickly the knights flag any post that goes against the narrative they hold so dear. i don’t need to be “right” to do what is in my best interest . MM takes away from the game it does not add to it. keep trying to tell me I am the problem it won’t work . those desperately trying to keep the status quo have done more harm than I or any of my alleged alt accounts could ever do. so yea keep trying to convince me if you want I am sure it will be as effective as banning accounts has been … NOT AT ALL

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False, you did. If they change QM to have more mirrors, that’s the QM now, you knew that, you queued for that.

Saying you didn’t queue for is very illogical, since you did know mirrors could happen.

Because you quit and switch accounts every time. If you stick to just one, you would play 1 mirror and move on. But it’s logical that you will get more mirrors since you have multiple accounts.

You also queue for much more arams than a normal player because of that. If you just played on 1 account, it would be just 2% in the end.

A lot of people asked for this in the past. A lot of people liked the old brawls. People have been asking for it since it was removed. Even if the majority still don’t like mirrors, there’s still people who like and people who came back because of that alone. It’s better to play a game that have 2% chance of happening than having a lot of players leave again because of some cry babies.

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more lies, nonsense and assumptions. I Q’d for aram not MM not forced comp. switching accounts changed nothing. nobody asked for MM . Better to switch accounts and play what I want to . Forcing people into MM’s in no way helps the game . give people a way to opt out of that crap mode or do not complain when they quit . I don’t owe you the game others players anything I owe it to myself not to waste anytime playing a mode I hate . I provide for myself options that the game does not. lemons to lemonade

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MM is part of aram, so you queued for that as well. Just like I queued for BHB when queued QM, even if I dislike the map.

It might actually be doing something here. We have a clear trend where people who stick with their only account rarely play mirrors, while people who dislike and switch account have them all the time. I’ve yet to see someone who likes mirrors getting them all the time. Also the only person who I know that dislikes mirrors but don’t get them all the time is Minky, because she doesn’t change accounts.

It’s a clear trend. Unless, of course, all these accounts saying they get them all the time and hate mirrors are just alts of the same person, which might be possible, but I’m just assuming they are different people.

Again, people have been asking for that for a long time since its removal, and it was only removed because it was a map brawl.

When they asked the community if they wanted a rare mirror game once in a blue moon, the majority chose yes. Multiple times the community was asked after that if they wanted to keep mirrors and again, majority said yes. So saying no one asked/wants that is just a complete and full lie.

This would be ideal, but there aren’t any devs working on the game to do that right now.

You actually do. You accept the terms and conditions. What you are doing is against that, and it could get to you eventually.

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I don’t think that is the way the math works, as any given queue has a 2% chance of a mirror. This is why you could have someone go for 200 matches without a single mirror, or some lucky soul get 3 in a row (personally, I would love that!).

To the larger question of how frequently full mirrors actually happen in practice, we will never know the true number, but I played around a bit with Heroes Profile to see what the stats showed there.


I set it up for the last major patch only, just for ARAM, with mirror matches enabled. There were about 4 million ARAM matches recorded, I didn’t get the final count, but figured that was close enough for government work. I then looked at just the matches where all players had the same role. Since the full mirror algorithm already excludes healers and tanks, I only needed to include the all ranged assassin, all melee assassin, and all bruiser compositions.

That left us with a total of 79,109 matches out of over 4 million. This is around 1.977%, which is almost exactly the 2% promised.

So yeah, the people who claim they are getting a much higher frequency than 2% are either wildly lucky, making things up, or are suffering from confirmation bias.


You don’t have any examples here in this topic though.

You spout self-deluding lies, rant about how much you don’t like the game, and loop several excuses to act like you aren’t an issue for yourself when… you are. Other people either move on to activities that they pretend they enjoy for fleeting moments, or learn how to like something anyway as… liking something is an acquired taste.

“The problem(s)” with the game has been discussed in several topics you aren’t interested in actually reading, let alone discussing, but ‘the problem’ you are having is evidently made by you because you’re just looping falsehoods and pretending it does you better for it. People aren’t ‘desperately’ trying to keep the status quo, they’re offering changes that you aren’t willing to consider. Part of the issue of willful ignorance and neglect is that they don’t actually know much of what is going on, but want to act like it anyway.

The ‘status quo’ is that you don’t read, spout lies, and fault others for it. Every game is rife with people that do that, and until they do otherwise, that remains their status quo.

I don’t care about your alts, or ‘banning you’, but you certainly seem to ‘care’ about how you waste your time by doing the same things over and over again.
Bad complaints and illiteracy is the ‘status quo’ and you don’t change because you blame anything else.

This stuff isn’t ‘effective’ because you aren’t doing anything about it.

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Yeah, I also always thought it worked like that, but we see people saying they quit everytime they get mirrors getting them all the time, much higher than 2%. Some exagerated numbers sometimes even, 10, 20, 30% mirrors.

All I see is people switching accounts saying they get mirrors all the time and people who play one account rarely getting them. So there might be a system behind all that preventing people from “being too lucky” and getting mirrors all the time, and because they switch accounts all the time they queue for more games, so more chances of mirrors.

Unless, of course, they admit they were lying and just dislike playing 2 mirrors every 100 games, which is fine, no one needs to like everything.

So working as intended, thanks for the info!


I believe that if those claiming to have a much higher rate of mirrors posted their match history, or uploaded all of their matches to a parsing site, the actual numbers would show otherwise. :wink: After all the plural of “anecdote” is not “evidence”!


I think this is an issue linked to the “type” of people who have several accounts in the first place. People have several accounts for different reasons. My guess is that people who have several accounts and complain seems to indicate that they don’t bother with anything else than themselves in the first place. I would say that there is a large part of the assertion of having 10%, 20% or 30% of mirror games which are exageration because they only remember what bothers them.

In the same manner that I never had any screenshot of people claiming that they loose more points than they earn points back to back in Bronze 5, there was no screenshot either from people claiming those high percentage of mirror games… Honestly, just give me at least one screenshot, especialy when it is so easy to do…


We did have one person who made the claim that they had 3 full mirrors in a row, and promptly posted the screenshots. Noone that I can recall then said they were wrong and it is impossible.

So yeah, if you say something and can back it up, only an unreasonable person would still refuse to accept it!


I dare them . If they are as courageous as you I have nothing to fear . Keep towing the line

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oO. Incredible, someone backing their claim. Do you remeber where this was?

Exactly. Just share the screenshot and it’s all fine. And it’s not like they played more games and can’t screenshot anymore because “they get mirrors all the time”. Could also upload to heroes profile.

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