I Like the all one Hero ARAM

Just to make sure no one can say no one likes the all one hero Aram I’ll say it I enjoy it, I think it tends to be interesting and while I don’t think I’d like it every game it’s a 1/50 chance so it isn’t every game, I feel like if ARAM was intended to replace the weekly brawl the developers should have went even further then just adding this single rare event.


I have enjoyed the all Murky mirrors, I loved the 2 all Butcher ones the best, I had a giggle fit in both those games.

The only mirror I hated was the all Genji, for the sole reason being that I’m the world’s worst Genji player.

Since they reduced the chance for mirrors to occur, I’ve only had 3 instances, it’s so rare, I often forget MM are still a thing until one pops.


I generally enjoy it. I do think it should be rare (which it is in my experience), and I kind of wish they limited the hero pool even further. Some heroes just don’t seem ideal for that sort of thing (Genji), and others seem perfectly suited to the mode (Thrall). Most of my friends find the all one Hero to be a fun change of pace, and the few that dislike it, actually prefer QM to ARAM in general, so to them it is just a slightly more tedious version of a mode they already find tedious.

I think one reason I enjoy it, is due to the expectations I have of ARAM. To me, it is a mode that I play when I want to break away from meta heroes, and deliberately play things that are outside of my comfort zone. In SL or QM, I am typically in the offlane or tanking, and almost always on something fairly meta. In ARAM, I get to branch out a lot more. Even if I am still playing a tank or bruiser, I can bust out the fancy moves on Tyrael, bounce all over the place as Yrel, or show the world that yes, main tank Li Li is a thing.

Because I am already approaching the match as “let’s try something different!” before I click the Ready button, I don’t feel like I am being forced when that something different pops up on my screen.


I just want a button or square you check to opt out of this when queueing for ARAM. Then the guys who enjoy it can play this with others who enjoy it to their hearts content. My main issue is that this mode was forced into our preferred game mode and wastes our time.

My secondary issue still stands though, every game I’ve been in someone else at a minimum does not like it and complains “this again? ugh” or suggests “wanna just sit in base to end it fast?”. This situation is unfair to people who like it and people who dislike it. Even if 20-30% of players in ARAM dislike it that is a big chunk of the playerbase being punished so that others who are neutral or enjoy it can get a chance to play this. Then when alt+F4ing it punishes those who like it by having to have AI or play against AI instead of real players.

You guys defending that you like it are simply muddying the waters here. Try arguing that you like it and also think what you like should be forced on all ARAM players. I dread every time it might proc and will continue to alt+F4 regardless of what you argue for anyway.

Only three? I’m at easily at 20+ and alt+F4ed most of them. That’s a lot of time saved.


I still quit every mirror match and switch to another account .


1000% this. Why is it forced? Feels like we had a nice break when they removed it, now it’s back and if one person leaves on your team, it’s a wasted effort to try to play to win. I don’t normally support leaving games, but i will absolutely leave forced all same hero ARAM.


I don’t mind same hero ARAM, but the bolded part in particular describes me. My friends sometimes drag me to do ARAM. Though I’m sometimes pleasantly surprised at my competency of heroes I never play, I’d rather play what I’m comfortable with and not feeling like a liability for heroes I’m not practiced with. And to learn a new hero, I’m just not going to play safe, that’s just not how I learn, so I can sometimes also be terrible. I’ve never been the type, no matter the game, that is a jack of all trades player.

So, me enjoying all hero ARAM would probably be more dependent on which hero it was. But it’s more ARAM the mode in general that I’m not that excited to begin with. Though picking one hero versus picking one of three increases those odds.

I recently played an all Sylvannas which was weird. She’s a hero that I’ve just refused to really entertain because of how noob friendly she was at release. My how things have changed lol. The game was fine, even with a leaver and afk. It was entertaining at the very least, I don’t know why people think it’s so terrible. I personally found it hilarious that I never really learned how her quest worked and there was one Sylv that was doing like 4x the average of everyone else.

The all Butcher games are still the best, but I forgot to mention how much fun I had with the two all Naz games. Zombie walls everywhere, and I had fun with the mini-game of trying to build my stacks before my own team could deny them.

Just how many ARAM games do you play daily/weekly?

I also like it, specially because it’s really really rare, so you get something different every other week instead of people just picking the same op aram heroes every game.

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I always loved it, was happy when it was finally readded after its unintentional removal. I play more Aram than previously just because I’m hoping for an AllSame match (generally I’m a QM dude, because just playing my chosen Hero is the best mode for me).

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There are bound to be a few people that like it.

That being said I have never once been in a game and heard anything but complaints when this mode comes up.

So for the few of you that like it, you are holding back the enjoyment of 95% of hots players because you like to be a contrarian in the forums. There’s a reason Blizz released a patch reducing the occurrence from 4 to 2%.

There should be an option to select “disable single hero mode” in aram to give players an option to choose if they want it to come up. I also wouldn’t mind an option to enable the pull party all stitches game, that one was pretty fun.

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I love all mirror games as well :blue_heart:


I have had a couple where people were clearly having fun with it, the last one being an all-Nazeebo where the first comment was, “EVERYONE, ALL SPIDERS!” I have a sneaking suspicion that if you start with whining right out of the gate, the only people that will respond are other whiners. The people who enjoy the mode will just be playing it.

That’s great if some people enjoy it. Like you said though “I’ve had a couple” implying that most of the time the response is not positive. I would argue that if you have a feature in a game that many/most people do not enjoy, forcing it on everyone for the sake of the few that enjoy it is not a smart game design decision.

On average I see at least 1-2 people outright quit when this mode comes up. I think having an option to disable it so that only people who want this mode can play it while those who do not can opt out.

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Um, in the past 3 months, I have played well over 100 ARAMs, and had only 3 of the “all the same hero” matches. Of those 3, only 1 had a complainer, and they sucked it up and played when no one else expressed sympathy for their dismay. While it isn’t a representative sample size, 2/3rds of my matches have nothing but happy people. :slight_smile:

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No, it’s because mirrors are just really rare to happen.


Ok, that is your experience. You already highlighted along with other posters that you like this mode. I, among others, do not.

This is a blizzard forum for any players of blizzard games to post feedback on the game. It’s fine if people disagree.

Like I said I think allowing people to opt in/out of this mode would satisfy everyone.


That is your opinion. Each person has a different experience playing ARAM. In the times I have almost every time a person has left or made some statement of disapproval. It’s ok for us to have different opinions. I never said people were wrong to like or dislike this mode.

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I just scrolled up and realized. The same 5-7 posters (each w/ several thousand posts) are the only ones who appear to have this opinion. Is this what you guys do? Just shark the forums all day and passive aggressively quash whatever topic you don’t like and then upvote each other? This is a blizzard forum, not your personal forum.


I’ve had a different experience. What hero is offered seems to be the biggest factor if players choose to stay or leave. The two all Naz games I had, nobody went AFK on either team, likewise for Murky and The Butcher.

The all Tracer, Maiev and Genji matches, received a very different response. Half the players on both teams either fed to towers, sat in base or disconnected.

Who knows, the Devs might do this someday if it won’t increase queue times, it would be an ideal solution. The recent bug fix patches, and the more recent patches which include some minor balances for heroes, gives me a very tiny bit of hope that other issues will be slowly addressed given enough time.

Err, I’m on record as someone who doesn’t really like mirror games. This is a thread about enjoying mirror games, so why would you come to this specific thread and expect it to be filled with comments hating on the feature?

If you’re looking for complaint threads, there are about a five dozen or so of those if you want to post there.