I Like the all one Hero ARAM


EVERYONE loves all one hero ARAM and anyone who says different is lying.


Problem is most of those who complain about mirrors are people who dont play anything els but ARAM. They cant suck it up and go play ranked or QM instead of filling the forums with boring posts that has been posted about 100 times already.

You even see some of those asking for ranked ARAMS instead of playing normal ranked. Like what difference would a ranked ARAM add to this game that normal ranked dont ? Just waste of time.

If ARAM is not fun anymore because of an 2% chance of giving you a mirror match then they spend that energy playing QM instead. Spamming the forums/Reddit with the same complains will get boring and get downvoted.

No one are really taking away options from them. They can choose to accept ARAM as it is now and play it or move on and play something els. Not really our fault that the devs did not make a vote ingame instead of doing it on Reddit.

If that vote would be big NO then it would never be added. If it then was a big YES like it was on Reddit then they would be forced to accept it or keep cooping that ARAM now got mirrors.

Either way those who complain about mirrors would still complain and alt F4 the game when it pops up even if Blizzard did a fair vote ingame.

Making mirrors into ints own game mode wont solve the problem anyway cause then you just force one part of the playerbase to have long ques while the others got quick ques just like TL/HL had.

And then you back to square one with people complaining about long ques and everything that follows.

People should just accept the reality that Hots is now and stop complaining about something that wont get fixed anyway. Play the game or dont. Complaining on the forums wont help them much.

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If you have your solution, why are you complaining about it on the forums?

Playing victim is what he want.

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I don’t actually. It hasn’t occurred to you, but I often tell jokes around here, and i do referential puns when I’m in a mood to type in game (ie, I don’t have chat muted). Examples of that are in my post history. Part of the issue of people, like yourself, that are afraid to know much of anything, is that you’re not good at predicting anything. When people can’t accurately predict things, they get frustrated, and frustration is not a good time, (frustration is when expectation and reality don’t align, so people that have bad observations and expectations are going to be frequently frustrated)

As has been the point this whole time, you have a problem, and you aren’t doing the things to solve that for yourself. You don’t engage with much, and instead you tell yourself lies to try to dilute the delusion. This isn’t about aram, or mirrors, is you being a problem for you. I don’t care about you, but you seem to somewhat care to do so and even go out of your way to complain in areas where people are looking for positivity instead. Since I’m around here to write stuff anyway, than I can write something that maybe, just maybe, you’ll consider beyond your bad impulse and bother to improve yourself a little.

Licorice is pretty much the model of an ‘acquired taste’. Tastes are learned, and people can learn to like or hate foods. example: How to Acquire a Taste: My Black Licorice Experiment

tl;dr They still don’t ‘like’ the licorice over other thing they’d rather eat, but they chronicled their effort with licorice and provided sources to corroborate other findings that does include how people approach something influences their capacity to enjoy it.

Actively, you’re impulsive, don’t care to think things through, and you demonstrably tell yourself lies: it’s not sustainable behavior and people can learn to do better now so they’re less miserable for it later. Maybe one day you’ll get to a point where you realize that, especially if you get old-enough to where normal sensations have decayed and you have to rely on strong aromas and flavors to compensate (ie, why ‘old people’ have very different tastes than when they were younger)

Despite ‘not caring’ you keep posting the same things which indicates you do care and try to convince yourself otherwise. Impulse behaviors are largely based on expectations so if you constantly ‘expect’ to not like things, then you’re going to act in a way to confirm that because tastes are acquired whether it be literal for food, or less so for music, activity, sociability and so on.

You are the thing that is wasting your own time and keeping you from liking things. I happen to like reading and writing, so I’m not afraid to spend a few minutes doing it. Maybe if you stop being scared of learning how to learn, you can afraid to put in a few moments to learn to like reading, writing, and learning a little bit too so you don’t have to loop so much of your ‘valuable’ time repeating the same complaints and acting like it’s something better than it actually isn’t.

can’t be a victim if I get what I want .

lmao quoting the post the knights flagged classic. I know what I like and what I don’t like . Sorry you don’t know yourself well enough to know the difference . Still hate licorice hate fig newtons hate snow going down my back hate small cars hate the smell of gasoline hate and when I hate something I do something to make the situation better. It doesn’t require the mental gymnastics of lying to myself . Pretend it’s fun if you want sounds tedious and laborious and serves no purpose in the end

so that others will understand that there is a better way . It’s called helping. Nobody should have to sit through a forced comp MM . let people opt out or don’t complain when they leave