I Like the all one Hero ARAM

Easy solution: find ppl who like it, let them play it. I will throw every singe clone aram anyways.

I’m playing ARAM right now, and I’ll be back in a sec to reply.

Okay, I’m back, a win with Andiun!

I have only had a handful of mirror matches after the Dev reduced the odds for it to occur. Prior to that patch, yeah, there were way too many mirror matches and it got old fast.

Maybe you discourage your teammates in ARAM by saying you’re going to AFK? In a previous post, you have said you often disconnect when mirror games pop, someone doing that wouldn’t put me in the mood to like mirror games either. You shouldn’t be surprised that if you disconnect, or go AFK, yeah, people won’t seem to “like” those games, as few enjoy playing a match 4vs5 or 3vs5, because someone on their team decided to quit.

This is funny, because since mirror games were introduced, I’ve been very consistent in saying I don’t like them, but after the patch, they are now a rare occurrence, so it’s not worth complaining about IMO.

As you’re giving your personal anecdotes to claim “all players in the game hate mirror games”, I’ll share some of my own.

When it comes to mirror games, I have noticed that players usually play through a game if the hero is easy to play (Nazeebo), and/or works well in ARAM as a mirror. In my experience, people jump ship if they get an all Tracer, or all Genji game, or any hero that is a bit niche (Maiev) and requires more than average skill to play (Maiev). Perhaps disabling some heroes for this feature might help, but even an easy hero, like Nazeebo, is either hard, or simply not fun for some people.

Also, your post count obsession is all projection. Of the few regulars who remain, I only know of two who don’t play the game. Hoku and Phase are in the NGS. Sami who probably has the highest post count of anyone here, posts almost daily clips of them playing Hots in my GG thread.

As Hoku said, just play the rare mirror game through, you won’t land in leavers queue and I’ve noticed when people all just muck in and play mirror games, they are usually over faster than if you have someone AFK.

Evidence that I am more than happy to play ARAM.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet

The Butcher match was a mirror, the rest were your regular, run-of-the-mill ARAM. I play pretty much any mode, it mostly depends on my mood and if I have friends on that want to play something specific. On the weekends, I will often play 4+ hours in a night. The weekdays are a little less spammy, as I do have to get up in the mornings.

So, stop making the claim that people with a high post count don’t even play the game. It may be true for one or two people, but it certainly isn’t an absolute.

Edit: Good grief, I like to play weird stuff. lol Not a single Ming/Azmo/Zag/Zul’jin or whatever heroes people like to complain about in ARAM. Too boring, give me oddballs like Yrel or Lucio!

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They do. They’re just not in loser’s (leaver’s, same thing) queue so you’ll never see them.


I enjoy ARAM’s and I mainly use it to bounce out of leaver’s queue. Leaver’s queue ARAM is a mess and I still find those matches fun. This clown just like to sit here and whine for some stupid reason instead of spending his time doing something he actually enjoys.

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Yeah, but the main point I was trying to make was that he complains about not seeing regulars in ARAM when the regulars don’t really have a quitting mentality so they won’t be in leaver’s queue.

Even if you’re in leaver’s queue, you don’t complain about it so it’s all good.


He says all that because he can’t comprehend someone liking something he doesn’t. He dislikes it, therefore its bad… if someone says otherwise they must be lying, or haven’t experienced it. Once he sees someone disagree with him and actually like the mode (despite playing the mode under the worst circumstances, like me playing ARAM’s with leaver’s status), his brain explodes from our outlandish comments and he begins the 5 stages of grief. Right now he’s stuck in denial. “All my friends dislike the mode, so everyone must!”, but he probably failed to mention, those friends are probably his alt accounts lol


Oh, it’s worse. With me, I have told him I don’t like mirror games, but as they don’t occur often, I’m okay with them.

Because I didn’t say mirror games should be nuked from orbit, I’m put in the “forum hive mind” box too. I don’t understand why some people have to be so polarized about things, even more silly to be so rigid over a video game of all things.

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If you read on Hots sub-Reddit forum you will see the same people complaining about mirrors and get downvoted cause they repeately leave when they know what they que up for.

Sadly even if mirrors would be gone again tomorrow people would just find something new to complain about.

You will find plenty of remove X hero on this forum and on Reddit that they mostly complained about before. They would also complain about other player’s hero choices if it does not fit the comp and reduce your win chances but that is not what ARAM is about.

When I was still playing people would give up on the spot if your comp was weak compared to your opponent and would go afk in base or feed for faster loss. Mirrors are no different. Same story same quitter mentality.


Once upon a time, for the majority, ARAM was a supplemental mode, where the “random” was the understood point.

Time has passed, and I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that ARAM has now supplanted QM as the most popular PVP mode. I think about the time someone posted a thread here requesting “Ranked ARAM”, I started to notice an increase in complaints, asking for hero removals, balance ult removals, etc., as for so many people ARAM, is now their most played game mode.

You’re right, though, most people don’t even need a reason to complain, they will find something.

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the knights run this forum. right into the ground.

Mirrors match is just another reason to have multiple accounts

Yet, I’ve consistently said I don’t like mirror games. It’s almost like the “forums” don’t speak with one singular voice.

yea almost … . . . . .

You will be back complaining about Zuljin/Azmodan/Mephisto and Li-Ming next week if it was removed.

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logic ? nah just say random stuff. remove Mirror match and see who complains . NOBODY

There are plenty of topics about remove X hero from ARAM that was made both here and on Reddit when mirrors was removed last time. You can go check it out for yourself if you dont believe me. It does not take 2 brain cells to figure out that people in this game love to complain about almost everything. When X problem has been removed then they compain about Y problem instead.

Removing mirror games wont make the complainers shut up. They will find new stuff to complain about.

You will have people who rage quit cause you did not pick the only healer option or did not pick meta hero like KT. They might quit complaining about mirrors but they wont stop complaining about everything els they love to complain about.

yea that’s great but completely off topic. you are always here complaining as well so you are right about that. complaints are a barometer for the quality of a game. MM are not beneficial to the health of this game . if MM were removed this second nobody would care and it would be one less thing hurting the game. anyone that thinks MM helps the game clearly does not care about the success of the game

Or just accept that you will be playing a mirror with some people that like the gamemode 2 times out of 100 or so. That way everybody wins and everybody is happy.

Getting rid of mirrors is the same as making it only mirrors. The way it is today is good because people who like it can play it here and there, and those who don’t will play very rarely. Just like you will play with and against heroes you like/don’t like in QM/ranked/Aram, or play on maps you like/don’t like.

If people quit for everything they don’t like, no one would play the game ever.

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“Getting rid of mirrors is the same as making it only mirrors”
very illogical .
fortunately I do not have to sit through a match I didn’t Q for . Switch accounts and carry on.

“2 times out of 100 or so”

also not true . maybe it’s your personal experience I see MM more often than that . back to back MM still happens. And if MM went away nobody would care because nobody asked for this abomination mode. punish the majority seems to be the rule