I cant find rank games ,i play on eu servers ( im silver 2 . 170acc lv). I tryd install fresh copy try scan and fix still have issue
but qm i find brawl almost instant .Still takes eternity to find game
I try to play on my friend acc find game instant is my acc is bugged out or something.
http:// prntscr .com/oiehtq
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my thoughts on this would be that there are a number of things that can cause it.
it can be caused by playing during non-peak hours. for instance it may say “100s” estimated queue but the estimated queue time doesnt actually update very fast. so if everyone got in a few games right before they went to work? maybe it was fast for them. then everyone left and now the queue slowed down. that would be just an example.
something else might be that you are just bugged. 6000s is a strangely high number for silver tbh unless you were in some really low population region. what you might do is exit the queue and close the game for 30s or so to reset your connection to the HotS server. then go back in and see if it gets better. normally you should be able to just exit queue and start it back up…but exiting the game may help if there is something weird going on.
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thx for reply but i found reason 57.000 seconds waiting time. EU server. SL it just my mmr is too high for my rank .
That explains why i always play against diamond as silver
yes that can cause it too. if you are just really good and winning all the time it can be hard to match you to someone of your skill level. i have had this problem before in the past. where ppl would say they would get into games in less than 200s it would take me over 600s to get a game.
yeah i won 10 placement games and still end up in bronze jump through bronze like in sec same thing with silver until i get stuck my win rate was over 75% . it just funny i only play like 30 games of rank . Wish they can fix this so i dont end my season in this elo . I saw post somewhere it says if u team up with some friends u can bypass this bug i need to try that . anyway thx for help.