How is it I am a bronze 5 with 55% winrate

Read it again.

Hint: I don’t care about my or your or anyone else comparative skill. So all might as well just stop bring it into the conversation as if it matter. What I do care about is if it is a fun experience. Storm league in this context isn’t fun. It will never be fun regardless of how hard you try to “advise” me otherwise.

This is where you’re wrong. And it shows how twisted your mindset is here.

No one, and I mean no one tried to advise you to have fun in SL.

How many, and what kind of logic jump did you just did? Arguing against what you said isn’t trying to advise/persuade you to have fun in SL. Debunking lies or misleading statement isn’t trying to advise/convince you that SL is fun. Me calling SL experience or environment as “competitive” isn’t trying to advise you to have fun in SL.

Stop putting words in other’s mouth, will you? You don’t have to like SL. You not liking SL doesn’t mean you’re right on what you said (beside your opinion of not having fun in SL, not liking SL).

I’m not wrong. You, however, clearly never experienced a real competitive environment as a child and therefore haven’t a clue.

Go join a basketball or volleyball league and get back to me about how upset you were that they didn’t give you a skill rating at the end of the season.

lol. Maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh on you, but dang~~

That’s not what I was referring to when I said “this is where you’re wrong”. Read again. You’re wrong in that you think I or others are trying to convince you that SL is fun, or that you should have fun in SL. Us guys never did, hence “this is where you’re wrong”.

In your above quote, you’re talking about definition of “competitiveness”, how you’re right, not wrong, in your understanding of it.

This is the problem we had before. You can’t seem to understand what is being said properly

Oh yeah. And nice ad hominem btw. Somehow, ad hominem never bothered me. It only showed the mindset behind the person who’s saying it to me (which I wouldn’t mention right now).

It’s not an ad hominem, it’s a statement that it is clear to me that you and many other poster have never had a real competitive experience. Otherwise you would be aware of the difference.

You’re right, instead you are saying that I am a “bad player” and if I would just “git gud” the game would suddenly be the experience I am looking for. That couldn’t be further from the truth. More importantly, it’s not something I care anything about.

Pst! Mizpah and the others!
    StrangeHero / Zena(sprime) or whatever was always a troll or some deluded stonehead, not worth anyone's time.
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TheBatz is and will alway be a troll.

Did say more or less that you’re a less skilled player. Didn’t say the game would suddenly be the experience you’re looking for if you “git gud”.

I or others said, if you really are “gud”, you would be able to climb out of Wood league. Us guys never mentioned your enjoyment in this.

Eeep. I think we had this before. Ok, I’ll stop for now.

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I’m not interested in climbing out of anything.

What I am interested is in game play that is fun.

Grinding a progress bar as a lifestyle isn’t, and never will be fun.

  1. I’ll start by calling you out for distorting reality (you know)
  2. If you are truly a D2 level player, you should have 90%+ Winrate in Bronze 5. Yet you only have 55%. But for some reason, you have the lowest rank with a positive WR. That could be 2 things. Either you did something to tank your rating OR maybe always playing in a 5 stack always left your account with an “Uncertain” MMR rating. If you always play in a stack and are B5, the game assumes your diamond friends are carrying you, so it gives you almost no points. So now when you go and play a solo game, it doesn’t know if it trusts your MMR and continues giving minimal points for wins as your winrates solo vs group don’t add up.

What are you doing in wood league anyway.

Then why are you complaining you cant get out of wood league if ranks means nothing to you lol ? Seems like you just wasted alot of people’s time arguing about nothing just to now tell you dont care about ranks and only seek out fun games.

If you are only playing 2 games/day/week or whatever you do and expect the system to give you higher ranks then I can tell you you gonna get disappointed.

Just like a tennis player is grinding a ladder you are doing that aswell in the most competitive game mode Hots got.

Just like a top club in football can lose to a 3 divison club. Just because someone on paper is the best player in a tournement does not mean he will win it. So if a rank 1000 tennis player ends up winning against the rank 1 player just means the rank 1000 player was just better than him that day. But over multiple games the rank 1 will still end up winning more games then the other cause his skill lvl is just that much higher and he got more experince.

So stobbon man is stobbon and only want to listen to yes men. Thats why no one should bother with you.

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I’m not complaining about it. I’m telling you that it’s not fun. Why should I or anyone engage in an activity if it’s not fun.

It could be fun, but then you guys would throw a hissy fit like you are doing right now.

For someone complaining so much, you are the one making the issue you’re faulting at others.

You havent had “fun” with league for forever and a day, but when you come around to the forums, what you
actually post about is you going back time and again to the mode to keep playing it.

You claim to “not care” but that is the thinf you talk about and highjack threads to make them about you.

You’re doing a disservice of making yourself out tombe an effectual
lair, and then blaming others form instead because you don’t read the replies, you just run a you vs the world script.

You react poorly to data that doesn’t agree with you, overgeneralize your hyperbole to argue against something “no one” actually wrote, and continue to claim it’s anyone else that needs to read despite the apparent incongruity between what you actually say compares to what is on the board.

Since it apparently hasn’t occurrd to you, you might wanna read the OP of the topic and notice your complaint of bronze 5 aligns with the previous discussion on what is “possible” being different form your strawman on what is “fun”.

You were called out that distinction from the get go, but time after time, topic after topic, you are the one going back to play more storm league games and then fault the forums for you doing it.

Typical forum responses tend to include gameplay advise or perspectives in the hopes struggling players may deviate their actions and then have fun because they did better, found a new hero or build, or made a friend.

The implication is increasing enjoyment by doing better, but it is not explicitly stated, nor is it directed at leagues or ranks.

You are presenting a case for being your own strawman and arguing against yourself. You’re not getting replies by ranked “mains”, you’re getting replies by people that you gave the impression of wanting questioned answered, so that’s what they did.

You should put in that effort of reading you expect, but don’t do.


SrangeHero you are the real MVP talking about fackt and seames to see the game from both sides. My English isn’t so strong I could describe the problems nobody wants to see or hear in HOTS. it is really sad to see all who praise the game like there is no fault and nothing needs to be changed!!! Sad to see. MM does work Blizzard doesn’t care and the high level doesn’t care either because they never started from scratch alone.

To all of you who think this game is so perfect, why don’t make a YT channel we all can see how you get from bronze 5 to GM. Just make a new account.

I really love this game but it has been unfair for so long now on MM.
Wish back to the old days with Valla you got for free with Diablo 3.

Have a good life and let’s hope that any channel can get over 200 people in chat both on the EU and US server

BTW there are so many good cheap ACC on HOTS like 20$ online that is Plat

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Only one jump: a faster than light jump straight into a black hole.

If its not fun for you, don’t play the mode.

The simple fact is it takes time, persistence, and skill to climb. All you’d need to do is play and you’ll eventually climb. You just don’t want to put in the work.

Your mistake is believing that it isn’t fun because its competitive. Ranked modes are meant to be competitive by design, not as competitive as an organized tournament or what have you, but its still competitive. However it doesn’t mean they can’t be fun.

You know what isn’t fun? When your teammates leave games which based on the fact you are in the lowest possible rank and claim you have a 55% win rate it just shows that you probably intentionally leave a lot of games. A positive win rate means you win more than you lose and if you win more than you lose, you’ll climb, not fall down to negative bronze league. Stop blaming the game for your actions and take some accountability.

Either play the game more so that you can win more games, or don’t, but don’t blame the game for your situation when you’re the one who caused it.



Sure buddy. You have fun with that.

It actually is fun for me, because I didn’t put myself in as bad of a situation as you have.

I have no doubt. Like a slot machine is fun to a gambling addict.

LoL, if the casinos actually gave you games so that you’d win more like it does in HOTS, they’d be out of business. It’s not the matchmaker’s fault you keep losing.