How is it I am a bronze 5 with a 55% winrate and it could be 70% if non afk or troll
So how do they calculate the winrate when there is afks, trolls, and the toxic player who doesn’t care?
Do silver, gold, plat, diamond, GM, with a winrate lower than 55% go back to bronze 5?
I also play with 4 man team that gets super easy from gold to plat diamond.
Why is it so hard for Blizzard to get a normal MM… didn’t play LoL for a long time still fun bc they get the MM correct…
IDK the innerworkings but it might somehow be deducing that your getting carried by your team and is hitting you with less mmr for wins and a harder hit to mmr in losses I really dont know though, could also be the amount of matches you’ve played or if you’ve been hard stuck in bronze for awhile you might actually be in wood league (which hots doesn’t actually show)
I definitely don’t get carried by any teammate… I do the carry I can.
My main is a Diamond 2, so I don’t think a Bronze 5 player carries me.
And this game is not like LoL where you can carry people easily.
the problem is there is like 7 hero you can carry the game with in HOTS.
in LoL, you can carry with you all heroes.
That seems likely that you part take in your own share of game leaving yourself, whether during draft or before game ends. Hence, your winrate not really reflecting how much points you actually gained/lost throughout your games.
Sorry. I will forever stick by this stance. If you’re truly Diamond, there is no way you won’t be carrying in Bronze. Maybe there is that 0.01% chance of that fringe fringe case, I don’t know. But normally, I can’t see it happening. I’m pretty sure even healer mains can easily climb out of Bronze.
This Diamond rank, you’re talking about SL rank, right? Not QM MMR, not old HL days rank, right?
Can you carry a team with AFK, semi-AFK, Trolls, Bots…
What hero you think aI can carry 2 team members like that…
You are welcome to play 2 games with me. with 2 afks and then I can blame you for not carrying afks or bots…
I have zero problems with my 4 man Diamond team and it is fun to play with them, (My Diamond team is on an EU server)
I have 11 heroes over level 50 (EU, US, ASIA) But only 2 ACC over level 1500.
Us I only have 2 acc
I heard that argument before. Maybe it was you on your main.
One advice I have been giving to low MMR/rank players. If you can get out of low rank/MMR, get out asap. I gave this advice for that very reason you’re describing. It’s not a hard pattern to notice, low mmr players not taking the game seriously while higher mmr players do. There is nothing grandeur in low mmr, oh I can chill, play off meta heroes, simply enjoy blah blah blah. No. Because you can’t have a proper game to enjoy in low mmr.
And if the player is indeed Diamond, it is my belief that you can’t drop to B5 in the first place. Were you trying to do B2GM or something?
I believe I mentioned this before. There is little chance that we would be playing together. Nothing personal, nothing to do with ‘oh, I don’t want to play with you’, but all about time zone, each of our schedule, ping issue. That’s why I should have had asked you for replays. Both your Bronze game and Diamond game preferrably.
Maybe it is my English that isn’t perfect because I am from Scandinavia so I don’t understand you clearly. my fault have 3 other languages to learn, so sometimes I misunderstand people outside the EU.
I just want to make it clear that my EU account is a Diamond, not the US account.
Us account I only made this because more people talk over the voice, but in the EU nobody talks together which I think is sad. The same goes for the Asian server when I stay in Thailand.
I didn’t drop from Diamond to B5 from the US server and never played Diamond in the US. Just wondering why 55% winrare is equal B5 in the US when in the EU is like SL3
But it is still frustrating my friend can make 30 bots in the US HOTS server get silver with them and sell them on eBay. offcorce he doesn’t care how much the bots lose bc next season they get a bump and bc he plays the first 3 games.
Make sure you only have Storm League selected when you look at your stats. And the correct season.
Otherwise, you just need to play more games.
it takes a lot of losing and leaving to get to bronze 5. So it’s going to take a lot of winning to get out of it.
Being able to play at diamond doesn’t mean you can carry at bronze; a 4-man stack can carry a morales while medic is likely to be unable to solo-carry at bronze 5.
There are different tactics and priorities that work at different regions and mmr; you not knowing this is probably why you’re stuck at bronze 5 on an alt account.
Despite having feeder/afk teammates, players well-skilled above bronze can carry those games with select heroes. Back in the day some even streamed their bronze-to-gm climbs on healers, though that still has a limited pool.
Heroes that can push, take mercs, and escape ganks help offset the xp loss by having allies that are deadweight until the game gets to a late-game moment where death timers, objectives, or split pushes allow one side to win despite playing with a handicap.
Blaming matchmaking is just a crutch for players that don’t actually have the skill they think they do
Yes. I personally carried games with afks, you just need to ping them so their bot doesn’t sit in Base.
Also, on the long run, those afks/trolls happen more often as your enemies, since on paper, you don’t do that, so that leaves 4 slots on your side while the enemy has 5 slots for those.
With 55% winrate, you’ll climb out of B5, but you are probably in “Wood Rank” in reality if it’s that slow, which makes your case suspicious, like how did you fall so low? I personally never believe the ranks of ppl’s “other accounts”, which are obviously always high ranked, lol.
Leaving games result in drop in points. Normally, drop in points occurs when you lose the game, which also equals decrease in winrate (this pretty much makes, low rank = low winrate, formula you’re expecting). Leaving games causes your winrate not to decrease but your points still drops (this can make, low rank =/= low winrate). There is also some other exploit regarding leaving games afaik, but I won’t go over it.
This can lead to your winrate being up there, equivalent to higher rank winrate, but your actual rank could be down there. That’s why I speculated you part take in your own afk / leaving game action, despite your criticism towards it. Maybe yours is for legit reason, distance, lag, ping, connection issue, but nonetheless.
I bet I could. It would just take a load of games like you said. Morales at Bronze actually has a higher win rate than a fair amount of the line up. If you actually played at a diamond level, it’d be pretty easy to carry. Fan was able to carry his game with Morales at bronze and he is legit terrible at her.
Sure I just take your word for it. Seames all can carry Afks, Semi-afks, Trolls, Bots, who run to tower and die and nest game he’s on your team again with 5 reports. and the toxic people who get angry for taking camps and rotating.
You guys live in another world but that’s okay. Show me a Bronze 6 to GM and I believe you without the Twitch boost bc they never get any of those people. (Bad PR for the game)
So upload your journey on YT from bronze 5 to GM and you have my respect.
Like you guys I could just say I win 110% of my games trust me bro!! 2 afk NP I carry 4 if I need.
As I said I have 11 ACC all are different. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat… And the main Diamond. spread over EU, US, ASIA…
The only thing I found out in this forum is the one with the most posts is the one who doesn’t dare say anything bad about HOTS.
It’s called “not bronze 5” because [we] have stable accounts that already did the climb, and people have to go out of their way to get into it.
Here’s a very telling concern: you aren’t interested in how to do better, you’re just looking for something to blame, and in turn, you find people to try and blame instead.
That’s what low-skilled play do, and they do it because they don’t know enough to do otherwise because they’re already convinced that they’re “right”.
Do I win every game I’ve had with 2 afk players? No, but I have won games despite having 2 afk/leavers. I generally don’t have deliberate feeders at where I play since, outside of leaver queue, more people are trying to simply play the game than not. However, people that aren’t good-enough to impact the game positively think they have more power to affect it negatively, and they usually do that ‘round players that don’t have enough motivation to offset the difference.
It’s not what you “Found out”. You’re probably referencing Karabas who has some 14750 posts. Have you even read 1% of those? But despite the demonstrable gap in knowledge/ignorance, you’re convinced you’ve drawn a conclusion that is somehow more correct than otherwise. Despite you also having a similar gap in game experience, you’ve also convinced yourself of other erroneous solutions.
One thing you’re clearly hurting yourself with on your experience is denying yourself possibilities before you try. Many experienced players don’t say anything “negative” about the game because, frankly, it doesn’t do anything.
Does saying bad things bring in money and devs to finance new content for the game?
Does saying bad things about the game enable people to play better?
Does “” “” bring in nerfs or buffs?
It doesn’t. So people experienced at the game do not bother “saying bad things” at common outlets because their perspective is apart from that and they’d rather focus on what they can change. Usually it’s themselves, and not the game.
There’s a collection of posts people have for venting and being “salty” in a specific topic, so even your inclination of someone who “cant say bad things” has posts where they “complain” about players, drafts, modes, etc.
You don’t “have to take a word for it” you just don’t want to put in the effort it takes to get the results you want. That’s why it’s anyone else that has to “climb from bronze 6” Yea, people know that it’s frustrating and arguably takes longer than it could/should because they’ve done it. Some bear the advise of just rerolling instead of trying to climb out of bronze 5, but ultimately, the main factor your can control is your own play, and it takes a different playstyle to climb out of the lower ranks than what can pass at higher mmr.
You’re so convinced it can’t happen that you don’t bother to ask how to do it, so you’re not doing the things it takes to make the change. That’s why you’ll be convinced of being ‘right’ despite having less than 1% of equivalent experience be it reading, or playing a game. It is a ‘world apart’ to invest that much time, and to put that time to try to do better personally, and to try to help others do better too.
Easy way to disclude Fan’s run I see. I’m sure there are occasional streamer buff. But in the long run, at least in Blizz game, there is simply no evidence for streamer buff.
And in case you don’t know who and what these Blizz game users are capable of, these guys found slight statistical anomaly in HS (which the devs had to admit and compensate), these guys make spreadsheet to min, max numbers, these guys make programs to handle, check stuff game related. If there were something called streamer buff, they would’ve found evidence, stats for it.
Fan’s run is legit as it can get.
Bro. GMs are very very few among the playerbase to begin with. I can’t do B2GM, not because the concept is impossible, but because I don’t have the skill to hit GM in the first place. B2Diamond, B2lowMaster, I could.
Only trolls and griefers screw facts like that. These forumers all said something bad about HotS before. But that’s not in your radar, is it? The only thing that comes into your radar is when those forumers disagree something with you.
You do know in order to get to B5 or B6, you need to be B4 first, right? In order to hit B4, you need to be B3. B3, B2. B2, B1. I just can’t fathom how higher rank player can drop to B2 in the first place. Or, for the sake of argument and techicality, let’s just say B3.
And I asked for the next best thing (other than asking you to share that B6 account to do the climb themselves, which is against the EULA btw). Share some of your Bronze gameplays.
Do you think I never checked my own gameplay? I did. And what I noticed is, you don’t particularly see your own superplay. And that’s because most of the stuff goes in your mind. I did this positioning, I moved like this and that, maneuvering, all because of my mind game with the enemy. That is how I was able to have the upperhand on my enemy. But you nor I when I checked the replay again won’t see it.
I’m saying, it’s tototally fine for your replay to be bland. What I’m trying to find are mistakes, wrong positioning, wrong macro decisions that might cause you to not climb. You don’t need youtube. Heroesprofile all does it for you. Upload some games on Heroesprofile, and we will be able to see and check it.
You can do your research instead? Tho that requires a lot of effort which you better put into your HotS skills (or some real life stuff) imo.
So feel free to not believe our stories, but then we won’t believe yours either with the 11 accs in all different ranks. Now who gained what from this attitude?
It’s simple math. You are in all of your matches, so your team has 4 randoms, and the enemy has 5. If you are better than the average your rank has, you’ll win more. If you win more, you climb (no matter how slowly).
There are tons of b5-gm on youtube and twitch. But I have friends who are not streamers and climbed out from B5 after being “hardstuck”. One is a Malthael main, who reached Plat (pretty far from B5), after they became better (the forums provided many useful tips for him (yes, even me, what surprise with my many posts)).
I was never in B5, because when I started Ranked, I was already at Gold level. But I started as someone who lost to vsAI despite having friends helping him. And after years of being in Gold rank, I became better and started to climb. I reached Master rank in HL, TL and SL.
And I had 10k games, I had my fair share of afks, but I did carry games with them. Even if not all or the majority. It doesn’t matter, on the long run, you need to face more afks as enemies, because you’re never one (on paper).
No offence to low bronze players but I guess it would cost me quite some effort to keep myself in bronze 5. Some basic knowledge makes it really hard not to climb outof bronze… Even if you fool around🥴
I have to admit I created some other accounts. Once because I got suspended for one month for rude behaviour (yes kinda guilty), once I was wondering how far i would get by mainly playing Hanzo who seemed stuck on a 35% winrate on my dia account, another time I needed a lower ranked account to be able to play with some friends…
However it never took me very long to reach high plat/low dia. So I just don’t believe that you are truly a dia 2 player. Because it is very easy to carry bronze, you really can tell a big difference…
If you are that good on your main then you would not be in B5 to begin with. To be in B5 you would have to lose every game. Also remember B5 that only gives about 5 point/win is cause you are deeper down the ladder but it dont show on the screen. Like B10 or something.
Something does not add up in your story.
That hasn’t worked for me
I’m certain it did.