How is it I am a bronze 5 with 55% winrate

I have no issues with losing. It comes with the territory of playing games, especially in competitive games where there is both a winning and a losing team.


Again, you have yourself so wrapped up in your own emotional feelings about the subject that you can’t see the forest through that trees.

Is this you?

You don’t know much about what an addiction is do you? Playing a game and enjoying it doesn’t mean someone is an addict.

Glad you finally understand it is competitive. I don’t see why you’re complaining if you seem content with being where you’re at.

The issue isn’t your english, or any of the “5 languages” you claim to know. (Feel free to post in them; a lot of browsers autotranslate) Your issue is that you’re ignorant and refuse to not be.

StrangeHero has not expressed any “facts” but you are convinced they have because their posts look like they “agree” with what you want to say. Most vocal people (complainers) complain because they don’t know any better.

Strangehero has not provided replays, developer notes, datamining, or anything else beyond some quick multiplication (that misses the point they’re trying to claim) and an anecdote that – honestly – is not consistent. While those specific details haven’t been conveyed in this topic, many posters here are aware of sources that have posted “facts”, and have linked to more substantive information that posters who do not keep information consistent from one replay to the next.

Strangehero has convinced himself that the posters are making an argument that hasn’t actually been stated, or even implied. You have convinced yourself that people think and claim something that hasn’t been stated.

Each person here has things that they think the game needs to change and they have expressed as such over the years.

You, however, haven’t bothered to read any of that because you think that you are already right. You being ignorant, and convincing yourself of falsehoods creates a host of problems for you that other players do not experience. Just because they don’t complain doens’t mean the game is ‘perfect’ but you have lied enough to yourself to think as such.

The core problem of hardstuck players in bronze is that they got there. They also tend to think anything else is the fault for that, and it must therefore be solved by anything else that isn’t them. They do not ask how to get better because they don’t understand how that can help.

In the time since you have last posted, several other posters have realized they have made mistakes, and put in effort to learn more, and fix that. That is a fundamental skill that they have learned: that they can be wrong, but they can also improve.

A typical ‘bronze’ player is “stuck” because they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong, and they think they’re incapable of effectively improving. You and Strangehero have to invent rules to disqualify that players can genuinely do what you can’t and you think that because you’re ignorant, and you lie to yourself. Your appraisal of ‘skill’ is ignorant, so you invent excuses for how anyone else cant do what you won’t.

It isn’t worth it for anyone to spend hours making a new account to end up placed at silver and then try to throw games to get down into 0 mmr and ‘try’ to climb out. Instead of you putting in minutes of efforts, you expect anyone else to put in days by comparison.

That’s not a defect of this, or any moba game, it’ the issue of people who don’t know the difference between a “fact” and an ‘agreement’. You want things to agree with you, but you’re otherwise scared to read if they actually do.

HotS isn’t “perfect” and one of the biggest issues that plagues the game are players that aren’t skilled, observant, or knowledgable about the game. So, one of the ways the game can be made better is by trying to inform players, offer advise and perspectives they hadn’t otherwise considered, and then hope it has a “butterfly effect” on improve the next person and so on.

It rarely works out due to the vehement resilience people have to acknowledging how they, personally, can change, but it’s one of the few pragmatic outlets available for people that don’t actually think they game is ‘perfect’ and would like to see it get better.

Should you used any of your 5 languages to stop lying to yourself, maybe you could actually read what people post instead of inventing conversations for you to argue against yourself.


That is my stream. Left HOTS in 2018 and came back recently. I am documenting my journey to get back to master after I was placed B5 borderline B4 in a fresh new account. I play solo only. Currently G3.

Keep that win rate and you’ll rank up god speed. Have fun.


Does it answer your question?

This means StrangeHero belongs in B5.
There’s a simpler way to find out, tho.
Watching how he plays.
If he stays mid for more than 1 min 30 sec, legit bronze :exploding_head:


It does!

And you wouldn’t believe that I was actually looking for that thread as well. Not for the answer you’ve given me, but for this,

I know it involved a debate between me Xivilaikhys, but as his profile is hidden (tried to find it through his history), I was just gonna not find it, and if I’ve done the testing, just do it out of memory (I basically knew what I was gonna do the testing on, didn’t remember which side the test result I was banking on). I may have to read all that is written there over again.


they do get stacked, not in 50+50 per play stack, but still 50 per play, all the way up to 500+500.


no on this. You essentially get all the points back without needing to play the game. That doesn’t sound good for zenas’ position, albeit, Wood league might work tad different. It basically means he indeed dropped there without the interference from some fidgety system.

And that’s just me I guess :zipper_mouth_face:. Already read it before, didn’t remember, when I kinda consider myself as having somewhat good memory.

But it is somehow not consistent either if the 55% win rate given is the correct one. Well, except if

  1. by disconnect, it is meant after the lobby (which I would not know);
  2. the disconnect loose is not accounted in the win rate of the statistics tab (which is the case);
  3. the disconnect loose indeed change permanently the MMR and is not just temporary (which I guess is the case but no confirmation of that).

We don’t need to revive that train wreck of mine. In that thread I was being stubborn and a real a-hole. My apologies.

My reasoning made sense to me at the time because it had been stated by an official patch update that the two were linked and no information was given stating that leaver penalty affected this, so it didn’t make sense to me to believe that it did. I think in that thread it was said that others experienced a difference between MMR and rank points but what I experienced (which was me intentionally dropping rank through penalty to see if I’d get silver 1 games or silver 3 or 4 and I believe I had still gotten the latter, I don’t remember) seemed to differ from theirs and lined up with the patch notes saying they were linked so I didn’t feel like I needed to deviate from what I said. That thread was filled with my experience was this, mine was that but other than the patch notes, nothing was really concrete. It was all based on anecdotal evidence and pretty easy to view it as my word against yours, which of course, I believed my own experiences before anyone else’s which I thought was right since it matched what the patch notes said. I didn’t feel like I had any reason to believe otherwise at the time.

If the reason experimenting this is to prove some whiner on a forum wrong, its not worth anyone’s time in the slightest due to how tedious the process of doing that is. I’d just go with what others have said about the topic. My experience didn’t match what others had said, but my experience doesn’t speak for the whole. If I could erase that thread from the internet I would.


Your audio output is incredibly low. You may want to fix that.

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Say what you like about others here, but I didn’t diminish the difficulty you might have moving out of Bronze 5.

I did ask you a very pertinent question, and I’ll ask it again: “How many rank points are you currently sitting on in Bronze 5?”

You can’t expect people to “do the math”, when you withhold vital details such as the above. If you’re only 100 points away from reaching Bronze 4, then the number of games needed to rank up are few.

However, if you’re sitting in Bronze 5 with little to no rank points, then either you’ve had the worst luck ever (for someone who said their account was Platinum), or the system has ranked you correctly.

Either way, I get that some of the advice being offered to you might seem and sometimes is harsh, but ignoring the tone of how this advice is offered, most advice you’ve been given is valid. As you’re a former Platinum player, I’m confident you can lift yourself out of B5 if you put into practice just a few of the tips that you’ve been given.


That’s after playing 11 games.

Players in platinum and diamond make just as many stupid mistakes as players in Bronze. And everyone can micromanage and nitpick a vod after the fact, telling the player what they “should have done” even in Masters.

Regardless, none of that “advice” is going to change the fact that grinding B5 at 55% win rate is in any way a fun experience. Not for me, not for you, not for anyone in this chat. If any of you were faced with a year long slog in B5 to earn enough points to get promoted out of that hell hole, you wouldn’t be interested in it either.

I don’t consider myself a “good” player, and I’m sure my skill level has decreased over the past few years. Yet, I’ve maintained my rank for the most part, with some dips into Gold.

If somehow I had fallen to the very bottom of Bronze 5 from Plat, I would be forced to take that on the chin, as it would be very unlikely that “bad luck” was the primary reason I fell that hard.

I don’t completely disagree with both of these points, but it still glosses over how you have somehow found yourself in this position.

Personally, I think players in Bronze 5 should be awarded more points for consecutive wins, so a player on a winning streak is rewarded and lifted out of Bronze 5 faster than the current system allows.

You’re not in a position to say that…
I’m in Gold right now and I can see both side of the spectrum when duo queue do their magic. High Bronze with low Gold, Gold with Diamond.
The typical Bronze wanders around slowly.
The Diamond one makes a fool out of the weak enemies.

In B5, the only mistakes you can recognize is that dying a lot is bad and pressing buttons is good.
In Gold, players leave mid early to soak and die less.
I’m sure stats can trace interesting differences between Bronze and Diamond players.


Cause ranks means nothing if the player had others to carry him who truly belong in that rank.

You are not suddenly a master rank player if the real master players has hard carried you in a groupe like most did 6 years ago in TL.

You could easy find people 100+ games in HL and they were only silver but had master in TL.

GM make mistakes cause they are still humans behind screen. But you wont see them do it that often as your average gold player do.

Only way you can find out if he truly is a master player is to watch how he plays and how he shows his game knowledge on the map.

If you are only gaining 5-15 point for a win in B5 then you are not in B5 anymore. Then you are in Wood League. Then playing 2 games a day with 55% winrate won help you climb. And to get that far down the drain would mean you lost too many games or left too many games.

You dont want to climb the ladder then you should not complain about belonging in the rank you are in currectly. You dont get handed out free ranks just because you are a casual player.

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And you don’t even need to care if you are a good player to engage and enjoy playing competitively.

You keep missing the point. This isn’t about “skill”. Skill-less 6 year olds can sign up for the local midget football league in their town and all still have fun playing the game of football competitively.

The problem isn’t that anyone is stuck in Bronze 5. The problem is that the ladder, grinding games for progress bar dopamine hits like a gambling addict isn’t a fun or worth wild competitive experience.

You all keep arguing about SKILL. I don’t care about “skill”. Not mine. Not yours. Not the guy streaming 16 hours a day Bronze to Grand Master runs. From my perspective you are ALL skill-less hacks, not because you can’t play the game, but because you are obsessively focused on something that doesn’t matter in a true competition.

If you want me to care about your ability to play Heroes of the Storm, join a team of 5 players that you exclusively play the game with and play in a tournament league with several other teams of 5 permanent players.

That is the only competitive environment that I’m ever going to take as a serious attempt at playing the game competitively. The moment anyone starts ranting about solo-queues and ladder ranks just confirms to me that you have no clue what you are talking about and are just waving around your epeen.

I just don’t care and I NEVER will.

A couple of months ago I played with you in a few Quick Match games. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Yes because the fun fact is that you run away into “fun” when people debunk the reaons why you can’t climb. Oh how long does it takes? Oh but because I got unlucky with penalty points that are uncompensated? Yeah just hide into the terriotry of subjectivity. That fits you.

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Noted. I’ll fix that for the future streams

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I have not played Hots since September last year so that is a lie. You properly mistaken me for someone els.

I did address that point directly by suggesting that those in B5 on winning streaks be awarded more points to move them up faster.

I see. As you don’t enjoy the current system in place in Ranked for Bronze 5 players, you think that should be changed because you personally don’t find it “fun.”

Yet you don’t care about ranks and points, just fun, but that doesn’t apply to Bronze 5, because you get less points, but you also don’t care about points…

Got it.

People forget that B-Net names are not exclusive, so there could be more than one QBW out there. I have played against a “Minky”, and I’m pretty sure that wasn’t me.