The issue isn’t your english, or any of the “5 languages” you claim to know. (Feel free to post in them; a lot of browsers autotranslate) Your issue is that you’re ignorant and refuse to not be.
StrangeHero has not expressed any “facts” but you are convinced they have because their posts look like they “agree” with what you want to say. Most vocal people (complainers) complain because they don’t know any better.
Strangehero has not provided replays, developer notes, datamining, or anything else beyond some quick multiplication (that misses the point they’re trying to claim) and an anecdote that – honestly – is not consistent. While those specific details haven’t been conveyed in this topic, many posters here are aware of sources that have posted “facts”, and have linked to more substantive information that posters who do not keep information consistent from one replay to the next.
Strangehero has convinced himself that the posters are making an argument that hasn’t actually been stated, or even implied. You have convinced yourself that people think and claim something that hasn’t been stated.
Each person here has things that they think the game needs to change and they have expressed as such over the years.
You, however, haven’t bothered to read any of that because you think that you are already right. You being ignorant, and convincing yourself of falsehoods creates a host of problems for you that other players do not experience. Just because they don’t complain doens’t mean the game is ‘perfect’ but you have lied enough to yourself to think as such.
The core problem of hardstuck players in bronze is that they got there. They also tend to think anything else is the fault for that, and it must therefore be solved by anything else that isn’t them. They do not ask how to get better because they don’t understand how that can help.
In the time since you have last posted, several other posters have realized they have made mistakes, and put in effort to learn more, and fix that. That is a fundamental skill that they have learned: that they can be wrong, but they can also improve.
A typical ‘bronze’ player is “stuck” because they don’t think they’ve done anything wrong, and they think they’re incapable of effectively improving. You and Strangehero have to invent rules to disqualify that players can genuinely do what you can’t and you think that because you’re ignorant, and you lie to yourself. Your appraisal of ‘skill’ is ignorant, so you invent excuses for how anyone else cant do what you won’t.
It isn’t worth it for anyone to spend hours making a new account to end up placed at silver and then try to throw games to get down into 0 mmr and ‘try’ to climb out. Instead of you putting in minutes of efforts, you expect anyone else to put in days by comparison.
That’s not a defect of this, or any moba game, it’ the issue of people who don’t know the difference between a “fact” and an ‘agreement’. You want things to agree with you, but you’re otherwise scared to read if they actually do.
HotS isn’t “perfect” and one of the biggest issues that plagues the game are players that aren’t skilled, observant, or knowledgable about the game. So, one of the ways the game can be made better is by trying to inform players, offer advise and perspectives they hadn’t otherwise considered, and then hope it has a “butterfly effect” on improve the next person and so on.
It rarely works out due to the vehement resilience people have to acknowledging how they, personally, can change, but it’s one of the few pragmatic outlets available for people that don’t actually think they game is ‘perfect’ and would like to see it get better.
Should you used any of your 5 languages to stop lying to yourself, maybe you could actually read what people post instead of inventing conversations for you to argue against yourself.