That would totally suck. But again, sorry if I don’t believe you to the fullest. You tend to lie about stuff. You may call it simply exaggeration due to your frustration, but when laying out facts about these things, yes, exaggeration is a lie.
Nope. There are infos I’m missing to make absolutely correct (100% correct) judgement (infos I asked above for example), but other infos I’m aware of, which, even you in that very rank seems to be oblivious of.
I just don’t like linking my own post/topic.
Also, there is my experience. Afk-ers, trolls, throwers are not just limited in Wood league. It’s only the frequency, the lower rank the more, the higher rank the less. And I know if you’re like Gold, Plat, Diamond (which you first claimed yourself as Diamond btw), it is a very unlikely scenario that you fall to Wood league. You simply can carry in Bronze to not fall that low.
So the question I didn’t directly ask, but implied. Was it a diliberate drop to Wood league? If it’s not, what there can be said besides that it is simply your skill level that belongs there? Once a month dc is not gonna drop you to Wood league (from Diamond, Plat, Gold…). And I know for a fact that in above rank, you recuperate your points back.