TL;DR at the bottom.
Some of you might remember, in my hypothetical Bronze 5 Rank layout, I figured there were up to B9, B5 as W1 then 2,3,4,5. Seems like I was wrong and there are up to B10/W5 (then again, not surprising as that makes it more clean).
Today, in Fan’s B2GM, he almost made it to B4, off by only 1 point (Bar to the end). Then he proceed to lose the next 2 games, B4 journey postponed to tomorrow. But it basically showed how B5 and below Rank are set.
Data collected:
The account started with 1 win this season (not by Fan)
( ) is unknown as Fan skipped the screen before gain/loss pops up.
1st day stats
Summary: 11 Win / 1 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Malfurion | Win | 6 |
Probius | Win | ( ) |
Stiches | Win | 6 |
Brightwing | Win | 9 |
TLV | Win | 10 |
Abathur | Loss | -7 |
Sgt.Hammer | Win | 10 |
ETC | Win | 8 |
Xul | Win | ( ) |
Anduin | Win | ( ) |
Abathur | Win | ( ) |
Tracer | Win | 8 |
2nd day stats
Summary: 8 Win / 0 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Nazeebo | Win | ( ) |
Rexxar | Win | 9 |
Alarak | Win | ( ) |
Li ming | Win | 10 |
Zeratul | Win | 10 |
Stiches | Win | 11 |
KTZ | Win | 31 |
Johanna | Win | 39 |
3rd day stats
Summary: 7 Win / 2 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Yrel | Win | 16 |
Zeratul | Win | 15 |
Varian | Win | 15 |
Thrall | Win | ( ) |
Zeratul | Win | 16 |
Kharazim | Win | 16 |
Li Li | Loss | -16 |
Arthas | Loss | -15 |
Li Li | Win | 16 |
4th day stats
Summary: 8 Win / 3 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Gall | Loss | -16 |
Jaina | Win | ( ) |
Abathur | Win | 15 |
Alex | Win | 16 |
Nova | Loss | -16 |
Li Li | Win | ( ) |
TLV | Win | 16 |
ETC | Loss | ( ) |
Falstad | Win | 16 |
Zagara | Win | ( ) |
Dva | Win | 22 |
5th day stats
Summary: 7 Win / 1 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Morales | Win | 26 |
Li ming | Win | ( ) |
Dva | Loss | -25 |
Dva | Win | 25 |
Valla | Win | 25 |
Ana | Win | ( ) |
Abathur | Win | 24 |
Imperius | Win | 26 |
6th day stats
Summary: 7 Win / 1 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Stukov | Win | 25 |
Anduin | Win | 26 |
TLV | Loss | ( ) |
Sgt.Hammer | Win | 25 |
Deckard | Win | ( ) |
Kharazim | Win | ( ) |
Zuljin | Win | ( ) |
Zeratul | Win | 30 |
7th day stats
Summary: 7 Win / 4 Loss
Hero | Win/Loss | Points gain/loss |
Murky | Loss | -30 |
Morales | Win | 23 |
Dva | Win | 65 |
Ana | Loss | -65 |
Murky | Win | 65 |
Azmodan | Win | ( ) |
TLV | Win | 67 |
Deckard | Win | 67 |
KTZ | Win | 66 |
Zuljin | Loss | -66 |
Stiches | Loss | -59 |
7th day, KTZ game Won is when he was 1 point off from B4.
If you see the score, there are occasional jumps in points gain. Those parts are obviously when Fan jumps a rank/promoted.
If we backtrack from the most recent ones, we can figure,
65-67 points gain/loss ----------- Bronze 5
24-26 points gain/loss ----------- Bronze 6 / Wood 1
15-16 points gain/loss ----------- Bronze 7 / Wood 2
9-11 points gain / loss ----------- Bronze 8 / Wood 3
6 - 8 points gain / loss ----------- Bronze 9 / Wood 4
And from Fan’s previous runs, we know some B5s gain/lose 4 points per game.
4 - 5 points gain / loss ----------- Bronze 10 / Wood 5
Normally you would gain/lose 200 points per game (not always precise numbers, 190, 210, varying).
200 / 3 = 66.7, almost similar as what Fan gained/loss.
66.7 / 2.5 = 26.7, ditto.
26.7 / 1.5 = ~17
17 / 1.5 = ~11
11 / 1.5 = ~7
7 / 1.5 = ~4
This is just points gain/loss calculation though. It doesn’t reflect how many wins/loss you need to promote, demote a rank.
It took Fan approx 5 wins to get from B5 to B4 (not there yet, but basically). It took Fan approx 12 wins each to get from B8 —> B7 —> B6 —> B5. It took Fan couple of games to get from B9 to B8.
B5 —> B6 / W1 : need net -5 loss
(reaching the hidden rank of HotS)
B6 / W1 —> B7 / W2: need approx. net -12 loss
B7 / W2 —> B8 / W3: need approx. net -12 loss
B8 / W3 —> B9 / W4: need approx. net -12 loss
B9 / W4 —> B10 / W5: need approx. net -12 loss
For easier visualization (if you consider win/loss as +200/-200 points), B5 has 1000 points total (do not let 66 points gain fool you. you still only need 5 net wins to get out of B5). Rest, B6-B10, each has 2500 points total.
And I would figure, you would need another net -12 loss to hit bottom of the bottom B10 / W5, 0 / 100000 whatever points in SL.
Hope this helps for B5 players who are wondering how much win do they need to reach the next theshold, B4.