How intense the Bronze League can actually be

This is sound advice. The thing is, none of this “personal” stuff belongs on the forums. It honestly makes me uncomfortable seeing what should be private grievances aired out on a public forum.

My unsolicited advice to the personalities involved is to take this discussion private, because it is personal and private and unrelated to this thread.

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I hope that this is something that AI in video games will fix. We already know that AI trained to play video games can compete and often beat the best players and we know that chat AI is very good at describing and explaining why it makes particular choices in layman’s terms. And of course, AI can be infinitely patient to explain things in multiple ways.

Although a human and computer make calculations differently, it is often seeing a different perspective that helps us to become better. In fact, it’s the same when a pro player is explaining their choices. You learn because you’re experiencing a different thought process from your own.

I highly doubt Heroes of the Storm AI can beat the best of the best. I’m Silver and I stomp on the current “elite” AI. Maybe one day lol

You get the odd ai that can make a difference for example I remember we had an etc that was laning most of the time and not attending team fights.

They dcd and I pinged em to follow me and they actually peeled for you and landed moshes.

Was literally an improvement over the player.


I’m not talking about the built in AI. I’m talking about systems like Alphastar and OpenAI five. These types of AI have already proven they’re better than the best human players, even when given artificial restrictions like response delays and capped APM. Since those systems have decision process trees, if you could attach a chat AI that can explain the process tree decisions, it would be eye opening to teaching human players.

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Oh! Okay I get what you’re saying now. Yeah that makes total sense. I’ve seen something similar with the chess AI but I don’t know the level of skill at which the AI will deteriorate. I’ve watched several of GothamChess’s stuff and he explains that when AI battle humans, they sort of “give up” at a certain point if you do weird actions. I don’t know how comparable those chess engines are to this type of AI explanations you’ve described, but I’d imagine there’s some sort of cap where the AI can’t explain why a player made a certain decision but in the end that decision being a game changing one.

I personally would love for an AI to tell me all the bs I did wrong. Like if it could record my game live, and give me a full analysis of what I did right and wrong. I think that would be helpful for tons of players, well, open minded ones. I’m sure if this was implemented it would cost money though, but still a very exciting and interesting topic for sure.

It would cost money, but I think it’s a direction that every gaming company is going to have to move in. There has been a mini explosion of developers trying to add AI chat to game NPCs so they can actually respond in ways that sounds organic to what has actually happened in the game. I’m sure Blizzard has been working on AI behind the scenes, too. We already know they’ve worked with Google on Alphastar and Sony’s racing AI in Gran Tursimo has been a huge hit for players. With how fast technology is progressing, I’m sure we’re going to start seeing some really innovative games using AI within the next few years!

I, too, would be interested to get feedback from a system that is trained in logic and doesn’t respond to emotion. Watching OpenAI Five sacrifice characters to ganks because it calculated that utilizing that time to push a tower in another lane was more valuable was the first moment I realized how valuable seeing gameplay through “different eyes” could really be. In fact, that decision made by the AI is something I have taken to HOTS and found to be very valuable. I don’t want my teammates to get ganked, but when I see it happening, i have found it far more valuable to try to push the current lane I’m in than to try to rotate down to save them and then have to rotate all the way back to continue soaking.

AI would definitely make RPG’s a lot more interesting. They’ve tried to add dialogue that changes based on your progress in the game but after a while it gets boring because it still sounds scripted. Nazeem telling me every day that I don’t get to the Cloud District very often when I actually am at Dragonsreach more often than him got annoying very quick. Its always fun to have annoying characters, but to make him annoying with many different dialogue changes that react to the choices you’ve made in game and such not only creates more depth for an NPC character, but makes it seem more immersive. RPG’s would be immensely improved if they used AI this way. I just wouldn’t want them to learn my attack patterns or anything like that because that would be horrible lol

I don’t know. The healer of my NGS team is incredibly good. Everyone agrees on that, including the casters. And yet, he is still stuck in Bronze.

FYI: Phaseshifter plays at the lowest divisions in NGS. He’s also linked videos of people casting games. In games where both teams aren’t great, of course there are going to be some plays that casters are going to compliment on, and if I’m being honest, the casters were being extremely generous.

Unless you actually play healers at a high level, most people really don’t know what healers are doing. So long as they get healed once in awhile, most people will give the healer the benefit of the doubt and think they’re doing a good job, which is so far from what makes a healer great. Even Fan for example, his analysis in this game about what the BW is doing is so bad. Watch him play a Morales game, and it’s so cringeworthy because he just does not understand how triage works.

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I wish I could say I’ve never experienced the same, but yeah, I’ve had players leave, and the AI was a huge improvement.

I remember a game where a Genji was replaced by the AI when fighting at a boss on Sky Temple. When the enemy team were all low, boom! He cast his ult and wiped all 5, it was a feat I’m not sure many humans could equal.

man it would suck if you were a genuine bronze 5 trying to play this game against this team

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I mean yes and no. You take out KT and Fan, that would just be a regular bronze match as both teams were pretty awful. Without the KT, the other team wouldn’t have been able to collapse and follow up on all the chains and CC, which wouldn’t have allowed them to get picks and then continue to rotate. Their enemy healer, Raynor, and Diablo were pretty bad. On average, Fan’s team was overall better than the enemy team, even when you consider how really bad the BW was.

A friend of mine sent me this:

Was weird looking back.
Flies away again, caw!


Trying to guilt him into playing with me was not the real goal here

The goal was telling him that he should have told me that he didn’t like playing with me in private while we were still friends rather than on the forums and I have accomplished just that

I don’t need his approval but when a friend you have played with in the past hides their actual opinion of you and aires it out later on I’m not gonna be happy

And when I’m not happy

I make it known

We can’t all be as good at “moving on” as you

You make it sound like I have some kind of twisted obsession with Karabars when the reality is that he was the one coming into a topic I posted here and publicly calling me bad over on the forums

He has a fiance man

I am straight and happen to like women(which is a group of human beings that Karabars does not belong to by the way)

What do I need to cling to Karabars for?

Get your yaoi fantasy out of your head


Karabars and Volun started it

I ended it

They were the one who decided to team up against me here publicly

I am not taking that lying down

I make it known that by the rights of :rat::poop: I AM XYLORD!!!


I’m pretty sure I was the one who posted that publicly for all to see

You asked for ARAM and me and Jumpylion gave you ARAM despite ARAM being my least favorite mode

And mister elitist crow-mage here failed to solo carry us to victory as Hanzo


A friend of mine linked your publicly available post to me, shortly after that, I linked it here. For context.

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Dude stop clicking enter after every sentence.

Also, Karabars reminds me of this guy lol


You spelled “publicly” wrong


For someone who flew away you sure love coming back here for some bird treats


Are mine really that delicious to you Kara?

Make me

Also you don’t “click” Enter

You press Enter

Computer Mice buttons are for clicking


Also didn’t you press Enter for all your sentences in the post where you are telling me NOT to do it?


Even any random Medivh reminds me of Karabars now


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What are you doing, bench press? Your mom presses, I click. Fight me.

Don’t disrespect Medivh like that.

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I backed out from the “fight”. You can see it by me still ignoring the rest of your comments, that seek “fight”.
But I never said I will forever stay silent in this thread. That’s why I shared the link for the match we played together. The match which after, you unrightfully blamed the mode for your own wrong-doings, and which behaviour made me not wanting to play with you again, and thus I removed you from my “friend” list, “silently”.

Context and Truth are important ideas for me. Caw!