How intense the Bronze League can actually be

Yes, it’s hard to resist the temptation of doing some more presses with my chad finger muscles


Jokes on you; my mom rarely uses a keyboard in the first place


I will see you in Bronze 5

Don’t disrespect Karabars like that.

You don’t have to man

This is a public forum

But at the same time; I don’t have to stay silent either regardless of how many people feel uncomfortable about it

And for the people who say that me and other people should handle this discussion privately; I genuinely would have if the other party wanted to

You mentioned adding me on bnet again, but I never got a request. I’m also easily available on discord. So you always had the option to reach me privately.

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Well it was sent around the time I started playing on Americas

I am aware that you do have a Discord but how am I supposed to add you without knowing what your ID is?

Which is why I offered you mine instead

Cain’s and Logan’s server, which were often shared/advertised on the forums. Jumpylion was/is alaso part of them. A lot of ppl go there from time to time to stalk on us (winks for some other ppl)
Grubby’s server. NotParadox’s server.
AlarakoftheStorm’s server.
r/HeroesOfTheStorm’s server.
HeroesHearth and HeroesLongue servers.
Wind Striders server.

I used that on Discord. Xylord#2300, right? It did not work, assumed it’s your btag then.

Karabars#8892 is mine. As always, and with everyone, I’m open about my opinions of others if someone is interested. Add me if you want.

Yes well

I was never on any of those servers as my Discord is usually for private talks with people I like

And me and Jumpylion hardly talked outside of HOTS matters; which is why me and him went our separate ways after his life got busy

I wish him well though


Xylord#2300 is only my Battlenet Tag

I shall add you

Your opinions are interesting to hear