if you’re accounting for 1 variable, and have a control for ensuring that only that 1 variable is different in the test. The process you described does not suit the implied hypothesis, nor does the conclusion actually suit the method, so it’s just a cycle of confirmation bias.
- patch notes indicate that mmr = ranked
- patch notes are not perfect and have posted erroneous things before; that doesn’t mean that mmr ≠= ranked, but the conclusion that having something be in patch notes must mean it is correct is incomplete reasoning, esp when evident contradiction or exceptions are available.
- I posted an example of patch/dev notes implying that mmr/ranked can diverge, but the causes for that have diminished. It doesn’t indicate how the deviation can happen, but it likely involves leaving and decay penalties because those happen without a game completing for the usual rank undates. Previous cases are speculating, not so much cuz they can’t ‘prove it’, but because it’s not worth the time/effort to explore such a minor thing.
- The examples are used are just that: examples. One topic was from ptr and the immediate reaction to the explanation ‘seemed’ logical to the person at the time. Other people have likely concluded the same and don’t make topics on reddit or the forums for that. If other instances are around, they’d likely be tied to one-off accounts on how the game/mmr is so broken and rigged, at which point, people usually reply to other particulars instead.
I also posted that I’ve seen it happen (cuz I have,) but I did not make a special note of it, nor am I going to fish ‘proof’ out of it largely because the effort it’d take to post it simply does not matter: it still wouldn’t convince you, and more importantly, it’s not an ‘issue’ worth dwelling on. MMR/rank quirks abound at the high and low ends of the matching, so one other visual gimmick isn’t stealing the spotlight of visible complaints.
3. I chalked up my experience to decay at the upper ends of mmr, your ‘test’ was done at a lower band were decay does not happen. It might not strictly be decay, it may be caused by more than just one factor, which can make it harder to isolate and recreate the issue without dev/hacktools. It might be particular to placements or seasonal transitions, and maybe it only happens if people post enough M. Bison memes about tuesdays. The examples were posting observations from others having it, not themselves, so it could be a visual bug, and not an actually math/rank one.
4. Complaints on the forum are things players see as being a “problem”. The players that usually complain here are probably not going to encounter the mmr/rank disparity, aren’t going to notice, or probably aren’t going to care. For those that know/expect highest mmr to be the ‘team leader’ at ban phase, players typically don’t want to ban because it indicates they aren’t the highest ranked player in their game, which tends to make for ‘better’ matches compared to when they are the highest.
The experience you posted does not ensure that you’d be the player banning, so the conclusion that you should be the highest mmr played (and thus ban) does not have a means to verify the claim you’re trying to assert. Players in that match could also have leaver penalties levied at them too; there’s a lot not isolated and verified in the case.
It is possible that the ‘issue’ could have been fixed, but I also doubt that would be the case. It’d be low priority, probably not get reported much (cuz again, why would people care about it?) and the instances of when it happens are likely within the acceptable margin of error. There are a lot of other issues people do encounter with the game that have not, and likely will continue to not, see much activity on the forum, esp at this point in the game.
Based on the ranks stated in accounts where this happens, either decay or initial placement caps could be involved, and not just leaving games. Players that see it, if/when it happens (if at all) probably already know that the highest mmr player bans and don’t report it here. Typical matching/mmr complaints are in the lower and middling ranges of ranked, so it isn’t surprising if people outside ranks where mmr decays don’t see something that might be caused by ranked decay.
If I were putting as much time into this as these back-and-forths were doing, I’d probably be more upfront about incorporating multiple variables instead of running off on run and then acting like it trumps everything else