How do you get to Bronze 5?

Posting a frog drinking tea while the one true frog right here do it at the same time.
Think the univers is trying to tell us something.

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all he has to do is to intentionally feed games and troll .

Get out of the draft. It seems -600 gives. But if thou’re playing, just don’t fight an enemy with a level difference. In this case, just collect experience, leave the rest to thy teammates, they will definitely feed. The feed is especially critical in the late game, when the respawn time is very long. Thou can even ask thy teammates not to feed, seems it’s not thy fault, but it won’t help :)))))

Instead of ruining games for others the OP could just get a new account to level 50 via ARAM, and then play ranked. As he won’t have any MMR from QM to base his rank on, I’m pretty sure the base MMR a new account starts will land him into low Bronze.

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