I just placed Bronze 1 and no matter how silly I play my team manages to win a lot of games. How do I actually go down to Bronze 5? I really want to see what it looks like at that rank.
Why would you ruin the match for your own team just to experince B5 league. You can just imagine it insteed.
Varians who always goes twnblade
People that dont even move and die to tower shots and walk back and continue doing it.
Objects that gets ignored.
Murky and Azmo players that afk farm one lane all the way to core without no one going back to defend.
Midlane ARAM all day.
A severe head injury would do.
Don’t ever stand next to minions, they can hurt you.
If you see a Hero, try to hit it even if he’s on your team.
Try to recall as much as possible if an enemy hero is damaging you even if it cancels it.
Stand still while doing AA. Who am I kidding, don’t even bother AAing, just throw random abilities.
The focus minions not heroes even if they’re getting slapped by a valla
Who knows, i honestly play drunk here and there and generally ONLY loose, yet i cant fall that far. Not even remotely.
Just played a quickmatch too where my team had a 3 man all low bronze, enemy team was the usual i face diamond and master in league. These guys could BARELY move their characters so i guess it is possible if you have no hands or something, there is no way that is something that legitimately happens if a player can atleast somewhat play the game.
you guys are making me more desperate to see this rank. I honestly think it could take as much effort as getting to diamond
It’s easy when 2/3 of your placement matches have you teamed with trolls/afks.
But you can see the same things at other ranks or in qm so…
What’s this really about?
Quit at the draft screen until you’ve ranked down to bronze 5.
Watch some videos.
Oh, so this is a humble brag thread.
Do what Phaseshifter suggested and just keep quitting during draft if you really want to experience Bronze 5.
I honestly don’t like this thread as it’s punching down. Some people are in Bronze 5 because they are trolls, but many are there because they suck playing a video game…
I don’t think that’s worthy of any particular scorn or mockery.
You can’t and won’t, you’re just too good. Bronze 1 is an achievement most people will never see. If I were you I would not waste time squandering those sweet skills, and ride them all the way up to master.
You’re in your prime, I believe in you.
If you really want to know what B5 is like, just play quick match. It’s the exact same in terms of skill level - some players won’t know which core is the enemy’s and other times you’ll be matched with players who can carry an entire game. You’ll also get afks, ints, and actual bots… like the 3rd party ones, not the Blizzard AI.
Many times the drafts and team comps look exactly like QM, too.
B5 is a mess, it’s full of smurfs, bad players and people who gets stuck with bad teams. Total gong show and not fun at all. Once ur there you basically can’t get out.
the only way is to learn how this game and heroes work then improve your macro and that’s it. if you play this game like a fighting game you will be stuck in bronze 5 forever.
The question is how to get to B5, not how to get out of it.
Serious answer: by slowing down and making random decisions while playing subpar, unimpactful heroes.
I’m simply too slow to be a diamond, coupled with a few habits that need refinement at the highest ranks - such as, I see a globe, I most likely go. Which makes one a really boss bronze, and I’m sure Li Li is designed with having this mini Malfurion around.
Similarly, I’m too fast to be at the very bottom. Even with my left hand in a cast. (Two years ago.)
I think people generally don’t experience and genuinely don’t understand or feel it. From a distance, I’m making the same decisions as Grubby or Fan, especially after watching and learning from them. I also see B5 players quite often banding together and stomping the map wonderfully - between two loss streaks.
Of course each player can have different balance, some players really go camps when they could finish, or repeatedly go to the objective 1v5 because. But most players do figure it out which heroes fit their place and ultimately float close to their micro ability.
The most acceptable way to achieve B5 is opening a new account and then genuinely fiddling around. That should keep your MMR low.
As for SL, you could find a few like minded explorers, and lose as five. Ideally, play for almost-win. Case in point, you don’t mess with others.
Oh, one more, never ping. People randomly wander or even doze off like Kerlonian Evershade on his journey from the Grove of Ancients. Pings often make the difference, so you don’t.
Quickest way is to dodge draft over and over.
Other ways, you’d have to literally throw games on purpose until you de rank
im triggereddddddddd
I’m bored, meh?
That wouldn’t work. Leaver’s penalty does not affect internal mmr, so you would never get to play lower level games by doing it (for obvious reasons - if that was not the case, you could stack leaver’s penalty to actually unfairly rank up from the rakeback of leaver points).