HOTS may be getting shut down due to FTC

WUT??? I just gave a specific example for you to see that its just not true… the value of fiend comedian is pretty much solid proof that the value on cards is volatile

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Actually, the value is not even guaranteed to drop cause you know what if wizards of the coast goes under? That means they are not guaranteed to make new sets. So if you for example, want to still play with your friends you can legally still do that. And because production has stopped, some card values might even go UP. There would be nothing stopping you from playing the game as normal.

If Heroes of the storm shuts down? L O L. Sorry dude : (.

And money is still backed by a physical gold standard. You are thinking about credit, which i’ll admit is similar to money but isn’t exactly the same as money. Not to mention the point is mute since we are talking about monetary value, as in, comparison to money lol.

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actually the reality of that is, to my knowledge there is no legal online gambling in the US. you can acquire the right to operate gambling at a physical location, but virtual shops are illegal.

Physical gold also happens to have value that floats according to suply and demand… Esp because when a crisis hit, gold does you nothing, so its just another commodity, but its value is even less stable than a house
Besides, money itself also have arbitrary value: A dollar is always a dollar except its not and what that dolar means depends on the inflation at the time

MTG cards are physical, hold real tangible value, and can NEVER be taken from you.

In the event that Steam no longer exists, you no longer own Steam cards, they stop existing entirely and you have zero access to them.

MTG card packs are also guaranteed to contain a certain rarity of card and will always contain the value of the pack they were obtained in if all of the cards are sold on the market. They contain fixed rarity, meaning they will ALWAYS contain the same number of each rarity.

Can the same be said of HOTS loot boxes? No.

The only thing that makes certain cards more expensive than others is their intrinsic power in the game they’re played in, but there’s always the same number of common, uncommon, rare, and mythic rare.

They can, because since it exists, it means its vulnerable to the damage over time

WTF??? There are tons of legs that are worth about as much as silvers, the only cards in BTG that have more stable value is those with really good artwork wich is almost never more than 5-ish per expansion(and those also happens to be the ones that suffers the most brutal hits in their value if they are damaged). Most cards have value accordingly to their place on the current meta, the “rarity” alone of the card is the LEAST imprtant factor behind its current value


I know, I mentioned it in my post that basically everything does. It still has tangible value. I can sell my gold chains for money at a pawn shop. I’ve enjoyed our conversation so far, but I’m really not getting why you think lootboxes and physical cards aren’t seperate.

They can also be protected and last longer than you will, and it’s usually the case with very high value cards.

Again, the value is based on the POWER of the card, but the rarity of the cards is constant in every pack, there is an EQUAL chance to get any card in the game.

The same cannot be said for HOTS.

Also, in HOTS, the content is sold directly to the player at variable prices, you’re gambling to potentially spend less money for content.

MTG cards are not sold individually by Wizard’s of the Coast.

Thing is: That “tangible value” is what? 5 cents? A dollar? A hundred?
What that pawn shop will pay is very much a crapshot, and the thing is: As much as you say that the digital good can vanish at any moment, you can say the same about physical goods because turns out, just existing dont means the thing is eternal

And why i spearate the lootboxes: Because it makes no sense in making gambling illegal but only in a digital media(and i even pointed that the whole thing about value is a moot point since the argument to make gambling illegal is the desctructive reaction it triggers, but people dont always gamble to hoard value, extra true because since we are talking about gambling in videogames, NOBODY buy lootboxes to hoard value in the first place, so idk why someone would even bring that up to defend lootbox ban)

You are garanteed to get a rare and a silver but thats pretty much it… the last tier of rarity is not garanteed
As for gambling to get less content… not true, every lootbox will always net you 4 things, same way a booster pack always packs the same number of cards, but wether it will have more than 1 rare/silver or a mythic is completely at chance

That’s why you ge get it appraised.

The point of this convo is that you aren’t gambling for physical trading card games because you are buying direct ownership of cards, which have a monetary value. You can obtain them from packs, or you can buy them straight off the market.

Lootboxes have no monetary value, a lootbox is a digital opportunity to obtain items that have NO monetary value. None. They are digital bits, backed by companies made up currencly like gems and shards. You can not obtain them any other way, then buy rolling lootboxes.

No, it is fixed rarity in every booster pack.

It dosent on hots, ill admit that, but same cant be said about steam cards or goods in most cellphone games, if you try to make the point that its not oficially suported to make the stransition backwards from good to cash, the same can be said about cards, in fact, in some oficial card-trading places, the staff will kick you out if they see you barganing with cash and people just make the transaction on the toilets or outside

And abut apraising: The value of that necklace will always drop if your country is going tro a recession because people will give more value to things that actually helps in some way and stuff like jewelery goes a low point in times like that. And it can be extended to anything: Monetary value is something that just as dont correlate to physical existence, its also not something intrinsic to wathever is that stuff youre apraising, the value of anything is volatile, digital or not(and one can even say that digital stuff are actually less likely to vanish than physical stuff nowadays since the internet can backup anything and anything physical decays over time)

Unless something changed very recently, mythic rare is never garanteed in a magic booster, and it usually comes replacing the rare card

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Every booster pack contains the same number of cards, of the same fixed rarity distribution.

Boxed booster sets are also guaranteed to contain a set number of foil cards.

except for that one card you are most likely after… Esp since mythic rare is being used as excuse to print retarded stuff since the planewalkers and its the tier that is not garanteed and when it comes, it replaces the highest tier card

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And the one card you’re after has an equal chance of being in every pack

It dosent if its mythic…

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No, what part of fixed rarity isn’t registering?

Every pack contains a set rarity distribution, every card in the rarity tier has an EVEN distribution, if it’s Mythic Rare, all Mythic Rare cards are printed and distributed in even numbers.

True, even Yong has gotten back on it. I hope Activision burns; as to what I hope happens to EA and Ubisoft? I cannot say; mods wouldnt like it.