HOTS may be getting shut down due to FTC

Quoting the wiki:
A booster pack contains

  • 1 [Rare]or [Mythic Rare]
  • 3 [Uncommons]
  • 11 [Commons]

i didn’t read through all the comments because there are 100 of them and I don’t have the time so this may have been said already…

if they get rid of loot boxes do we not just go back to the old system of straight up cash transactions for the exact product you want instead of trying to gamble for it???

I think that can still be profitable if the price points are right… I think someone worked out the cost in gems for the new leo bundle to be like 30 dollars or something which is the price of a whole new video game so that is obviously unacceptable but there can be a happy medium here where they still make money on cosmetic transactions and selling boosts…

and that’s why I hate overwatch and having them in this game. Sure its “unfair” but screw overwatch and its lootboxes and terrible ESPORTS that panders to certain groups and is very biased and holds double standards for its rules, aswell as all the terrible balance issue there OW heroes have added to this game.

Overwatch is a tumor. Frankly the only thing good overwatch did in my opinion, is spawn a bunch of ****. (I admit it, I have a lot of mercy stuff)

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Richard Nixon took the US off the Gold Standard in 1971. So currently nothing backs US currency.

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You mean Activision?

No, Blizzard. Activision would be Blizzard’s parent company.

I don’t think the game will shut down. The game itself is a love letter tbh.

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That’d be incredibly convenient for Blizzard.

Game is massively tanking due to terrible management. Game is deemed illegal due to its business practices. “Oh well Heroes of the Storm was doing great, but we just couldn’t make any money what with the new laws”

If law is passed to ban loot boxes, Blizzard might change their stance on not oversexualizing their characters :+1:

Why do you guys make it seem like if loot box get ban, they won’t just change it to something else. Like maybe revert it back to pre 2.0. Where you buy stuff with your hard own money. There is always a way to make money. Knowing Activision they are already planning something else that just as dirty just in case it does happen.

That’s the problem though.

It’s just like when people say “in theory” in regards to…well, anything. A political system,economics, science, whatever.

Theory is just that while practice is much different. If microtransactions were done “correctly”, we wouldn’t have EA doing…everything it does.

Of course it won’t. OP just wanted some stupid clickbait title.

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I see you all the time on the OW forums

Any of us who eats or buys parts of murdered animals in our modern society directly supports that criminal activity. What you state is a double standard in which killing an animal really bad is immoral, while killing an animal really good is acceptable. Both actions are straight murder surrounded by pretty words.


This is great news!!! You got a link?

As far as I know they will probably give it the Belgium treatment and call it a day.

They were going on in depth about mobile gaming price schemes as well, not just about loot boxes.

Let’s just throw the cat among the pigeons… What is the difference between a magic the gathering card pack, and a magic the gather card pack (online) (the second of which ‘could’ be traded for real world cards if you ‘complete the set’) assuming magic the gathering online still exists with ‘arena’ having been released.

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fantasy and e-sport gambling rings do operate online in the US. The grounds on which they so do should set off redflags and be sanctioned or regulated or whatever, but at present, there are legal loopholes stuff like fantasy kings and steam use for their bookings to essentially provide gambling ‘legally’.

Dont be that guy. Just dont.

There are tons of games where microtransactions are done correctly. For example, the game Crossy Road. The game is rewarding to play, you get currency for optionally watching ads, and you never actually feel like you have to spend money.

In addition, traditional DLC is also the correct way to approach mucrotransactions.

Even toys to life games like Skylanders have the right idea.

It exists in the industry.