Horrible experience with ranked this season

possibly because that is the lowest of the low. it doesnt get any lower than bronze 5 :laughing:

Bronze is a black hole. Once you’re caught in its pull, it will suck you in and keep you there. Even if you get to high Bronze, you’ll still be in matches with Bronze 4 and 5 people.

Most of the people in Bronze are decent players who can’t advance because of:

  1. Trolls. People who have alt accounts that soft-throw matches to keep others down. It’s a self-esteem thing. There are more trolls (with hundreds of SL matches and a ~30% winrate) than a lot of people realize.

  2. Boosters. Pay to advance, or stay in Bronze forever.

  3. Brawlers. A large percentage of HoTS players just brawl in the middle and rage at anyone who goes into another lane for any reason. There was a time when you could go pretty far just by being a good solo laner, but that’s no longer possible.

It’s just a bad experience all around. If you get into Bronze in Storm League, your account is permascrewed, and the only option is to stop playing. There’s no point in continuing, you will never get out if you solo queue, and you’re not going to have fun. The match quality is much better in Unranked Draft and Quick Match anyway.

Honestly gold 3 and down is about the same thing. Players will still throw games, toxic chat and rage quit the moment they do not get their way. Its a problem that blizzard refuses to address.

I kinda agree/ to disargee with you cant get your self out of bronze L. if you have a team of 2 or 3 good player, its possible. Or if you are very skilled player, that happens to end up in Bronze after 3 pre-matches, you by means carry your self. Most game ppl choose their favorite hero, and dont care about if some1 pick healer or tank. Im more then ok to play healer or tank. Just that, those who pick their favorite hero, are unable to do the proper dmg or follow-up - they rather fail taking favorite, the contribute to the draft team, with what is needed.

Ive done my 50win Quest, it was a hard one, i didnt think i would make it. But now on easy , and hope for the better.

Ending - If you want 60% win invite your friend that you know, he understand the game and make your self healer or tank. this my advise. ofc. its not a 100% win. but atleast its not your fault.

u are so right bro and this is game need booster event and legendary box event

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Te voy a decir la verdad, es insoportable tener que jugar y tratar de ganar la partida, pero no falta un despistado que te jode todo, bueno fuera perder por que el otro equipo jugó mejor (hay partidas de esas, y la derrota se acepta), pero perder la partida por un retrasado, eso jode mucho. Cada nueva partida uno está casi rezando para que te toque gente decente y no ul pobre invecil que no sabe los roles de cada mapa, los counter de cada héroe.

Players are unable to carry themselves in this game. Some dps can do it yes but if you have a player who is just afking at base or auto walking into turrets. You are gonna lose.