Heroes of the Storm Balance Patch Notes - June 15, 2021

spine launcher was rolled into fetid touch

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That’s nice, but now his spine shoot animation looks broken. It is using the default melee swing with the projectile firing from the the center of his mass, rather than using his whole infested arm as a delivery device (read: like a gun).

I’m still torn between the Brightwing changes. Obviously they don’t want an ancestral-heal equivalent effect tied to his (her??) teleport but are compensating in many other areas. They should have just included a minor heal to all of 13 talents - her E in general (since Stitches and Muradin are also buffed baseline). Safety Dust is now there only for stat padding where the other two talents are the actual fun ones.

What’s not to love? You can now AA cancel from a distance with that exuberating sound.



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Reads the changes to Blaze.

Goes into an extended happy dance.

Putting his damage mitigation tools at level 7 is a massive buff to his tank/off-tank ability.


We were, about her trait specifically. I can’t wait to use her buffed level 20, I wonder how long they will leave the ult so that it requires no extra mana costs? Pleased to see Valla get a tap on the head. An unexpected little gift of a patch, pretty nice stuff.

*Edit: I forgot to mention Froggy how I’m really enjoying the speed buff to the Pixie Boost talent. So fun to put on your friends who like to chase and dive, and use it on low health heroes to escape. Fun!

I thought of you as soon as I saw the Blaze changes.

Here is a take I made about 2 hours before this patch dropped, it hasn’t aged well.

I’m such a “Blizz Drone, Blizz Defender, Blizz White Knight” someone must have hacked my account!

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I like that I was right on the money about both level rewards and Into the Fray being made baseline.



I was never a huge fan of Grill and Kill or Adhesive Petroleum, although they had their uses, and I pretty much always took Thermal Protection (E CDR and armor) at 16. Now with his new E talent at 13 (extra damage), I can see carnage happening in team fights.


world of warcraft trolls like Amani, Darkspear, zandalari :D.


My question is answered, we got some new trains out. Now is the next question how long have we wait until the next trains will be stopped? 1 month or 6 month? :crazy_face: But maybe they are just fine, because they don’t sound like too strong like old Valla.

Not a bad idea.

Hi i’d like to provide a feedback that hopefully could be addressed in a future patch.
Whenever you are decreasing your death time as Leoric, by using is hand ability while in ghost form, the resurrection bar is not properly visually updated and the number of seconds remaining are not correct as well. The only thing that is actually correct is the white health bar that slowly increases.

Point is, when you “cheat” death for several seconds you can’t rely on the big middle bar and the countdown anymore, you have to watch a smaller bar to know when you are coming back. If you have to hearthstone(6 sec cast) so you don’t revive in a bad location and you cant rely on the countdown it makes harder to time it properly.

Summarizing, please make the death bar and the countdown reflect the actual time left to revive taking into account the “cheated death”.

I’m sold.
That lvl 13 E talent is massive. 541 dmg at that level.

…Maybe the true winner behind the scene compared to Muradin and Orphea?

Orphea might have the same effect on what happened to Sonya when it got buff, but on a smaller scale.
All of her talents had decent win rates, but only one build dominated, which was the trait + W reset.
Now, both E and Q build seem power creeped to me. Her stat checking numbers are considerable.
I’m not as sure for Muradin.

I’m liking this patch already! I can average a close DPS not far from Valla as Raynor, so this buff will make things alot more easier lol. These Gambit loans are awesome!

Orphy Orphy Orphy! It’s about time she got a little buff. I’ve been using her lately and I got so many MVP and straight wins with her. With this slight power-spike, it should make her even more clutch and fun to play.

really wish you guys had fixxed the bug where if you go into storm league, look at second page of heroes in draft, it kicks you back to first page in about 10-30 seconds, so annoying…

Just a quick note, you forgot to change the in game tooltips.

And specifically, Muradin lvl.4 Sledgehammer shouldn’t say it gives more stack to baseline quest since it doesn’t exist anymore.

EDIT : Other than that, good patch.

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Nice Anduin buffs, let’s see if they are enough

Maybe at some point you guys will find out whats the most frustrating aspect of your game. It’s not that Stiches heals a lot btw. It’s the matches the players get thrown into.