Valla Still OP After Rework

Stopped reading when you said ARAM lol


Stacking spell is always op in ARAM. Now try and see how much dmg she will end up doing in a qm or ranked game instead where people wont be stacking up like they learned nothing of KT.


The game isn’t balanced for ARAM. ARAM is a “party” mode that got made permanent because it was popular.

So either heroes balanced for 5 v 5, full map rotation work in ARAM or they can be removed. But nerfing them just for that mode isn’t viable.


Even in QuickPlay or Ranked, the fact that her abilities can scale in damage that much without a cap is an issue. Look at Azmodan for example, there is a cap on Globe of Annihilation for a reason. Same with KT Flametrike, Chromie Dragon’s Breath, Ragnaros Sulfuras, etc

Talents without cap like Illidan’s basic attack boost or Zul’jin stack up very slowly in comparison. Even Arthas with his Frostmourne quest does not have a cap, but how many have you seen get out of hand? It’s melee range, on a higher cooldown, can be cancelled with blind or just walking away and poking.

I don’t think her stacking abilities need the BAN hammer, they can still be fun. But they need to be balanced in comparison to similar abilities from other heroes.


Account lvl means nothing. But nice farming I guess. Any Ranks from the many years for actual context about your experience and skill lvl?

On topic: Valla’s design is still fairly easy to counter. W build got hit hard with the stack decrease. You should be fine.


Now op hero abusers will que up with Ophera/Muradin. 3 games already and those two in all games.

No. It is not fairly easy to counter. She can do so much poke damage and then just kill everyone with level 20 strafe. It is rediculously overpowered. And everyone saying that the game is not balanced for ARAM, its not balanced for QM either. She’s broken in all modes. If you can’t see that you’re blind.

Let’s not balance heroes based on quests in ARAM games please.
Every quest is OP in ARAM.

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I just played my first game of the patch as genji and won.

100% winrate. Absolutely broken.


Okay, I have to say it right now: You completely forgot the most OP hero to ever exist in the Nexus.

Kael’thas pre-Living Bomb nerf. How the Fel did you forget him?

And could ya at least wait a day or two? The patch has not had twenty four hours to settle in.


Orphea with the Q build? I haven’t tested it yet but is it really going to be strong? It’s harder to land and be consistent at compared to Trait build.

Valla needs to get hit hard, much harder than today’s little feather tickle on multishot.

Hungering Arrow needs to be nerfed by at minimum 50%. For such an ez point-click ability on a low cd, it shouldn’t be doing anywhere near the amount of damage it does.


That spell also has a total of 3 different means by which to gain it’s output.

The fact you are spouting literal falsehoods like this honestly makes me think you are just too passionate about this to make an objective call

They literally halved the amount she gains and newsflash, W was the only one people were complaining about and were using to get the 100K damage consistently, heck case and point despite people like me using it more then W, Q build actually needed a buff which it also got.

To be fair remember there is also the “oooh shiny” effect going on with everyone who got hit like that
heck I saw the same thing happen last time Qhira got talent reworks and yet she settled back down into the B list spot she’s in today.

Q build is literally just there to be anti-deathwing if you ask me.

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Show me.
I sincerely doubt it.

Try to not back off when she uses her W, you have a 12 second window with relativly low dmg, if you keep backing off after being hit by her burst, then she will keep doing that same thing every 12 seconds to you.
She wasn’t broken before the balance, she was overtuned, your litteraly complaining about something being uncapped, yet the dmg is lower than the Azmo Q with more CD.
The only reason she deals more dmg is because she is a better Auto Attacker than Azmo.
An AutoAttacker that now works abit like GM where she has to wear you down before she can go fully aggresive, compared to f.ex an Auto Attacked buildt Valla that should be aggresive 100% of the time.

Play her, learn her, see her weaknesses yourself, then complain if shes stil “broken”.


I’ve played her a lot. If you don’t you just lose. I have around 60-70 games with her with a nearly 80% winrate. She is rediculously overtuned it’s not even funny.

Screenshots or it didn’t happen
I only managed a 60 percent winrate with her in SL give or take out of the occassions I can get her
and unlike a lot of the “Valla mains” out there I actually DID have a pre-rework Valla in my roster with a triple digit number of games.


Not even then, it’s just when they’re uninteractive to play against (Abathur, Hammer, trait value Leoric), when they’re really not designed for one lane (Abathur, Vikings), or when they’re Cho’Gall.

If strength were enough, Zul’jin would be long gone.

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