Heroes Message board

He feels so good IMO.

  • Smooth moves (mostly for the duration increase than mana or even the heal)
  • Trait
  • Reverse AMP
  • Both ulta are fine but Sound Barrier most of the time.
  • Slip is good for the armor and lets survive even better but the CC on trait is also good if you want to interrupt stuff, honestly all of the talents on this tidr provide different viablilitiss that you can take advantage from.
  • % heal
  • Anything that is not the heal increase, literally all of them are solid, Shmmer anthem denies kill 100% guarantee shields, Bossa Nova more consistent sound barriers and slap for heal deniability like against morales.

Been spamming this nonsense in Silver and they literally canā€™t kill me and canā€™t even kill my allies also pretty effective when your team actually follows up especially with Arthas or Varian on TB (as second pick on top of main tank), they canā€™t escape rofl.

That round we ended up with a Diablo who couldnā€™t grab anyone, barely killed anything and could not escape or be healed by Lili (why do they first pick her all the time there wth) and accumulated 11 deaths.

Also went AA build for some reason.

Nice im curious how it looks like!

Last ranked with a friend of mine. They had naz guldan. He took this talent.
Didnt understoot what he did wrong

% heal is indeed the best but I was screwing around a bit

Aa build diablo?

Ranked is fun, huh?

Kinda, better than the garbage I have been playing in QM thats for sure.

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So guys, we did it!

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All it took was 3 losses

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i wish there was an offtopic thread i swear, some people want to chill here to talk about other things sometimes and not 24/7 hots


I am making a thread, smol tease

also half of it is done

5 points if you get what this is about.

These will not be granted for some people here though, because they already know what it is about.

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Why donā€™t they do it in discord servers? :thinking:

Because I want my off topic subforum.

Just make a thread Other Things Hots where you just talk to forum members about life

Hmm, will think about it.

Thats why I created this and darak the salt mines

Darak wanted just a place where people complain without being judged too much

I wanted a place where you can share a bit more about your heroes day

@thread first time in 2 years I won as chogall. Gall got mvp

Got a ton of xp! \o/

I love this idea, just as long as politics is banned from said offtopic. :slight_smile:

Because they think they can just shove a rock on their Q button and booze it up for most of the match.

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Canā€™t wait to get out of silver, so close.

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Whats the diffirence between a bronze kt and a diamond?
One is luckyer

the other is more dumb.

OMG so close, I have been only spamming Lucio and they just canā€™t do anything lmao

8/9 of all Lucio plays (thereā€™s one also below this but I canā€™t show it all games so) won, the one lost because literally toxic players feeding and trolling.

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Yay we can play soon
Do you get reconised often?