Heroes Message board

No, which is good.


Gold 5 baby, Lucio Main confirmed?


Another Lucio main?..

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Your game start like this:

Then end up in Gold 5.

Honestly I don’t believe there’s no way to auto cancel the draft if someone doesn’t even hover on the hero and is also the banner and literally bans nothing.

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in my experience rank “1 or 5” are the worst (for example gold 1 and plat 5)
Think because rank 1 guys want to try their best to get to the next rank
And people who are 5 dont try that hard anymore

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Its like looking on a paper full of debts


Looks like my friends students loan.

Btw I saw enemy tyrande’s Elune’s chosen. Was I bugged?

Im playing tass on ranked :smiley:


Oh wow, Clipper is master already!


Contgats! See Sami, I said it wouldn’t take you long to get out of Silver! It won’t be long until you are reunited with Dr. Logan in Master. I’ve never played with you, but it’s obvious from your guides and general discussion that you have a great depth of game knowledge and mechanical skill.

My only warning is Gold is really yuck, as it’s kinda the smurf playground, keep spamming Lucio for the win!


wait, wht? lol


Sneaky one. Was Bronze and now you are master.

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haha, soon, i mean not soon of course, but in time :slight_smile:

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That moment you die as Aba and the doctor ragequits a ranked game because of it

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You were useless.

I decided to check my stats on Tassadar, when I started to play him. Lmao
Second season, 2017 year

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I love trap build even tho I lost
(Whitemane who didnt heal me more then once with lethal dmg over time with 80% mana)

Ah Silver hell. I thought I was done with it and was closing in on plat and then hell happened…


Pft, I totally carried you on Johanna today. You didn’t even get MVP. So disappointing.


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Those two games were so bad. Good job.

So in my 29 glorious levels. I encountered my first ragequitter. Illidan who fought died because we werent there and gave up stayed soaking

So far I had 4 people telling me how to play.

A couple of major flame fest but not directing at me but still got a nice little report from me.

But most people are nice! I dont see the major flaming what everyone says. The only diffirence is almost no shotcalls and no talking about other things

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