Wanna SL?
Im pretending to work
How long to wait?
Think a sad 3 more hours?
Time to study to have free time later then.
At least your more productive then me the comming hours
Im a bit bored at college. Wanna talk about something?
If I’m running around trying not to be hit by skillshots, and causing my Ana to miss her heals, am I right or wrong? Also, I’m playing Cassia and want to keep my trait up.
On topic: I recently hit 100 games with Murky, and I’ve won 60 of them! Now I don’t want to play him because the number will get messed up, lol.
Ow gongratz murky guide incomming!
Tldr no, you are doing good
There are a few factors why ana is missing
Bad angle, good anas always move to the easyest angle to move.
So you might need to look if you can help her a bit finding the right spot
diffirent skill level
Ive noticed now I was with gold 5 (quick match) on this acc I coudnt aim during the first fight xD just needs a bit of adepting time.
If she really cant aim just stand still next to her and ping your health.
Your doing it right trying to dodge skillshots.
One tip you can do is standing at the same line as your tank for her double heal shot.
And you can always reply on chat what you should do. Sometimes its just a simple answer.
My first game as ana I said im not good enough can you move more predictable
I did not know this, as I haven’t played her before. It seems really helpful, thanks. I have just stood in front of her between fights, but that isn’t when you desperately need your heals. She always seemed like a super high skill cap healer, as most others aren’t dependent on a skill shot.
Unfortunately, my Murky winrate and knowledge pales in comparison to some others on the forum, but thank you. Maybe if I start playing him in Draft Modes more instead of just stomping people in QM, then I can write a guide.
Why is the MVP always the person with the most kills?
Why does my Tassadar always get MVPs?
I recommend trying every hero at least twice. (Both ults)
Just to feel how it is to play that hero. It makes playing with and against them much easyer. Also better understanding about the talents
Its a combination of kills/assist (killparticipation)
The more you are a part of it. The more the game reconises you as valuable.
So a mix between stats. Less deaths
Otherwise you wont play tassadar anymore but blaze
Also my all time favourite teamfight:
If he that strong in silver?
I played him yesterday. Was fun. I was on garden and just spamming Q off the walls
1 accelerando
4 Off the wall
7 Good vibrations
10 High five
13 Slip (but its not a good talent)
16 Up the frequentie
20 House party
I see no WM.
She wasn’t out yet.