[HC] Ulrezaj, Archon of Vengeance

Ulrezaj is a dark being from the Starcraft novels that was created from the fusion of 7 Dark Templar. Immensely powerful but very unstable, Ulrezaj wrecked havoc across the universe, calling great powers from the Void to destroy all that stood in his path.

In HotS, Ulrezaj is a powerful ranged bruiser who unleashes great magical potential to control his enemies and combo them to death. He has many tools that allow him to exceed in the solo lane, and can turn teamfights with his powerful disruption tools. Unfortunately, he lacks out of combat sustain, being unable to be healed by standard healers, making him harder to utilize in the game.

Universe: Starcraft
Role: Bruiser

Will of Many
Z (Mount) – 4 sec Cooldown
Increases your movement speed by 30% while mounted.

Explanation: This is a special mount almost exactly like Alarak’s psionic levitation.

Being of Power
Trait (Passive)
Ulrezaj does not have a health bar; instead, he only has shields. Bonus damage to shield is capped at 300 (+4% per level) damage. Ulrezaj can benefit from healing fountains, which restore 75% of his maximum shields, and he restores 15% of the damage he deals with abilities to enemy Heroes as Shield. Ulrezaj cannot benefit from healing, but shields granted to him restore his shield (not lasting a limited time). Ulrezaj does not passively regenerate shields, and shields that overcap his maximum health last their normal amount of time before dissipating.

Explanation: Being of Power is flavorful to Dark Archons, and allows me to make unique interactions with Ulrezaj and other characters in the game. Ulrezaj cannot benefit from healing, but characters that grant shields can now effectively heal him. He also has some solid self-sustain if he can land his abilities, bolstering his ability to solo effectively.

Void Storm
Q (7 sec Cooldown)
Ulrezaj unleashes a burst of void energy at a target 1.5 unit radius area within 6 units that deals 220 (+4% per level) damage to all enemies in the area after a .65 second delay. Two more explode simultaneously with the primary explosion, which change their position in relation to how close the ability was cast to Ulrezaj. The two secondary storms will always be 7 units away from Ulrezaj, with the closer the primary storm being to Ulrezaj, the farther apart the secondary storms being. The secondary storms begin at 45 degree conical length away, and eventually grow to 15% conical length away at max range (forming an inverted triangle of storms that do not overlap at maximum range. Enemies hit by more than one Void Storm are dealt 40% damage from secondary explosions.

Explanation: Void Storm is Ulrezaj’s main damage tool, for both poke and waveclear. The strange skillshot tool rewards players who have a deep understanding of how the ability works. Ulrezaj can reliably hit at least one of the storms if he uses it max range, but sometimes it is not possible.

W (12 sec Cooldown)
Ulrezaj builds power at a target 2.5 unit radius area over 1 second which then collapses, pulling all enemies in the area to the center, dealing 180 (+4% per level) damage and stunning them for .5 seconds.

Explanation: Maelstrom is a solid disruption ability that pulls all enemies to a single area for him to reliably land his other abilities. It’s long delay means he needs to be careful in its usage.

E (14 sec Cooldown)
Ulrezaj charges up energy over .75 seconds and then unleashes it in a ball in a target 8 unit direction. The first enemy it hits is dealt 120 (+4% per level) damage, and all enemies within 3 range of that enemy are taunted to them for 1.5 seconds.

Explanation: Confusion is the main CC tool in Ulrezaj’s arsenal, with the ability to keep an enemy team effectively stunned for a long while. The taunt can force the enemy ranged carry to deal heavy damage to the enemy as well, adding a little bit of extra damage.

Overpower Mind
Heroic #1 (120 sec Cooldown)
(Passive) Every time Ulrezaj damages an enemy Hero with one of his abilities, they are marked with Overpower. Upon reaching 3 stacks, Ulrezaj can cast this on that enemy. All stacks fall off after 15 seconds of not taking damage from Ulrezaj.
(Active) Ulrezaj lifts an enemy Hero with 3 stacks of Overpower into the air, granting them a 500 (+4% per level) health shield while stunning them. The enemy is additionally dealt 100 (+4% per level) damage (surpassing all shields) every second for 4 seconds. While the enemy Hero is stunned, Ulrezaj can cast their basic abilities from their location using his 1, 2, and 3 secondary ability keys, and they share the cooldown with the enemy’s actual cooldowns. These abilities count as Ulrezaj’s, damaging his enemies instead of his allies, and healing his allies instead of his enemies. Both teams can damage the stunned enemy while effects persist, and breaking the shield releases the enemy from Ulrezaj’s control and cleanses them of all negative effects their allies inflicted upon them.

Explanation: Overpower Mind is a powerful heroic that he can use to both drain an enemy of their abilities and keep them effectively out of a fight for a short time. Enemies can break them out of it, and the enemy can negate its power by using their abilities before they are Overwhelmed, so Ulrezaj must be aware of the enemy’s actions. The ability is point and click, but it requires Ulrezaj to land his other abilities to utilize its effects.

Draw Near
Heroic #2 (40 sec Cooldown)
Ulrezaj unleashes a void claw in the target 10 unit direction, impacting the first enemy Hero it hits and connecting with them for 5 seconds. Every second, the enemy is pulled slowly towards Ulrezaj (like a slower conveyor belt) and dealt 40 (+4% per level) damage. If Ulrezaj hits the enemy with one of his other abilities, the enemy is pulled 3 units towards Ulrezaj. If the enemy reaches Ulrezaj, they are dealt 300 (+4% per level) damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. The link breaks if the enemy moves more than 12 units away, or when they reach Ulrezaj.

Explanation: Draw Near maintains the combo-centric nature of his heroics, and is more focused on pulling a single enemy to their doom as opposed to using them to damage Ulrezaj’s enemies. Draw Near can offer a large bonus to damage and disruption on a relatively low cooldown of managed well.

Tier 1

• Overcharged Power: Every 4 seconds, Ulrezaj’s next basic attack deals 50% increased damage and slows the enemy by 50% for 1 second. Damaging an enemy Hero with a basic ability automatically empowers Ulrezaj’s next basic attack with Overcharged Power.
• Flare in the Void: Ulrezaj deals 22 (+4% per level) damage to all nearby enemy Heroes every seconds. Enemies damaged by one of Ulrezaj’s basic abilities within the last 3 seconds take 100% increased damage.
• Satisfying Suffering: Ulrezaj restores 45% of the damage his abilities deal to enemies afflicted with stuns, slows, roots, silences, and taunts as shields, up from the natural 15%.

Tier 2

• Utter Devastation: Void Storm’s radius is increased by 20% (allowing them to Overlap). If an enemy Hero is hit by all three Void Storms, it’s next cast has 15% increased range.
• Dark Momentum: Ulrezaj’s basic attack range is increased by 1.1, and every time he basic attacks an enemy, the cooldown of Maelstrom is reduced by .75 seconds.
• Unlimited Reach: Confusion has 25% longer range and moves 25% faster. If it hits an enemy in the last 25% of the range, the cooldown is decreased by 2 seconds.

Tier 3

• Unspeakable Horror: Void Storm silences enemies hit for .75 seconds. Enemies hit by more than one Void Storm have the silence value increased by .35 per additional storm.
• Turbulent Energies: If Maelstrom hits 2 or more enemy heroes, the stun duration is increased by .75 seconds.
• Mind Drain: Enemies hit by Confusion are slowed by 35% for 1.5 seconds.

Tier 4

• Overpower Mind: (Passive) Every time Ulrezaj damages an enemy Hero with one of his abilities, they are marked with Overpower. Upon reaching 3 stacks, Ulrezaj can cast this on that enemy. (Active) Ulrezaj lifts an enemy Hero with 3 stacks of Overpower into the air, granting them a 500 (+4% per level) health shield while stunning them. The enemy is additionally dealt 100 (+4% per level) damage (surpassing all shields) every second for 4 seconds. While the enemy Hero is stunned, Ulrezaj can cast their basic abilities from their location using his 1, 2, and 3 secondary ability keys, and they share the cooldown with the enemy’s actual cooldowns. These abilities count as Ulrezaj’s, damaging his enemies but instead of his allies, and healing his allies instead of his enemies. Both teams can damage the stunned enemy while effects persist, and breaking the shield releases the enemy from Ulrezaj’s control.
• Draw Near: Ulrezaj unleashes a void claw in the target 10 unit direction, impacting the first enemy Hero is hits and connecting with them for 5 seconds. Every second, the enemy is pulled slowly towards Ulrezaj (like a slower conveyor belt) and dealt 40 (+4% per level) damage. If Ulrezaj hits the enemy with one of his other abilities, the enemy is pulled 3 units towards Ulrezaj. If the enemy reaches Ulrezaj, they are dealt 300 (+4% per level) damage and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. The link breaks if the enemy moves more than 12 units away, or when they reach Ulrezaj.

Tier 5

• Vengeful Apparition: When Ulrezaj receives damage from an enemy Hero, he gains 4% increased attack speed for 3 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. Upon reaching 10 stacks, his basic attacks deal 20% increased damage.
• Reality Warp: This can be toggled on and off with a secondary ability. Void Storm is now reversed in how it targets, with the closer range having all three storms touching and the maximum range having a standard triangle formation. Enemies hit by all three Void Storms while close are knocked up for .75 seconds.
• Abyssal Shell: Ulrezaj gains 10 Armor while above 50% health. While below 50% health, his abilities deal 15% increased damage and restore all of this increased damage as restoration to his shields.

Tier 6

• Mark of Destruction: Ulrezaj can activate his trait to consume 15% of his current shield to infuse that much health into the enemy. Every time the enemy is damaged by one of Ulrezaj’s abilities within the next 5 seconds, they are dealt 50% of this amount to them. 30 sec Cooldown.
• Condemnation: Enemies in Maelstrom as it charges up are slowed by 35%, and Maelstrom deals 35% increased damage.
• Assimilation: When Ulrezaj kills an enemy Hero, his next ability will deal 50% increased damage and restore shields to him equal to 200% of the damage dealt.

Tier 7

• Fragment of Power: Upon using Overpower Mind on an enemy, all of their basic abilities are refreshed, and they gain 25% increased spell power while effects last. In addition, the enemy gains 25 armor while effects last.
• Soulbinder: Draw Near executes enemies under 20% health when they reach Ulrezaj, resetting its cooldown if it does so.
• Gluttonous Hatred: When Ulrezaj contributes to killing an enemy Hero, all of his cooldowns are refreshed.
• Echoes from the Void: When Ulrezaj is dealt lethal damage, he becomes a void wraith for 4 seconds, able to continue moving at 50% speed and casting abilities, but unable to be damaged or hit. After these 4 seconds, Ulrezaj is revived at his current location with 1 shield. 180 sec Cooldown.


Great concept, I like the idea of Archon hero (although I would kinda expect it to be Cho’Gall like). Additionaly the mage-bruiser hybrid is intriguing.
Now on the concept itself.

Being of Power

I like the trait and the passive spell leech. Plus the trait makes him synergize well with shield based supports/healers while mostly making him healer independent (QM is strong with this one :joy:).
There are however two concerns and two questions:
First his trait is could be too similar to Fenix’s trait. Maybe not Fenix still has some hp.
Second even with max anti-shield dmg capped he would still be hard countred by someone like Varian.
And the question is, can he gain permanent shields over his max shield hp with something like Lucio’s sound barrier?
Last but not least does he have passive shield regeneration?

Void Storm

Intersting and interactive ability. I imagine it would give him high skill ceiling which is good IMO.


Good setup tool and can also be used for peeling.


Very important ability lore wise plus pretty powerfull teamfight tool.
I’m only unsure about enemies doing damage to their own. That is very strong and could create tense situations in the enemy team. I feel just the taunt is strong enough for a basic ability.

Overpower Mind

This ability is super strong but the cooldown balances that out.
I like that there is clear option for the enemy to break this.
Maybe just remove the ability of Ulrezaj’s team to attack overpowered hero. Why would they want to do that in the first place?

Draw Near

Not much to say. Nice setup ability with clear ups and downs.


Pretty much fine, just maybe give him more defensive options if he is going to be a bruiser.

Reality Warp

Maybe make that into active or toggled ability? Because it could confuse Ulretaj’s player.

Unspeakable Horror

Very powerfull for Tier 3 talent. Much more than the other two IMO.

Thanks for the review again Marrossi! I decided going for a single player because Ulrezaj moves much more as a single entity than the 7 dark templars that formed him. Plus, there are better characters to fit the 2 players play a combo her role, as the last CDC clearly showed.

I thought the unique interactions between Ulrezaj and anti-shield characters would offer clear ways to counter an otherwise very solid character. The trait really shakes up the game in which characters work well with him, and I thought it would be cool to see how players would work with it. I also meant to say shields that overcap him degenerate, but I guess I missed it. And I did not intend for him to have passive shield regen, since his ability retore covered that and it would bleed a bit with Fenix.

For Confusion, there are other MOBA’s that have similar effects, so I think I’m comfortable enough keeping the damage effect, due to the long delay on the ability and low damage.

For Overpower Mind, I allowed allied players to break the shield for simplicity sake, as well as to reduce any salvation or misplay potential Ulrezaj could have. if I placed the enemy in stasis, not only would that be much harder for the devs to code, but it could also be used to save enemies from things like Pyroblast or Tactical Strike. I wanted allies to additionally have some say in the ability.

I thought about making Reality Warp a toggleable secondary talent, but decided to keep it streamlined. I could make it a secondary talent.

I will tune down Unspeakable Horror.

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The concept is overall really solid. Good job. :+1:

One final question: How would the damage (and kills) by enemies on their own ally count? Toward Ulrezaj’s or?

Also would you please consider taking a look at one of my concepts?
Coral - Herald of the Twilight

Thanks again for the reviews. I will definitely be delivering my review for your Corla concept soon.

As for the damage by enemies on their MC’d ally, It will only really be able to kill them with DoTs, so I’ll just have the enemy be cleansed on negative effects inflicted by their allies when the shield breaks.

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Thanks in advance :grin:

I was thinking more about the Confusion with the friendly damage, but it could simply count as Ulrezaj’s.