[HC] Green-Eyes, Vengeful Overlord

Green-Eyes is a named and interesting Overlord from the Starcraft short story, “Just an Overlord.” The character made for an amazing, lore-established Overlord, a key unit to the zerg army. Starcraft lacks supports, and so I wanted to make the Overlord after this epic story character.

In HotS, Green-Eyes focused on supplying a wide variety of utility for his allies while providing situational area healing, mainly out of combat. Green-Eyes can quickly save allies from combat with his trait, and his unique movement options can open up new paths for allies.

Universe: Starcraft
Role: Healer

Z (Mount) – Passive
Green-Eyes moves 20% slower than regular heroes, but can move over impassable terrain freely, and ignores unit collision. While out of combat for 4 seconds and not carrying someone, he moves at normal speeds. Green-Eyes does not have a basic attack, but right clicking an enemy will cause any active Zerglings to attack that enemy.

Explanation: It would make no sense for the Overlord to mount or have a speed boost, and this mount fit the character so well. Whether dropping of units at an area or quickly evacuating allies, this allows all kinds of movement.

Trait (12 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes pulls an allied Hero into himself, putting them into Stasis as he moves with them (similar to Sitches’s Gorge). While inside Green-Eyes, allies are healed by 40 (+4% per level) every .5 seconds. Green-Eyes can hold allies for a maximum of 3 seconds, and allies can exit early be using their mount button.

Explanation: Transport is one of the key abilities I knew I wanted in the Overlord. His ability to save an ally from a dangerous effect creates a unique niche that fits with the character.

Regenerative Creep
Q (8 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes starts to spew creep beneath him, channeling. While channeling, an area of creep grows slowly in size from 2 unit radius to 5.5 unit radius over 6 seconds, which lasts for 3 seconds after Green-Eyes stops channeling. Allied heroes, while on the Creep, are healed by 40 (+4% per level) every .5 seconds. Consumes 10 mana every second.

Explanation: While I knew I wanted to make Green-Eyes a support, most zerg healing abilities were too dull or taken on other characters, so I decided to bring out a new take on their creep-spreading ability. Desecrating the ground to heal allies brings out the Overlord’s indirect nature, and gives him a powerful area heal to offset his Transport.

Drop Zerglings
W (10 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes spews out two Zerglings to a target location which attack nearby enemies for 5 seconds, dealing 42 (+4% per level) damage and reducing the enemy’s armor by 3 with each basic attack. Zerglings can be targetted by Transport, reducing the cooldown of Drop Zerglings by 50% and refreshing Transport. Zerglings are destroyed upon being targeted by Transport. Each zergling has 335 (+4% per level) health.

Explanation: Overlords have no attack, and in the short story Green-Eyes did nothing himself to fight the marines. His threat was the swarm he brought with him. Zerglings were removed from Kerrigan’s kit a long time ago, and would be perfect for Green-Eyes. Zergling drop, anyone? The armor shred offers more utility.

Roach Ambush
E (12 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes targets a 12 unit cone (75 degrees), summoning three burrowed Roaches at the tip of the cone, one in the center, one on the far right, and one on the far left. Each roach moves slowly towards Green-Eyes’ cast point. If they move underneath an enemy Hero, they surface, stunning the enemy for .75 seconds and dealing 280 (+4% per level) damage. The Roaches then burrow, and disappear.

Explanation: We already have Roachlings for Zagara, and I wanted a more ability-based disruption, not wanting to exclusively make a summoner. Roaches were used in the short, and so I thought this mechanic would fit the bill nicely.

Mutalisk Swarm
Heroic #1 (60 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes sends a swarm of mutalisks in an elliptical pattern towards a target location, dealing 260 (+4% per level) damage and slowing all enemies they pass through by 35% for 2 seconds. At the center-point of the target location, a 3 unit diameter swarm of mutalisks is created, which deal 65 (+4% per level) damage to enemies within every .5 seconds, slow enemies within by 50%, and remove enemy’s vision from outside the swarm (acting as impassable terrain as far as sight goes). The swarm lasts for 5 seconds before dissipating.

Explanation: At the start of Green-Eyes’s appearance, he flooding the sky with mutalisks that swept in like a storm of death, killing and wounding many. I thought this heroic was both creative mechanically and fit quite well with the theme of the character.

Pain of Survival
Heroic #2 (60 sec Cooldown)
Green-Eyes targets an enemy Hero, reducing their damage and healing by 75%, slowing them by 25%, and granting them Protected for 5 seconds. In addition, all enemies within 5 units of the targeted enemy hero lose 25 Armor while effects persist.

Explanation: This heroic was a pure flavor choice. In the short, one of the main themes was isolation. Green-Eyes systematically killed all of his target’s friends while leaving him alive to suffer with that pain. And so this heroic was born. It can keep a target out of the fight while your team cleans up the rest of the enemy team.

Tier 1

• Biotic Reconstruction: [QUEST!] Heal allies with Regenerative Creep for a total of 300 seconds. [Reward] For every 30 seconds spent healing, Regenerative Creep now heals for an additional .2% maximum health every .5 seconds.
• Infinite Control: [QUEST!] Deal a combined 20,000 damage with Drop Zerglings and Roach Ambush. [Reward] After 10,000 damage, Roach Ambush and Zerglings move 20% faster. After 20,000 damage, Roach Ambush and Zerglings has a 25% reduced cooldown.
• Clutch of the Swarm: [QUEST!] Use Transport on allies below 10% health. [Reward] After 10 times saving allies, increase the healing of Transport by 20%. After 20 times saving allies, increase the maximum duration by 2 seconds. After 30 times saving allies, Transport no longer slows Green-Eyes.

Tier 2

• Evasion: Zerglings take 20% less damage, and take 50% reduced damage from area of effect damage.
• Violent Infestation: Allied heroes inside Regenerative Creep deal 15% increased damage.
• Suppressive Pouch: While allied heroes are in Transport, all damage over time is slowed by 50% and all positive buffs have their duration paused.

Tier 3

• Creep Blast: Regenerative Creep no longer is a channeled. Instead, on use, Green-Eyes blasts a target area within 6 range (max radius of normal Regenerative Creep) which lasts for 5 seconds before dissipating.
• Saturated Ground: Regenerative Creep lasts 300% as long after Green-Eyes stops channeling, and its mana cost is reduced by 50%. Allies cannot be healed by multiple overlapping creep.
• Volatile Creepers: Whenever a Roach surfaces or a Zergling dies, they leave a 2 unit radius area of Regenerative Creep for 3 seconds.

Tier 4

• Mutalisk Swarm: Green-Eyes sends a swarm of mutalisks in an elliptical pattern towards a target location, dealing 300 (+4% per level) damage and slowing all enemies they pass through by 35% for 2 seconds. At the center-point of the target location, a large swarm of mutalisks is created, which deal 85 (+4% per level) damage to enemies within every .5 seconds, slow enemies within by 50%, and remove enemy’s vision from outside the swarm (acting as impassable terrain as far as sight goes). The swarm lasts for 5 seconds before dissipating.
• Pain of Survival: Green-Eyes targets an enemy Hero, reducing their damage and healing by 75%, slowing them by 25%, and granting them Protected for 5 seconds. In addition, all enemies within 5 units of the targeted enemy hero lose 25 Armor while effects persist.

Tier 5

• Raptorling Strain: Zerglings now leap at enemies within 2.5 range and deal 25% increased damage.
• Vile Strain: Enemies stunned by Roach Ambush are additionally slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.
• Ventral Sacs: Reduces the cooldown of Transport by 40%.

Tier 6

• Pneumatized Carapace: Green-Eyes is no longer slowed by Floating when in combat.
• Survival Instincts: When Green-Eyes is stunned, rooted, feared, or taunted, he is freed from those effects and gains 20% increased movement speed for 2 seconds. This has a 15 second Cooldown.
• Sheltered Drop: When allied heroes exit Transport, they gain 20 Armor for 1.5 seconds.

Tier 7

• Overseer Strain: Green-Eyes reconforms into an Overseer, gaining 20% increased movement speed and having 150% the normal sight range, which is no longer blocked by terrain or bushes. In addition, Green-Eyes now reveals all enemy heroes in his sight radius.
• Mastermind Strain: Green-Eyes reconforms into a Mastermind, gaining two permanent Hydralisks that follow him around on the floor. They benefit from all talents that apply to Zerglings, and deal 45 (+4% per level) damage every time they attack. Each has 360 (+4% per level) health. Each can be targeted by Transport (not incurring the cooldown), and are stored for an infinite duration and can be dropped at any time by using it again on an empty space.
• Yggdrasil Strain: Green-Eyes reconforms into a Yggdrasil. He grows 20% bigger and gains 25% increased maximum health. In addition, Transport now has two charges, and can be used on two allied heroes simultaneously.


Looks really good, but I am strongly against Heroes that don’t have Basic Attacks, maybe give him a slow, low Damage Ranged Attack that looks like a Gaurdian’s?


Sorry for the very delayed response.

The reason why I made the Overlord have no basic attack is to both fulfill his fantasy of an Overlord (being unable to hurt enemies by himself) as well as forcing him to rely on his W summons as an extension of his basic attack.

While looking over this part of the character, I realized losing a Zergling was a bit too punishing (as the ideal way to play was to use Transport before they die to reset the cooldown so you could place them again). I will up their health and reduce their cooldown so that his “basic attack” and damage pressure is slightly more reliable.

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Maybe if you want to have zerglings as his substitute, make right clicking your enemies a control for your zerglings to attack.

So they truly become an extension of Green Eyes.

Also, make them permanent escorts with a number limit if you truly want them to be Green Eyes’ basic attacks.

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The right click control is a good idea. I’ll add that into the passive.

As far as the passive escort goes, the character is largely passive as is, and I think having to manage the Zerglings’ uptime through clever usage of Escort not only forces Green-Eyes to be in the fray with his zerglings, but also forces him to break channeled effects and other options to keep his powerful basic attack option available. The ability for Green-Eyes to effectively basic attack from afar with armor shred while channeling is also a powerful effect in and of itself.

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