[HC] Castanar, Hybrid Monstrosity

The Hybrid of Castanar is an interesting character that works as the perfect representative for the Hybrid Reaver subtype from Starcraft II. We have a sore lack of hybrids in the game, and I would love to get one in the game, especially one with interaction with characters like Raynor.

In HotS, Castanar is a powerful melee main tank, with a core feature being his ability to counter other high health and tanky enemies. He is similar to Leoric in a way, but more specialized as a main tank as opposed to an off tank. He has no mobility and little damage, but can stay alive for some time, punishing tanky characters and keeping high mobility characters in place for allies.

Universe: Starcraft
Role: Tank

Monumental Hunger
Z (Mount) – Passive
Castanar initially gains no bonus movement speed. Every time an enemy hero is killed with Consume DNA, Castanar grows in size (5% larger) and gains 5% increased movement speed. This stacks up to 5 times, and half stacks are lost on death (rounded up).

Explanation: Castanar is too monstrous to ever get on a mount, and him simply running faster makes no sense, so I wanted to give him a way to grow like an incomplete hybrid and gain some mobility if he can play well. Monumental Hunger is what I ended on, creating a necessity to land good Consume DNA casts.

Incomplete Genome
Trait (Passive)
Castanar’s genome grows as he stays in battle. Every time he is dealt 10% of his health in spell damage, he gains 1 Spell Armor. Every time he is dealt 10% if his health in physical damage, he gains 1 Physical armor. These bonuses persist until death, and can stack up to 25 for each bonus. Whenever Castanar kills an enemy Hero with Consume DNA, his maximum health is increased by 5% until death.

Explanation: Castanar is meant to be a tankbusting main tank, and so in order to do this, he needs a powerful defensive trait that can keep him safe and in charge against normal heroes. I also wanted to continue the theme to grow over time by Consume DNA, and so every time he kills an enemy hero with Consume DNA, he becomes harder to kill until enemies kill him and reset him.

Consume DNA
Q (8 sec Cooldown)
Castanar takes a chomp out of an enemy, dealing 15% of their maximum health in damage and healing himself for 50% of the damage dealt. If the enemy has armor, 15 of it is consumed and granted to Castanar for 5 seconds.

Explanation: Consume DNA is the main tankbusting and sustain tool of Castanar, able to output large damage on enemy heroes and healing him based on the enemy’s maximum health. I always wanted to add some extra benefit or hitting tanky enemies, and I figured that consuming an enemy’s bonus armor could be a great tool to encourage Consuming those pesky Muradin’s, ETC’s, and Garrosh’s.

Constricting Slime
W (10 sec Cooldown)
Castanar expunges slime in a nova around him that constricts all enemies hit, slowing them by 20% for 5 seconds. Every time the enemy moves 2 units, the slow increases by 5%, up to a maximum of 60%.

Explanation: In order to fulfill the role of a main tank, Castanar needs a way to keep enemies pinned down so his allies can kill them. Constricting Slime is a tool the hybrids use in Starcraft, but I wanted to add more to it, so I decided to add a counter for hypermobile characters.

Drawing Tentacles
E (12 sec Cooldown)
Castanar lurches forward 1 unit and sends its tentacles outwards in a thin inverted cone that reaches 5 units. If an enemy is hit, they are dealt 220 (+4% per level) damage and are tethered to Castanar for 3 seconds, constantly being pulled to them (like the conveyor belts in Volskaya). The pull strength is increased the closer the enemy is to Castanar.

Explanation: Drawing Tentacles was also a tool used in order to give Castanar a disruptive tool. Since he does not have any mobility, a way to keep enemies close to him while he walks up to take a bite out of them seemed crucial. It is important that the movement they move while running against the tether still counts for Constricting Slime.

Psionic Screech
Heroic #1 (80 sec Cooldown)
Castanar unleashes a powerful screech in a cone-line (2.5 unit 110 degree cone connected to a 6 unit long wide line). Enemies inside the cone are dealt 60 (+4% per level) damage every .5 seconds, are silenced, and are slowed by 40%. The screech is channeled for 3 seconds.

Explanation: Psionic Screech had to be included to make the Hybrid of Castanar, and I think this incarnation feels interesting while still unique from Diablo’s Lightning Breath. It can be a very powerful tool in a main tank Castanar’s arsenal, but can be interrupted by CC, so be careful.

Heroic #2 (80 sec Cooldown)
Castanar connects himself psionically to an enemy hero for 6 seconds. Every .25 seconds their health is higher than Castanar’s, Castanar deals 1% of their maximum health to them and heals himself for the damage done. If an enemy affected is below 25% health, Consume DNA will now execute the target, healing him for 25% of the enemy’s maximum health.

Explanation: Assimilate adds even more tankbusting and survivability to Castanar’s kit. This is more useful against high health enemy compositions as well as if you are simply taking too much damage from enemy heroes.

Tier 1

• Zerg Carapace: Castanar gains 2 bonus Physical Armor per stack of Momental Hunger. [QUEST!] Reach 6 stacks of Monumental Hunger. [Reward] Castanar reflects 25% of the damage he receives from basic attacks back on the assailant.
• Protoss Will: Castanar gains 2 bonus Spell Armor per stack of Monumental Hunger. [QUEST!] Reach 6 stacks of Monumental Hunger. [Reward] Every 10 seconds, the next enemy spell that hits Castanar is negated.
• Challenger: Consume DNA heals by 50% more if it hits an enemy with more current health than Castanar.

Tier 2

• Devour: If an enemy is caught in Drawing Tentacles and is hit by Consume DNA, they are stunned for 1 second.
• Entangling Mucus: Constricting Slime roots enemies hit for .5 seconds. If enemies increase the slow to 45%, the enemy is rooted for 2 seconds.
• Adaptability: If an enemy escapes Drawing Tentacles, its cooldown is decreased by 40%. If the enemy is granted Unstoppable, its automatically refreshed.

Tier 3

• Charging Chomp: Consume DNA now has a range of 5, and causes Castanar to charge at the enemy at 50% increased movement speed until he collides with them.
• Slimed Bind: Constricting Slime slows the attack speed of enemies by an amount equal to the movement speed slow of Constricting Slime.
• Chokehold: Drawing Tentacles silences enemies hit.

Tier 4

• Psionic Screech: Castanar unleashes a powerful screech in a cone-line (2.5 unit 110 degree cone connected to a 6 unit long wide line). Enemies inside the cone are dealt 60 (+4% per level) damage every .5 seconds, are silenced, and are slowed by 40%. The screech is channeled for 3 seconds.
• Assimilate: Castanar connects himself psionically to an enemy hero for 6 seconds. Every .25 seconds their health is higher than Castanar’s, Castanar deals 1% of their maximum health to them and heals himself for the damage done. If an enemy affected is below 25% health, Consume DNA will now execute the target, healing him for 25% of the enemy’s maximum health.

Tier 5

• Insatiable: Every stack of Monumental Hunger grants Castanar 4% increased damage.
• Serrated Maw: Consume DNA deals additional damage to the enemy equal to 50% of the damage dealt over 5 seconds. If the enemy dies while affected, it counts as a kill for Monumental Hunger and Incomplete Genome.
• Vicegrip: Drawing Tentacles deal 30 (+4% per level) damage every .5 seconds the tether is maintained.

Tier 6

• Shifting Shell: Castanar is immune to slow and root effects.
• Dominate Hunter: While at max Monumental Hunger stacks, Castanar is immune to the first fear, stun, or silence effect he is hit by every 8 seconds.
• Unstoppable Evolution: Every time Castanar is hit by a stun, fear, silence, slow, or root effect, the duration of disabling effects on Castanar are reduce by 1%. This can stack up to 50 times, and all stacks are lost on death.

Tier 7

• Vocal Projection: Psionic Screech’s radius is increased by 25%, and its range is increased by 100%.
• Inner Void: Assimilation is now applied to all enemy heroes in range.
• Crippling Spray: Constricting Spray prevents enemies from using mobility abilities, and the initial slow amount is increased by 10%.
• Perfection: Castanar’s maximum stacks of Monumental Hunger are increased by 3, and his maximum armor bonus from Incomplete Genome is increased to 40.


Well, first off. I do like the overall concept quite a bit. The idea of a constantly evolving hero that adapts based on how the enemy team deals with him is pretty cool. Overall, I really like the sort of Leoric/Alarak vibes, because it still feels different enough from them both.

I really like the basic kit, with Constricting Slime being one of my favorite takes on a tool for countering mobile heroes. Drawing Tentacles is also an interesting way for him to keep enemies close, and I feel like it’s different enough from Drag. The only worry here is that he’ll end up like Alarak; Oppressive when doing well, or mediocre/useless if he can’t keep himself going.

I think Psionic Screech and Assimilate both work well for this character. Psionic Screech is… Well, I can’t quite imagine the area its hitting, but I do like the idea. A sort of continuous ranged silence that feels very different from what we have now. Assimilate is also really good, and works really well for exactly what you described; Too many tanks or if you’re just taking too much damage.

I also enjoy the talent tree, and the talents provide interesting options for dealing with various heroes. The talents that particularly stand out to me are Tier 6 in general, where I like the idea of that choice, and Zerg Carapace/Protoss Will, uh… They say 6 stacks of Monumental Hunger, and the base cap is 5.

As I said earlier, one of my biggest concerns with this character is the similarity to Alarak; The mostly total reset if he dies might break this character a little bit, at least in terms of people wanting to play it. I like Alarak’s trait, and this one for Castanar’s, but there’s always a problem present with it. Outside of that, I guess my concerns are a maybe a Tank-buster tank and how hard he might be to kill, but those can be adjusted more easily.

Still, I really like it, as I lead with, and enjoyed reading through it. (^_^)

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really glad to see this concept finally got out of the water and onto the forums :smiley: looks pretty good mate much better then my Castanar.

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Overall I really like this concept. It manages to make a new and interesting tank that has lifesteal potential without copying others too much.

That being said, I have two issues; my first is that he seems like he’d be just an ounce too strong. He can practically be immune to CC in the later levels, and can dish it out in decent loads as well. Maybe I’m imagining it wrong, but maybe a lack of damage will make up for it.

My second is that the Charging Stomp talent seems pretty bad. Since it’s about the speed of Mal’ganis’ sleep ability, it can easily be seen coming. If you use it on even an Anub’arak or something similar, all they’d have to do is burrow away and drag you (potentially) into towers. Though if you need engage and the enemy is particularly lacking on escapes, which the character is meant to counter, than it seems decent.

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Thanks for the replies everyone!

So, first things first, I complete understand your point WhoYouExpect about the Alarak syndrome. I think making it so he only loses half stacks instead of full stacks might make the problem more manageable, and then reduce his maximum to compensate, to reduce both his maximum power (which might be too strong), and his minimum power (which would feel really bad).

As for Krimnorr, I am definitely willing to nerf the tier 6 talents a bit. I might have gotten a tad overzealous with them in the theme of an unstopping monstrosity. As for Charging Chomp, I will hasten the speed of it a bit to make it more competitive.