Hall of Builds: 🏛

Not during a match, but in the Hero-Selection-Screen (which is only visible when choosing to play against AI or a QM) you can set all Talents for a Build

What is it or same exact? mention on a new build?
is it same to a link,I think.

You can select them during a match too but I could never do it with the lvl 1 talent, probably because I need to pick it and you can’t set picked talents (in my knowledge).

What is the go to Zeratul build? I don’t trust Icy Veins anymore

Oh I under stand,you mention on Level Tier.
Tier level1,Tier level4… Tier level20.,okay.

My favorite for Anub’Arak is build for his burrow charge.

Anub’arak [T 3,3,1,1,1,2,4].

I know that I can select Talents in a match but pre selecting Talent 1 in a match will lead to pick it. That’s why I mentioned the possibility to configure your Build outside of a match

Valla Builds I use:
Full AA: [3/3/2/2/3/3/Any]
Low-dura Burst: [3/2/1/2/3/1/Any]
Storm of Vengeance at 20 is underrated, but it’s niche, even in a caster build.

AA/Anti-Tank: [4/2/3/Any/3/1/Any] Thistle Tea is cool, but I haven’t practiced it since her release.

Zone Controller: [2/2/3/1/1/3/4] Lingering Chill + Deep Chill are oppressive as hell. Can swap Numbing Blast for Snowstorm, but that’s a rare case.

I won’t post my ranked main’s build(s). Too many nerfs to other heroes I play. lol

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So does anyone ever uses these builds?

Currently Q build is the most popular.

I hope so.

Same , might be me but if I copy one I give feedback or have a bunch of questions :stuck_out_tongue:

The more I play Stukov the more I like him. He can be weird to get used to at first which is why I guess I don’t see him played often but he has some strong utility and damage without losing out on healing.
Level 4 is a bit of a flex, CDR and extra mana are just generally comfortable but if you’re up against heavy burst Vigorous Reuptake is good and Biotic Armor is a strong counter to basic attackers.
Targeted Excision at 7 is very strong if you’re constantly proccing it. Learning to land W is key to being a good Stukov since spamming it can often just be a waste of mana. It combos well with Reactive Ballistospheres if it radiates to only one hero and gives you a lot of activations for Bio Kill-Switch, which can really up your healing and let you self peel with that nice slow.
Ult pick varies per match. Swipe is amazing at countering dive comps and teamwide ults like Bloodlust and giving your team a chance to regroup. Shove is for getting rid of problematic heroes.
Virulent Reaction at 13 is stoopid good. Consider that Malf’s root is only 1.25 seconds, this is a full 2 seconds while they’re inside a silence. It can be awkward trying to make it work at first but after a few games you’re going to be glad you practiced it because it’s amazing for securing kills.
I normally take Pox Populi at 16 because it combos well with Top Off at 20. You detonate Kill-Switch, bring someone up to the 60% health margin and then they get increased healing. Superstrain is a very good flex if the enemy team has a lot of stuns and roots though and should never be glanced over.

His brawl build. W gets a lot of value during constant 5v5s.

Giant Killer Zagara. Get good at landing her E and you should be able to get the quest done before you get her level 16 in any game. Very good for melting tanks from afar. Serrated Spines at 4 is an okay option if the enemy team has a lot of beef that you can freely hit all day and your team has a lot of peel capability/healing to keep you fighting. However Envenom and Medusa Blades offer a lot of early game damage and are great for getting kills in lane and pushing.

Generic win package. Ball Lightning is easy damage but learning to land Valkyrie separates good Cassias from the rest of the band wagoners.
Surge of Light is very strong but honestly it’s not her sole reason for winning like a lot of people seem to think. You can easily flex Seraph’s Hymn at this level and still top the damage charts.

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This is for those games where the enemy team has squishies who tend to overextend and get full of themselves(typical cases are genji, hanzo, medivh, fenix, etc). A full combo will have them well below half health and running for their healer. If you are feeling particularly bold, follow it up with an R. If you got the full combo or another person in the combo your Q will be ready when you land with R. R at 20 is just so you are rewarded more for landing those full combos by granting you additional displacement

An Ameizing build, makes you very tanky and you can shoot many abilities

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Anyone knows if there’s an online site to quickly translate ingame chat builds?
It’s really bothersome to do the translation manually, even with ones I know like a back of my hand. Aside from ults I really-really never used numbers to denote talent picks.

Icy-Veins offers the official schemes only for the premade Builds. The Talent-Calculator uses a proprietary system. Heroesfire isn’t even offering the official scheme afaik.

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The system isn’t complex and making a translator would really only require one to have a database on the talents which lot of places already do and keep up to date. It’s a pity that no converters are available yet. Until then I probably won’t touch this thread much unless I specifically look for suggestions on heroes which would be exceedingly rare.

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I usually write my Builds down in the official scheme. But patches change the builds as you also know. If you look for a specific Hero, I can look up if I can find something

I can share some builds, tho.
Whitemane, aggressive anti-deathball build:
Add Intercession and Scarlet Aegis in case you either expect CC chains or lategame heavy CC.

Magebane “Bruiser Ming” build:
Bruiser Ming also works without the Mage Armor but that’s what makes you tanky against mages.
This is less ranked worthy and more “we have awful comps, let’s make the best of it” build.

Any Mei builds? :smiley:


A very effective W+E build which conditionally puts the cooldown of both at 7 seconds, gives extra speed and provides physical armor. It’s probably the most hurt you can deal as Mei and the most frequent you can spam her basic abilities.
I can recommend you to give it a try.

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