[Guide] D.Va | "I play to win!"

Ugh, reminds me like, two months ago now. Played a game in HL with Numbers 1 and I think number 30-something GM on my team (NA) at the time. Against #7 GM.

None of the Master/GM players on my team would respond to me or attempt anything related to communication. Not even freaking pings!!! >< (I think it was 2 GM, 1 Master and two Diamond (I was one of the Diamonds)).

And the #1 GM played a pretty bad Tyrael. Presumably that was just a bad games of theirs.

But we got smacked hard by #7 GMs Medivh play. ><

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That’s a good way to explain it, honestly I thought it makes sense that % should go over the armor rule (therefore assumed as a bug), but it seems this talent is an exception.

You know there is a difference between sarcasm and inside joke right? Because you cant blame me for not understanding your sandbox meme when its made on public forums with no signs of sarcasm in it at all. It only shows how much of a circle jerking is going on here, and how little your opinions petting back of each other mean.

The talent doesn’t use armor, it just reduces the damage by 50%.

No reason why the armor rule would apply!

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Talent name misleading kappa.

Come on, this doesn’t scream that I making fun of the players who wants things balanced around their feelings? Seriously? lmao.

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I exactly understand how to play him a see more problems, that he has. If you didn’t get which problems he has after my hundreds post - congrats, you don’t know how to read. Because any other guy here got what I’m talking about, but not you. I see you are special.

Again, I argumented why I think like this. You can come back to this post and read again.

Be lucky and get master after start of the season and continue to say that you are true master. Oh please.
I have some friends, what are really worth to be master. They play good, they speak good, you really want to be master, looking at them. But you… I see a reason why people think hots is toxic in you.

I didn’t say I’m better than masters. I said they don’t worth their rank. When I played with them, being diamond, they played, like they were diamond, not masters, or even :-1:

You really need to cure yourself if you can’t get where people joke and where don’t.


Did I refer this post to you or DrLogan? Lmao indeed

Yeah except your arguments are bad and only further prove you have no idea how to play Tassadar.

Wait, wait. You think Tassadar, who in the top 1% of players per hotslogs, has the third lowest winrate (~52%), which is far lower than the median (about 59%) over the last 58 days.

IF we want to pretend that the ~59% is equal to the “50%” of normal, within 5% would be 54%.

So presumably for the top 1 percent of players, he needs small buffs to fit within the “Target winrate”.

Tassadar needs buffs. He might not need as much of a buff as everyone says… But the fact that he is underpowered is pretty factual.

Barring Blizzard coming out with any data that negates it.

Oh, and if we limit it to heroes that are level 10+, Tassadar is absolutely the lowest winrate (~47.5%. Although there hotslogs chops it down to only the last 7 days, which raises variance a good chunk. About 11-12% below the median (~58%).


Like, I’ll admit Hotslogs is not fully accurate, but when his winrate sinks when you control for people only playing higher level Tassadars… And his winrate drops. Well, you have an issue. Again, this is the top 1% of ranked players on hotslogs…

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Wait, are you another QM player who judges how strong or weak heroes are based on hotslogs? Thanks for laugh.

#competitive-discussion is that way.


He does actually. He’s underpowered and needs to be changed from his current state to something else - be it full supp or mage-ish type hero. His kit cannot do much as of now because it’s a burst cc meta. Also, Ranked players prefer other Supports than Tass because he’s a niche pick. You’re pretty lucky if people allow or agree on you playing as him in Ranked.

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Yeah but Im not talking from your wooden league point of view, so thats why you cant understand me.

Tassadar is fine.

Sure, ok then. I’m not looking to argue here with you.

You claim you’re Master, care to elaborate as to why and how Tass is fine in your league? This could help the so-called wooden league players who main Tass.


I have so many people, what I play with. They were everyone - from people, who has no rank to people, who are GM.
And nobody from them said I’m bad on Tassadar.
I wouldn’t say for nothing that I’m good Tassadar.
I proofed that I’m good on him so many times.

If you were good with Tassadar then you would get to master league playing only him

Are you pretending to be special or you really say that I can one trick Tassadar?
Sorry, but I’m not silly to do such thing. Especially when It’s impossible.
No one will ever say that you can one trick Tassadar. I know another Tassadar main, who realized that’s impossible, and he took GM, one tricking Lucio.

You don’t get to judge people who played their favorite Hero to rank up, and the fact that this ‘Hero’ is considered one of the weakest Heroes to date, how about you try playing Tassadar for yourself and get yourself to a real rank up to see how it works, you can’t just play 1 - 3 games of Tassadar and say he’s fine.

DrLogan’s rank is also an accomplishment of feat, none which you’ll ever get.

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Ive seen many otp tassadar players in masters, so its possible if you are good. Im not otp tass player so dont expect guides from me.

Also judging by this thread, you guys are content with guides written by QM players anyway.