Nerf Valeera, silence too long

Valeera can literally kill Li Ming before the Garrote silence ends with Q build, mostly because the lvl 7 dmg.

Pretty strong if you ask me, maybe reduce garrote silence duration to 1.75s?

Or reduce lvl 7 Q dmg from 125% to 80% so it can compete with the other talents there.

Shes incredibly unfun to play against.


Valeera is so OP and I don’t understand how she is smh.


Not to mention that in QM where you might not get any tanks she will just 100-0 squishies because there is no peel.


Valeera is such a no skill, God I hope they nerf her based on my feelings not balance wise.


Alot of people feel like this in QM, MFPallytime just made a video on her in his A-Z and had a very strong about the 2.5 SECOND SILENCE!


I think Valeera should be nerfed because she is too good in try mode vs dummy targets.


Agree. I hope we will get it soon.


Personally, while I enjoy playing her as I’ve mained a rogue in WoW for awhile, I do feel she needs a total overhaul. She’s not specialized in anything. She’s about as general and vague of a rogue as she could be, with none of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the specs. Specialize her as an assassination rogue. Make room for Fleet Admiral Tethys/Marin Noggenfogger and more importantly, Lilian Voss as the subtlety rogue goddess we need, but don’t deserve.

Or, you know, nerf garrote’s silence duration to 1.5 seconds or something. :man_shrugging:t3:

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QM players complaining about weak hero being OP. You guys never cease to amaze me.

Maybe someone should go and write a guide on how to not die to valeera? That would be of do much value for average forum user.


I actually only touch QM when learning new heroes or smth, when i want challenge and serious games i go to ranked.

QM is pretty much too chaotic to take seriously, QM thing was just a sidenote.

Also she isnt weak, if you think she is you havent seen a good one.

I play her every now and then in HL if the enemy drafts something like Zagara/Genji/Kharazim/KTZ/Ming/Chromie and pretty much its a free game.

Mid Diamond.

Some heroes dont have an option to get her out of stealth and/or she can just use the cloak after approaching making it impossible to knock her out of it.

Well overhaul would be nice as she only has 1 talent path pretty much, its unlikely she will get one.

Her Q build is amazing at what it does, killing most squishies in a 1v1 situation pretty much but shes useless if the enemy clumps up.

Since forever any hero able to do well in 1v1 situations or ganks or punishing overextending just gets nerfed into the ground until theyre useless, RIP Nova.

Lately Nova has had more use with her Q build being pretty good at sustained dmg but not at assassinations anymore and still lacks waveclear and such which somehow Hanzo did get with a better escape.

Valeera works in certain situations and will absolutely stomp and be useless in others.

I actually played against probably one of the best Valeera otp players on eu #35 in eu at that time and it wasnt that bad at all.

In ranked games you dont need nerfs, you just need to know how to draft when she is picked. If your draft is 3 squishies tank + heal (which is common mistake even in diamond) then dont get suprised when enemy picks Valeera and mops the floor with you.


More of a power shift probably would be in place.

When i was misplaced in the reset season i mopped the floor with teams who drafted as you mentioned as Nova in Silver-Gold, it was ridiculously easy (before the nerfs hit after the stealth rework too).

In general its hard to balance melee heroes as some will be able to pull of amazing things and seems like some dont understand what is happening like with Samuro nerfs which did nothing to good Samuros or the annoyance they can create on the hero as they are pretty good at what they do.

With Valeera she can kill heroes like Ming Valla and such before the silence duration has ended which is a bit cheesy, maybe buff dmg and nerf duration to make it matter with what you open and when and pay attention to enemy cooldowns (Like Ming TP or Valla E.

More skill, less of brainless mechanics like a year of silence.

At first I thought this was a satire post made to mock Hailfall. Then I realized people were being serious and felt a wave of sadness wash over me. Valeera was nerfed from a bursty assassin into a disabler, and now you are trying to absolutely gut her disabling capabilities? I’m so glad people on forums have no power in the balancing process.


Some, not all.*

Edit: Good grief a sarcastic thread really took a serious turn after this comment for some odd reason.


Saddest part for me was that those with opposing opinion to the first post did not present counterarguments as much as said just l2p, its no wonder we cant have nice things.

Rip Nazeebo, Nova, Samuro Soon™ , and KT soon

Then again, i have personally posted the same counterarguments a thousand times and always get “but muh feels” as an answer and frankly im getting tired of arguing over feelings.

Its sad that this threads topic only got “l2p” and “but i once did this” as arguments agaisnt.

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This topic is why a weak hero, Valeera, is my main. <3


Valeera isnt weak or even close to it.

Weak and niche are different things.

Hahaha because I can punish newbies? Guess Nova is OP as well, right?


Anyone can punish newbies, Nova is decent consistent dps but lacks waveclear.

And Valeera can be played in Dia+ pretty well, i do it whenever i feel like she would work with 60%+ wr, not just a noobstomper just niche

Valeera and Sgt. Hammer are insufferable to play vs. in QM unless you get certain heroes that work as counters. Just one of the reasons I’d avoid solo QM.

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