[Guide] D.Va | "I play to win!"

If this is how all masters behave then I feel happy that I do not have to experience this elitist nonsense you drop on people just because they aren’t ranked or didn’t reach Masters+, I wonder what will happen to you if you get dropped out of Masters back to Diamond.


“I’m still better than you”

I woudlnt really be afraid of that, as Ive been in master for 6 consecutive seasons now. But yeah you guys should put out more awesome guides for QM players, I hear you need as many tips as you can get to be succesful in that mode.

And DrLogan could write up a guide on “How I cant make use of Archon, even after hundreds of games on Tassadar”

Do you need to have master to write like this?
Because it’s so epic.

Sounds like someone screeching on people for capping on Hightower in TF2 because an imaginary rule is to “not to cap and win there at all cost”.

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I’m sure MLM gonna make a guide “How to be master and proof people, that you are not worth to be master”

I feel like maybe i should just play a bit more ranked this season so i can say im Master and then my word weighs more than anyone elses here because of my rank and then start a cult of worshippers because im a god in their eyes and infallible because of my rank too.

Oh yeah and if you visited the forums a bit more you would know the context of the Valeera thread, its an inside thing.

I felt a bit icky after i created the monster but it was an necessary evil.

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Well playing a bit more isnt enough to get to master. Just look at DrLogan, the amount of ranked games he played, and his rank.

Its hilarious that players who say master means nothing are the ones who never reached it and asking for Valeera nerfs and Tassadar buffs.

It is pretty much these days. I could have onetricked my way there last season and still could this season just been a bit of an offseason for me as im not really feeling HotS right now.

Seriously, the Valeera nerf thread is an inside joke kinda thing.

Also giving her other talent choices from Q would be nice though.

How many games do you play in HL a season btw? Looks like not many.

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I played with masters. And I saw how they are bad. How they are toxic, unclever, have no team play.
Looking at you I can say you are like most of Masters, what I play with - not worth of your rank.

I really dont care about your inside jokes, since these are public forums. Go make your own discord channel where you can hump together and dream of a world where you got master ranks even though you didnt want it or something? And where someone gives a damn about guides written by QM players.

And by looking at you I see someone who cares about this game and Tassadar, and clearly is bad at both.

So how many games do you play in masters each season?

I can see this acc is a smurf.

More like got other things in life to get in order and getting a bit bored of HotS, not feeling like playing really and just expanding my roster.

Last season ended with 55% wr in Diamond and this season althiugh with way less games 34? im currently at 55.9%

Part because i was just trying out heroes i dont play much and AA Zeratul in ranked while just playing with the team and not shotcalling at all and messing up in ither ways so im on a 6 loss streak atm, i just dont take the games too seriously.

Because 10 death Valla and a Nazeebo saying that Zeratul is bad vs melees? While dying to obvious ganks that team pings and warns them about makes it kinda hard to take games even in Diamond with seriousness.

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Any proofs?

I already said Im on my phone rn, if you want a screen shot then you need to wait until I get home.

Im also very interested why you are so obsessed with a proof that Im master, didnt you already say that master rank means nothing to you, because you are diamond who is better than masters (lol)

You are in Masters, that can be seen though hotslogs MMR average of the teams of the few games you have played that have been uploaded even as you dont personally do that.

Last game you got uploaded though has probably rainbow of ranks unless the player Jaywhite who played with me with a hidden profile dropped from Master to Dia 3 in 4 days.

Same guy played with both of us in 4 days of time.

Wc3mouse also played with me in HL at the same time who was on your games too.

Or were you in Diamond just a week ago because thats who you played with back then?

Sorry if you don’t remember what you wrote before.
Any proof that I’m bad on playing and bad on Tassadar?


  1. You think tassadar needs buffs, that shows you dont understand how to play him.
  2. You think Archon is easy to counter and is a “QM ult”
  3. You think being in D3 is something amazing that proves you are good.
  4. You think you are better than master players despite not being one.
  5. You keep making posts that show you clealry sont understand how this games works on higher level of play (i.e. asking for valeera nerfs).

We gotta work on that sarcasm detector, did you know Chen is also overpowered in try mode?

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Why would it be a bug? (It isn’t a bug).

1% of your HP is calculated, damage would be assigned, it is noted to be under 4% of your HP, it is cut in half.

Makes perfect sense!

It is like how “attacking” and “hitting” are two distinctly different things. Abilities that proc/use the value “attacking” can work/trigger when you are blinded (or the target has evasion/similar). While talents/abilities that specify hitting require you to not be blinded to work.

edit: AND keep your portrait the same for some sane length of time! :stuck_out_tongue:

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