[Guide] D.Va | "I play to win!"

What? i play in masters, Diamond 3 players are nothing to me. D3 a Feat lmao

We have heard enough about your master rank, but where are proofs?
Because we still have no proofs about your rank.
And that you are not in home - your problems.

Yes, you literally came to my thread, read the first line in the second paragpraph which started this entire drama instead of giving your specified criticism over D.Va’s utility or when it comes to counters, talents and many more of which I wrote, which you showed none yet, people like you are the true toxics of this community, not what you wrote in the other thread about QM players disagreeing with your hot garbage elitist concepts and ideas.

This conversation isn’t going anywhere and honestly done discussing here.


And that you dont believe me - your problem

You climbed to Master in the past week right?

It’s funny how you completely ignore my arguments, “Master” ManLoveMan to then go on about how the other guys are insecure and you are a glorious 2300 master.

You have no arguments and you are simply here to agitate. You did the same in my thread, but I’m actually master’s, and also 6500 TL Master’s, so your argument was pointless so you deleted it.

Also your so called “I’m not home right now so I’ll do it when I get home” regarding proof of your rank is pretty dumb. I asked you 19 hours ago for a screenshot of your rank. Are you saying you haven’t been home for 19 hours?

Post a screenshot of your rank, then we can talk. As long as you can’t prove your rank, as per your logic, then everything you say is meaningless, so if you continue to talk nonsense then you are contradicting yourself like a hypocrite.

(Which means wait until you get home to continue posting so you can post the screenshot)

I do wonder how it can be so difficult to post a screenshot.
When you do post said screenshot, then do read this again, and take it into consideration, since you seemed to have completely ignored it because it destroys your illogical and angry line of thought:

If you are the master you claim, then do as I say; go thoroughly through the guide, analyze it, check it, critisize it if it is faulty or misleading. Behave like a Master; not like a brat. Use your Master’s knowledge to point out how it is a bad guide and how a Master would make a D.va guide.

Until you do this, then everything you say is just angry triggered trolling.


On the topic of D.va; I feel that what makes or breaks her usefulness is similar to Chen; stuns/silences interrupting Defense Matrix.

If they were to either change the ability or add a new talent that adds Unstoppable to Defense Matrix, what kind of ‘nerfs’/changes to the talent/ability do you think they should add so it wouldn’t change it from a decent but vulnerable (to CC) ability to straight up OP? Like “Unstoppable, but cannot move”?

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If I would expect that Defense Matrix to receive Unstoppable as a talent they would probably give Defense Matrix one of the following additions to the Unstoppable talent:

  1. Duration reduced to 2 seconds, (optional) increase Defense Matrix cooldown by 2.
  2. Damage Reduction reduced to 50%/60%.
  3. Grants Unstoppable for the first second of Defense Matrix cast similar to Zarya’s level 13 Unstoppable Competitor.

I believe the first option is more suitable in that case as it will require from players to conserve Defense Matrix for the right moment, however there’s a talent at level 4 which increases Defense Matrix duration by 100% (3 seconds → 6 seconds) I would expect some slight nerfs to it just to avoid being ridiculously stupid when combined with that talent unless they put both talents in the same talent tier to compete similar to Mal’Ganis Level 4 talent tier when it comes to his W ability.

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Well, boosted TL ranking doesnt really matter, and yiu said yourself you didnt play tl solo anyway.

Also I dont need your permission to post anything, so dont bother yourself with telling me when I can or cant post. Both your guide and this one are good for nothing Im afraid.

Also I did say in other thread I got to master’s from diamond 5 with a winrate of about 70-80%. So you have proven to us that you literally can’t read. So why are you on a forum?

And again you didn’t post proof of your rank. You’re just proving my point that you’re a hypocrite, a liar, and you are not a master.

Clearly you are a troll. Probably Hailfail’s alt out for revenge for calling out your nonsense on your threads.

Nah, after reading your crappy guide I just decided to ignore your pointless posts.

Post the screenshot of your rank, silver pleb liar.

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I used to pick Expensive plating since it DOES get value regadless of the situation unlike the other two talents on the same tier.

However if you are getting value out of your Ablative Armor then you still get more Nuke charge from it since it does not reduce the charge you get regadless of the damage reduced from it.


Something that I was thinking is that any form of CC under Defence Matrix gets nullified, this way enemy players will actually respect DM than just walk to it and stun her lol

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Would slightly be strong, it can be a talent though but make it reduce the duration to 2 seconds from 3 seconds or something.

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Why do I need to play D.Va?

You play D.Va to win.
  • If you find a flaw in a certain comp you are playing against especially a lack of a lot of CC against you.
  • She’s not exceptionally trash as people assume she is and she does a fine job against Burst mages when utilizing Defence Matrix and she becomes much harder (during Mech mode) for some certain heroes who have sustain damage capabilities like Tracer and Nazeebo (even with Vile Infection completed) after level 13.
  • Otherwise if there’s a lot of CC and probably a Malfurion in the mix (because predictable Mech death drop location makes it easy for Malfurion to land a root underneath her and pretty much no escape even with Torpedo Dash) against you probably should not pick her but if you feeling risky the CC build in the OP can be somewhat useful if she wants her not to feel useless of the entire match.
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How to play “grenade” with Garosh?

You drop bomb on 7 seconds, if enemy team doesn’t realize there’s a Garrosh in the mix and doesn’t realize the existence of the combo, then congrats! You can actually make more highlight videos to post on Reddit.

Epic Gamer guide.

I like it.

P.S. Necromacer I am.