Got MVP and banned in same game for solopushing

10 months later. :sob:


its been like this since 2.0 my buddy didn’t lie to me. he was an alpha tester about a half dozen he saw in alpha told them any report function would end like this. they just refused to end it.

then you got clowns like minky who are praobly dev sock puppets or someone whos friends with a mod. say anything about how you disagree with him and hell report you and youll get a ban from the forums. same bs but in game. you are either on the right side of history or you might as well give up on the game. I was a league guy for years. no one wanted tribunal gone. this same sht happened to LoL while tribunal was getting an “update” all this time 5+ years and still using that bot.

yes about the reporting system we all know it’s broken and easily abused. it’s a shame but what can we do? nothing exactly. however ship is sinking so it doesn’t matter in that case anymore right?

It’s easy to get MVP when your team dies constantly because they are fighting 4vs5.
MVP system is just another algorithm - think about it more carefully.


Strategic decisions should not warrant an account action, ever. People should have the freedom of choice in the game to pick whatever hero they want, and play that hero how they want (as long as they aren’t refusing to play). Whether or not that results in success is up in the air; but it shouldn’t be up to an abused report system to determine how people should play the game…

It’s apparent to me the report system has been failing people and having a negative impact on the game. It has hit my friends and I before as well. There were nice compiled threads on streamers who were affected as well… the one I was looking at yesterday got deleted.

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Unless you’re a pro or a streamer that can been trolled by tons of false report, I doubt that anyone can accumulate so many false reports to get suspended or banned for only that reason alone.

Anyway if “Abusive Chat” is the only issue, just disable the chat itself: you can still play the game at its full even by using pings to communicate.

I completly agree that the Report System is flawed and I too have suggested that “Abusive Chat” should not even be an option (because you already have Mute function to deal with someone that you may consider a toxic-speaker) but when I hear someone calling out that he get suspended only because of false reports, considering also how many you have to collect in order to achieve a real action from Blizzard… Well, I doubt that’s all the truth.

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First: It’s very hard to do. If you see or know someone is talking about you, you want to know about what. Its horrible on the european servers, effing "§$§$ think they are so smart when they suddenly switch language. Its not like you can guess what they say, but using the report system? A joke, the moderators themselves probably don’t understand what the players say.

Also Abusive Chat is not the only issue, just the most common one. I got a ban for AFK, while not being AFK. Standing as a stealther 10 seconds still because you know you can make a kill soon? Yeah the highly strategic thinkers in QM will instantly flame you and report you, because they have no idea what you’re doing. Telling people pls do lanes we can’t win XYZ anymore cause of tier differnce please help lane. Also banned. You Have to be there and suicide by going in one by one or get reported… XD

Consider this scenario you have a bad day and a free week-end coming up. You get matched badly (interpret this however you want). You get flamed and can’t win for 2 games, now you are toxic and see truly stupid plays (or not plays) by your team and tell em what to do in a not safe-space way, but direct to the point and harsh language, 9/10 times you get called names for giving advice in not safe-space kind of tone, like people who grew up in the 50s. Of course it will escalate 9/10 times. Now this day you make 20 games. Heck that is a maximum of 18*4 reports in a single day. Just for having a bad day and wanting to win.

I concur with you though Banned for Chat should Not be Possible. Mute them, its the internet. I blame the weak and soft generation we are raising; or concerning the judges for the bans - have raised. Heck wonder what we did in school when someone called you an idiot or fat or whatever, which you did not like. Some say it was incentive to get better than the other, or out do him either through action (being fitter) or words (being wittier).

This is why no one plays ranked. Unless you just play with friends or play just as stupid as your team then you will get a nice big ban…simple as that.

Account perma banned for what? Even the Blizzard text box is empty

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You just could not stop necro that thread could you.

Nope. The reporting system needs a complete overhaul.

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Its againts the forum to necro. If you want to talk about it make your own thread.

Regardless of whether you are right or wrong strategy wise it is a team game so you could expect people might report. Did they hand out a ban just for the one time occurrence or did it go hand in hand with arguments or multiple reports over multiple games? Just trying to understand the ban process.

What’s with the necro. Leave the dead in peace

i have ate a lot of reports for “doing nothing”, while i was actually soaking xp letting the mobs kill each other so i can take the xp orbs and make sure the enemy lose the chance to get his xp orbs, because apparently you MUST kill the freaking mobs even tho youre taking the orbs.

Playing the game and trying to win… how is that not participating?! Oops, I realized too late that is a necro… :joy:


Why are you necroing a 2 year old thread what is wrong with you ???

Watch streams/vids from the top player Fan, that often uses smurfs to move from bronze to GM. He actually says exactly that: Low level players don’t know how to macro play. In silver and gold you may find people that are good in team fighting, but that’s it. They don’t know how XP works, what soaking is, when to take camps, when to give objetives and how to generate value elsewhere on the map when you cannot get the objective. In low ranks (and QM) people even walk solo to an objective, because that is all they know: There is an objective, go there. It is like Maslow’s dog - completely tunnel visioned.

He often completely solo plays in lower ranks. Split pushs, tries to get keeps, even dying for it several times, getting camps, ignores his team at objectives and when he plays healers he basically uses damage builds, let’s people actively die around him and just does his own thing. And it most of the time works. His team often flames him but he keeps doing his stuff.

Worst thing is: You cannot even teach low ranks players what is the RIGHT thing to do. They won’t listen anyway and just say the opposite. If you are down 2 levels and the enemy has ults when the objective pops, the best thing is death ball a fort and ignore the objective. If you try to do this in low ranks or QM people won’t follow - they don’t understand that objectives are nothing but a slight advantage in getting structures down but that you can easily get the structures down by yourself WITHOUT the objective if the enemy is distracted.

Blizzard failed in teaching players macro play. They focussed everything on micro play: Team fight, middle lane brawls, quests did their part, too, in making people focus on team fighting.

I say it again: My games would be a thousand times better if people would macro instead of micro. You can miss a skill shot or be bad in stutter stepping as long as you know how to play the map. Fan in his videos shows all the time, that macro wins matches, not micro in lower ranks. Only if you move up in ranks and everyone knows how to play the map, then microing becomes more important to dodge coordinated wombo combos from the enemy team.

Because most people refuse to learn anything. Its not hard to learn the gameplay this game offers but most people simply ignore it. Mini map gets ignored. Camps gets ignored.

Also even though the practice mode dont show it all you need to learn it should not be that hard to figure out to learn basis gameplay like soaking lanes and take camps in between and dont fight 9v10 in lvls. But yet i see so many who actually fails at doing that. Its like failing to answer what 1+1 is.

The gameplay is so simple but yet bad people make them harder then it is and then blame Blizzard when its themself that refuse to adapt and learn.

Its not Blizzard fault people make this game a 5vs5 midlane brawl game in ranked or qm. Its the players.

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Why do people have to necro? I reply to a post and then realize it was posted two years ago. :expressionless:

Sure, the system needs an overhaul because mob rule is always wrong. Automated bans and silences will never serve any purpose other than empowering trolls. Still, if you want to discuss this make a new thread…