Give us your best "Pro" tips

Never use the fountain to heal before a fight because you never know when you’re going to have a poison DOT on you and that fountain could save your life.
:eye: :kiss: :eye:

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Quit. That’s the best long term solution for your health and sanity.
This game is just a dice roll. 9 players, your impact is irrelevant.
It wears you.
Just quit before you get to like the game.
Quit before you turn so salty that you make so many other people upset.
Also, if you are a healer main, quit. Generalists like Rehgar are kinda okay. On most you’ll feel like a moving healing globe. If your team is good, you help. If not, you can’t do anything.
Play the lottery instead. It’s fair.

You’ve very welcome!

I think it’s not a bad idea. You can burn his ult with another ult with less CD.

Always use mouse clicks when selecting your abilities. Pushing hotkeys on your keyboard is incredibly slow because of the key travel times.

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when Kaelthas pyros you, always run in the opposite direction,
and not towards a friendly zarya/medivh/healer.

you don’t need ally assistance!
the 12 health that you regenerated while running away will surely save you!


It is possible to kill yourself on these heroes



And Chen

Actually, Zul’jin has a failsafe. His trait will never bring him below 1 HP. Granted, you will probably die if you do that, but you’ll never see the “Zul’jin killed Zul’jin” graphic that Chen gets so often.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

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Also if we get a bit technical:

D.Va :stuck_out_tongue: (but no kill feed/credit)

  • All heroes: when your HP reaches 0, you die :slight_smile:
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This is gold

(And not for dva mech kekw)

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I think it’s most fun for this to make bad advice that sounds like something someone really bad at the game might give thinking it’s good advice.
Something that might actually appear in a gaming magazine.

Some of them here are just too blatant and easy in my opinion, some being flat out lies.
Like “walking into enemy towers heals you”
It might be more fun to say “if you’re dying you’ll find safety at your tower” which is true in a lot of cases, but not always…
And you know people believe the second one, that’s why they complain about Genji resets. :stuck_out_tongue:


wait…i just realized that i ACTUALLY gave a good tip… oops.

always go lava wave!

That’s good in lower leagues.

The HP bar is the blue one.

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If you play DW. Stay in dragonflight after picking Skyfall on level 7 and have a good time. Nobody can hurt you and you still participate in the match.


There is never a bad time for a godswap.


If you play DW, make sure to fly up to the skies the moment the gates open.
Your landing deals dmg, dmg you don’t want to miss on.
And now that you used up your global, walk to the sololane and use the fountain.