Give us your best "Pro" tips

I got inspired by this.
I think it can be a fun game.

Give us “pro” tips (so wrong suggestions only) on how to play certain Heroes (be it your main or not), or just about the game in general.

  • Malthael: Wait with Last Rite as long as possible to maximise its dmg.
  • General: Tap the Fountain before you used Hearthstone (B) so you heal back faster.

Cataclysm is the perfect hard engage tool.


Thanks for taking inspiration from me.

Anyway: Fury does not decay over time/

Malthael: Take Last Rite vs Kharazim, who takes Divine Palm.


Erm… Sorry but how is this a tip? What is the “lesson”?

protip: minion damage is negligible, you can safely ignore it


TLV: Group TLV vs AoE spells. They get passive magic resistance when they die fast

Don’t be afraid , you can go in without much worry.

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Stat pad on tanks as much as possible so your team scientifically cannot blame you for a loss.

If your abilities are up, use them.

Spam ping an ally who just fed. He will be prone to understand how to play the game better.

If your team mates didn’t followed your engage and watched you died 1v5, press TAB and try to find out who to blame. Bonus point if you used Medallion just before dying.


Greymane is largely played as a melee assassin. Being in worgen form not only allows him to hit 40% harder, it also gives him 10 armor, making him far, far more survivable in this state.

Real Greymains know to avoid mounting and hearthing, as (due to a long-standing bug) this will actually revert you to a much weaker mode. Cursed Bullet is a major no-no, as this forces you to use your pathetic ranged attacks until another enemies is in range for a dive.


Flavour of the month Season.
expires after 3 days

Medivh: stay in bird form as much as possible. Not receiving dmg yourself will greatly help your team’s cause.


EZ probius “protips”:

  1. always check bushes headfirst.
  2. join every team fight
  3. don’t die
  4. profit
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To boost team morale, constantly ping your allies! The added reassurance of you reminding them that you’re there to support them at all times will help push your team to victory :^)


Always do the opposite of what the majority of your allies doing. They’re trying to get the obj? Push. They’re pushing? Go into some solo business.
This is really important to prove to them that you’re better, more experienced and thus they can’t count on on your superior skills.

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Its so sad that some people actually do this for this same exact reason. Let me go cry now.

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If your allies died at objective, but you pushed and got a fort, you accomplished more and therefor, you’re better!

Best time to pull as Anduin is when they have less than 100 health. And Holy Word Salvation is a must pick every game.

Varian’s Legacy is a trap talent.


*the enemy is almost dead. As a Healer it’s your job to save everyone!


Note: given the perception about Li LI, this is going to be a very “meta” post.

  1. If you’re planning on taking Water Dragon (for peel, damage, or cc) take Q build to compensate with better hps than other talents
  2. If you’re planning to take Juggs, then build for cloud serpents cuz they keep attacking while Li Li is busy channeling.

Leoric, Uther, Junkrat and Tyrael can only gain access to their passives when they die, so it’s best that you die during teamfights all the time or else you are not utilising ALL of your abilities.