- The garbage match system does not work in the way people claim. Anybody still pretending it does is a total moron or new to the game. I’ve beaten GM’s on smurfing runs, and I’ve beaten a streamer GM with a vastly inferior team, by shutting him down and then watching the normal garbage unfold: you can’t chance the outcome of the match with garbage teammates REGARDLESS OF RANK (top players possibly can, but many GMs are not top players) AND HE HAD THE +300 MMR AVERAGE TEAM.
- I was Diamond on my banned main, and am plat on my second main but I don’t use that one.
- I never said he’s better/worse. I said you never played him. You never played him. Hell, you never even played the game if you cannot understand what is posted above.
Sorry about your weird mmr conspiracies but they’re also irrelevant to the topic. Defending the guy who called run speed and turret damage “sustain” makes me pretty skeptical about most of your claims, and your being silver further confirms my bias against you. I have played him a fair amount, and the general consensus among players of similar caliber (read: can hit skill shots and play in masters/gm regularly) is that he’s actually useful instead of a lame and useless gimmick.
That is NOT a good Gazlowe player. You never understood that his LRAGER radius (and distant placed) bombs were what warded off enemies giving good zone control (it is advanced lvl Gazlowe tactics)
I feel your pain… oh God I think I got the corona-virus from you as well!
The issue is he really isn’t a bruiser. He is very squishy if you don’t land his laser which no longer can be moved around. His bomb is tiny and any competent player will not be hit nor does it do any dmg.
Qm algorithm also matches gazlowe vs artanis, imperious, Sonya, thrall, and many other strong brawlers As front line and if you’re solo front line for your team, you’ll be destroyed in seconds even if you land all your heal lasers.
He basically lost his unique kit and became slightly meatier
It was a tactic. I remember tracers or genji will dive me and I was surrounded by slow turrets that were hidden but were in range and I would pop r melee a bit and kite around and when they start to retreat snipe them with laser.
yes, I mean it’s legit, it worked as a means of escape, but it’s not really sustain in game terms
It fires after 0.65 seconds.
It has no travel time.
It’s easier to hit with than Imperius’ W, except at super close range, but it heals instantly without needing a follow-up attack, and it heals off minions… If you’re laning, just zap fricken minions for 45 health per minion at level 1. That’s more than a Ragnaros Q. Longer cooldown, but also longer range and no mana cost so you have more opportunities to just spam it.
I don’t have any character in the 100’s, because I play them all, but he’s my 5th highest.
He definitely feels different, and I can’t say all of the changes are good, but there’s no way to say he is completely useless unless by someone who is incapable of playing this game.
I do think scrap should be more rewarding, maybe provide 3.
And there are a few other things that should be looked at, his heroics don’t quite feel as good. I don’t really feel the strength of the rocket boots talent.
Bomb Toss is fun, but weak as heck for a level 20, even with Arc Reactor’s CDR.
But the general idea of the changes seems sound, even if some things are off.
It’s so easy to turn this foolishness around.
Any competent player will lead the shot so they hit with it.
See how easy that is?
all the agrees i can give
some of us who played gaz also had map awareness…
i’m tired of this meme that the old gaz was only used to “afk push”. if you say this, it’s proof that you have little to no experience playing the old gaz. he was never a murky type push push push specialist. he always was a big team fighter.
old gaz had decent ults and a crap kit. his “big teamfight” was that he could meaningfully interact with the opponents team with enough pressure to justify his being there instead of laning/merc camps like he did for 90% of pre-10. without ults gaz contributed very little teamfight.
his kit has been buffed and ults nerfed, and people don’t seem able to adapt to his new playstyle. he has such insane early game bully potential now it’s crazy and it’s weird so many people are sleeping on this. he has a 5% stronger follow through that can store charges at level 1 on a kit that doesn’t require mana, it’s plainly broken but most people talent wrong.
I really have no desire to play Gazlowe again. They ruined what made him different and fun to play.
Gaz is a much worse hero now. His bomb radius is the worst change. Went from half the lane to the size of a single hitbox. Its a joke. Bomb was impactful BECAUSE it was easy to avoid. It wasnt about the 6 times it missed, it was about the one time it hit and got your team a kill.
IS any chance bring old GAZ back???
man these people are delusional. they don’t want to learn a new playstyle that is mostly the same. the difference is if you’re focusing on turret builds/AA you’re going to have a bad time. everyone before this that knew how to use grav bomb stun doesn’t really care because they know what they’re doing. as for the comments about tassadar, tassadar is OP in his current state. i don’t understand why people would want old tass, he was squishy and his shield build was mostly useless outside of a few heroes that could do constant damage like tychus, illidan, etc. His whole kit got a big fat buff, he no longer has his disengage baseline but let’s be real the CD for that thing was ridiculous. any ability that doesn’t have decent CDR in the kit like a 20+sec CD should not be a baseline ability. should be a talented active, which they did make it.
Maybe those players are sad we lost one of the few support heroes left. There will be no future support heroes
well i’ve never really been a fan of the current “support” heroes in general. Zarya is just a bruiser, Medivh is just a ranged mage and has the shielding ability. TLV and aba don’t really fit into any other category really. imo it was a mistake to get rid of the specialist category as that defines them perfectly as well as many others.
then way is she in the support location of the collection shop!?