Gazlowe ruined for life

L244 gazlowe here with 60%+ winrate , i loved that guy he was a true specialist
this is not only a huge nerf to him but also he is changed so hard its not even same hero, and all the things i liked about him is gone
ive spent all these games master him , now everything i learned is useless and he can never be played again like that
who asked for this change, people who dont play him?
gone is the super push he could have when he started to destroy buildings and got scrap
gone is the placing of turrets to scout and dismount players
gone is the potential 5 sec mega stun + in tf
gone is the potential to hit sneaky long range lazors
gone is the pure dps on single targets
gone is synergy with other heroes to make bomb hit
gone is merc camp buff and lazor building disable
there is two less talents in total to choose from so less variety
his turrets last so short and the scrap they drop also last much shorter and gives so little in cdr its not even worth going to pick up scrap anymore, so you just spam all turrets at same place
same with the bomb and lazor, you just spam them because they dont cost mana and do so little, there is no actual conserving of abilites, you dont care much about globes since you can get heal from lazor and again dont hava mana
overall worst change


now you know how us tassadar support mains feel

it is a bitter taste to be sure. it’s like some blizzard developers robbed a piece of your soul… :broken_heart:


At least old tass was usefull.


This means that rework was good.


Agreed. Both Gazlowe and Tassadar. Why rework new mechanics into old heroes that were perfectly awesome? Those new kits could be used on new heroes. Very, very sad about Gazlowe. I tried to welcome the change but he was nerfed way too much. The laser is totally ruined. Fix that at the very least. Old Gazlowe was so much fun to play. And now he’s a bruiser?!?! Bring back Specialists!!!


I miss his death lazor range. He used to be so good at poking with that thing…

However the trade for it has been pretty good.

  • Infinite mana sustain. He no longer uses mana and so no longer has to worry about this. Mana sustain used to be a huge problem for Gazlowe, especially in ARAM where there is no hall of storms to recharge at. He even used to have talents to help with this.
  • Explodium is much more responsive so much harder to avoid. He can combo from it much more easily including with his ultimate.
  • Has access to a good auto attack build. This includes many features that he did not previously have such as bonus damage to debuffed enemies, faster attack speed and passive armor.

Damage output is way down. At least 70%.
I can have 6 turrets up at once now…but they do less damage than just two used to.
Laser can’t snipe, and the heal is a joke.
The bombs used to clear minion waves by level 10. Now even at 20 they leave minions at half health. No more double soaking lanes.

Double bombs (plus 3rd from being stunned) used to swing fights, and give me extra turret charges like mad, making robo gaz a crazy good bruiser in team fights. Now as a “bruiser” I’m a Fing joke, struggling to do any meaningful damage.

Speaking of Robo, used to do almost 700dmg per hit at level 20, clearing forts and cores faster than hell, with turrets able to zone out enemies so I could finish the job, and kite heroes through turrets that were a real threat.

Now turrets die in just a hit or two, and so do I. The forts still stand, and the enemy team just ignores the turrets.

This rework is bullsh-t.


It’s about time that Gaz got reworked. There should be no specialists, and Gaz was a holdover.


Robo used to be all you needed to be an AA build. Combine with bombs, and I dominated everything around me.

Now I need 5, 6 talents, and do maybe half the dmg I used to?
No, I don’t have “access to a good auto attack build” now. Quite the opposite: they took it away. Even with all the new “bonuses” I do LESS melee dmg now than I used to with just the level 10 and 20 talents. And I didn’t need the stars to align, have a turret hit a hero, have that hero be stunned, etc, to do it.

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So they did to Gazlowe what they did to Sylvanas?


Welcome to my pain-train, dear Gaz main. Ex-Tassadar main will welcome you.


Gaza is actually unique and pretty fun. They’ve turned him into an intellectual bruiser type. His turrets are akin to a q skill shot but more above average damage and sustained over-time. His abilities all toned in equal power in their own ways. He can still push decently but his team fight presence got a power spike.


Cannot push for S now, and does significantly less damage.
He’s less of a bruiser now than he was yesterday before this idiotic rework.
I used to take keeps out in about 10-15 seconds. Now it’s closer to 90. I used to regularly hit 200k dmg done. Now I’m doing a quarter of that.


I can feel the pain too. Our little goblin was replaced by shapeshifter, and I hope he is still there somewhere… alive…
Playing this hero after rework feels like playing PC game on mobile, sad…


This. (and I feel the same, I used to play old Tassadar a lot)

And this.

Just prove my point:
Old school games didn’t usually change this much

and if the change ever happens, the change was your choice, not something you could not avoid.

And yet this reply to me has six likes at the moment of writing this:

Clearly people want to believe the fantasies in their heads, but when reality hits them… everyone must cry.

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Is this accurate? I mean The turrets are barely stronger than a ranged minion now. I think that would be fine but they cost 4 scrap per turret. The whole scrap economy of his kit feels off.

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I think Syl got it worse. They didn’t just kill her specialist build, they killed a bunch of ranged assassin builds too.

Gaz just lost his turrets and now has a laser that can’t hit anything without CC setup. In return he’s now THICC. Syl didn’t get anything as compensation.

Ummmmmm wrong

Sylvanas got 3 fantastic and viable builds. She can choose to be aaer, mage, or hybrid. She has strong dive potential but can also sit back and melt tanks. She has amazing sustain and can also avoid cc if enemy drafts blowup. New sylvanas > old sylvanas. In just about every way.

Even if you want to go full bronze afk splitpush, her merc queen talent is quite good.


She had those before…she lost a few really good, high skill, low margin for error builds because Blizzard didn’t just fix her trait, they gutted a lot of her talents.

Her Q build rn is pretty high skill and high reward.