Gazlowe ruined for life

slightly less auto dmg? it does less than half of what it used to be. and he had more sustain before due to turrets being able to kite and the R giving armor + run speed.

he’s squishier now than before unless youre fighting potatoes who gets hit by the laser and the bombs.

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Well, i agree with some things you and other people said, but, playing against him, sometimes, is unfair. I see many people saying about how much damage they did, how many things can he break and now he seems weak. It’s not weakness in certain opinion, it is a adjustment of what was for the other people, the ones you have to fight against too. Many times was too hard dealing with gaz, but not the hero itself, he was okay, but the turrets was way more stronger and impactful than the hero itself, for me, that is why they nerfed, because the turrets were the ones mading things, not the goblin.
Also, while other heroes can increases their attack by quests and have risks with this, as example of tracer, alarak and butcher. Our Gaz simply double over again and again. Even i, liking a lot the old ult, agreed that was too damage for him. Sometimes it’s better to the game itself those changes, even the ones who can made us sad

Another Gaz main rage quit the game. Wonderfull keep them coming. More easy just quit then to adapt his new playstyle.

Dude, stop. Do you know how many Tassadar mains left game after rework?

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Imagine how many more would quit if ever Tracer decided to come out as male. It’s not like you don’t have a choice between 90 other characters.

Even if there are currently some problems with it, the developers are not completely tone-deaf and can easily iron out the design choices over the next two weeks. Whatever they did to both the heroes for this patch is definitely an improvement and more in-line with what the game has become over the last two years.

Just because you found the previous state of the hero fun and exciting it does not mean you weren’t seen by your teammates as anything else but a liability that might justify their pick through one activity where you would always be playing independently of others.

MAKE THE SUFFERING STOP :frowning: I beg you

I’m so sorry. Tassadar was my second most played hero and I pushed as hard as I could both in here and reddit for his redesign. Tassadar is, actually, my favourite StarCraft character and seeing him being turned into a reskinned Sentry was something I really dislike. I kinda enjoyed how he was before, but he just didn’t feel like what Tassadar should be. Now he feels better, lore-wise. But I understand your pain. You took the bullets for us. This new, better Tassadar was built upon your sacrifice.


I’m lvl 595 Gazlowe. I’ve played him since launch. I’ve played about 60 games since rework and haven’t had a single game where I had any success. I see a lot of comments in various forums that he is great now but often by those who don’t play him. Then I see videos posted by some of these same people. In those videos they are playing against AI or on the test server using their skills on dummies that don’t move.

I’m not going to list all the issues as DrStainy did a fine job. Time will tell but I have a feeling this hero will be even less used.


It’s slower, a lot slower. It doesn’t behave like before at all, it’s really evident if you played Withering Fire Syl before her rework. The new Withering Fire is not good comparatively because it’s slower and has less control.

Remember cassia.
Devs will revert turret dmg and become gazgod.

I’ve played sylvanas before the rework and so did after it.

The change is pretty minimal, while slower it doesn’t mean she deals overall less damage, which she actually deals a lot of it.

There wasn’t any sort of reason to have control over it because it always prioritized heroes based on the nearest target, so functionalities remain pretty much the same, oh and with more range to fire from.

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Then you have selective memory of your play style was minimally impacted.

The changes to Withering Fire were monumental.

I feel your pain. Gaz kept me in this game for years. This rework isn’t adapting Gaz, its a new character with the same skin.

How anyone could remove wombo-combo and assume that will be okay with Gaz players, is beyond me. This isn’t a different Gaz, this simply isn’t Gaz. If I wanted someone like Mura, I’ll pick Mura, not Gaz.


Old Zag was unhealthy for the game.

Like new Zag is a kicking teamfighter who can still splitpush well.

Old Zag literally just pushed lanes and hid all game.

I’ve been doing okay with Gaz so far. This comment is what’s bothering me though. Sure, his blow up damage is huge against target dummies but that’s just not going to happen against actual people. He feels really inconsistent because he depends more on skill shots for damage. It’s weird to play a bruiser that needs a front line so badly.

Run speed and turrets aren’t sustain whatsoever, they’re escape. The attack damage is only lower at 20, otherwise with talents it’s quite comparable. If you can’t hit people with his now much better laser, it’s your aim that’s lacking, not your amazing opponents dodging every shot.

Sitting on 80% winrate with reworked gaz, and I played him plenty before the changes too. Overall much stronger, but no longer “effective” afk pushing one lane and hoping opponents haven’t bought the minimap dlc.

So you never played him.


Wrong, useless post btw

Useless posts. Also, your previous post was useless. You obviously never played him pre-rework, your experience with him post-rework is far too little and your ideas on the laser is laughable.


Not useless on my end, as I explained in full detail the flaw with their issues. Your entire argument is “ur a liar” which is, as I’ve mentioned before, an entirely useless post.

After going through your post history, I’m not surprised to find I’m arguing with a silver player about how gaz is actually better, not worse. I guess in silver/bronze gaz is worse now because he depends on skill shots and he can’t afk a lane against unaware opponents, but up here in plat/diamond/masters he was basically never used outside of niche situations, and he’s been made generally much more versatile against opponents who don’t ignore you for 80% of the game.

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