Gazlowe ruined for life

for the same reason murky is in melee assassin. for the same reason probius and tyrael are not in support.

these two have talent option to help out with TEAM HEALING, including E.T.C!


Gaz is currently ~57% winrate accross all leagues and one of the to bans

Just a reminder to never take balance or criticism from anyone who posted in the “gaz is ruined” crowd seriously in the future


No balance changes since then?

You realize something feels “off” when there’s a little header above your post that says “6 months later”.

I’m pretty sure the person did it deliberately.

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Don’t know what data you’re using as even the TLV doesn’t even have 57% at all leagues. Regardless, still ruined in my eyes. What was lost to me was a kind of play style that no other hero could really replicate. The new version works and is even good, I just don’t want to play another bruiser.

He also did come out kinda weak, objectively worse in win rate than prerework. The fact that you were saying he was unkillable when he was in his weaker state, and then now retroactively telling off people using a buffed state shows you’re just kind of awful at balance and the one that shouldn’t be taken seriously.

The only reason he’s in the state he is now is because Blizzard massively over compensated even though he was close to being balanced, and now only just slightly chipping away at that status.

I went from 60% with Gaz to 40% in days after that “”"""“rework”""""

The turrets are horrible now. No engine gunk, no health, short timers, underwhelming talent choices.

Death Lazor is pitiful too, it’s no longer enough of a threat to make people back off.

No idea what he was before the rework but level 20 ult is GG

You can still just walk in and facecheck enemy team with gravi bomb combo like most does now. No matter he is still a op stun stun machine that req no skill.


I once played heaps of Gazlowe back, way back when the game was new. I can understand why someone used to his old playstyle may find him hard to get used to. He plays differently now, but as you say isn’t hard to master and is much more powerful than that old version of Gazlowe.

I get where you’re coming from. Remember with the reworked Gazlowe much of his power has been moved away from his turret and into the his Lazer, AA’s, Explodium charges and of course Grav Bomb. Look up a guide and you will pick him up again soon enough, he’s quite formidable now.

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Minky without BW avatar :scream: