Game is always updating?

every time I want to start the game up in the Blizzard app I ALWAYS have to update first.

without fail, every single time…why does it keep doing this and is there a workaround.


why it does this hasn’t been revealed, but it is an issue with the launcher, and not with HotS. As Hoku linked, launching HotS native (local files) skips the “update”.

For reference, of the 3 devices I use to play HotS, 2 of them update each time, but one does not. So it might be a check due to all the OS and specs the game attempts to handle. I am only speculating on the update “bug” since newer blizzard games have outright dropped support for systems that HotS still attempts to process.

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Updating? More like uploading your life force :face_in_clouds:

OHH bro is a rich kid who never had to work for anything, suddenly the embrace of AI technologies to write and the seemingly endless hours to respond to “incorrect people on the internet” makes a lot more sense!

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I’m employed as an educator in a country that doesn value education.

I suggest you use your meds to stabalize your erratic moods instead of looking to eat crow



You’d think a teacher could at least speak basic English. Oh well, this is what happens when Xen doesn’t use Chat-GPT to write their posts.

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This is a written medium. What part of your double-standards allows you to understand that distinction?

Instead of having a conversation, you’re just looking for something to ‘attack’. You don’t value being educated, and instead mock whatever you can, and then decry the foreseeable consequences when you don’t want them.

Being an ‘educator’ doesn’t indicate field of experience, level of performance, but rather than connect that, you think they have to be ‘flawless’ in a recreational medium on a phone post?

You should spend more time reading books instead of necro-bumping topics.


I never put high standards on myself–you are the gigabrain teacher, not me, right?

I should hope that an educator would at least be confident in the basics of their own field.

nah this is more entertaining. Another prompt please Xen-GPT!


You’ve been at this for 4 hours.

I’d suggest you get some standards for yourself instead of trying to mock everyone else for actually having some of their own.

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thanks babe <3

good point! another 20 and I’ll get close to your record!

Wonder if Vent is a GPT bot himself controlled by some lonely kid.


probably! <3

they’re too busy rotating between heathstone and overwatch to bot.

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ChatGPT is sometimes accidentally funny, so I can confirm they aren’t using it.


Xentenerex is sometimes funny, thanks for reminding me Minky!

Pedantism: pride before the fall hahahahahaha good catch

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