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Does this mean it would remove some of the clunkiness of his tongue or what?

Previously, it’d have their minimum speed be the standard hero minimum speed, so if Dehaka was Slowed, things could look a bit janky, and if Dehaka had movement speed(from his trait, for example), then before they’d get snapped towards Dehaka once they got a certain distance from him, as they’d move at 100% movespeed, but Dehaka might be moving at 130% or whatever.

It won’t matter that much, will make things look a bit smoother is about all.


omg I had to boot up hots and look for this. I feel like there are so many op and or annoying things you can do in aram, I wish they would just hit all of them all at once instead of sporadically doing it. It’s so out of the blue and jarring, and every time I see something about aram outside of 10 of the same heroes, junkrat is pretty much hammer who can trap and boop you forever, KTZ is a doge the circle and chain pain and stu players that know when not to e are monsters in aram.

I wonder if who they “readjust” first is based on how bad they are if you have more then one on the same team?

Just wait until people find out this talent is absolutely busted in every other game mode to : p


It’s ok in other modes, what’s currently defining for Mephisto is his Q16 more than anything else in his kit right now.

Yeah, this is why I had to look it up cause it’s on of those auto picks I don’t think about so I couldn’t place what it was at first

I’d like to see


  • Portal
    • Using a Portal will one again move the user’s Camera to spare them a useless chore

Actual bull -ish. They’re really going to let Azmodan and other BS heroes in that mode spam their giant low-skill high damage abilities without penalty but Spite is what gets hit? Mephisto takes effort to play and has to dive in to deal damage. Truly clueless and incompetent work from the one dev left here.

The best Mephisto build is at 70% WR while Azmo is at 60%.
I’m more in favor of nerfing Spite in every game mode than this removal, but if it’s a temporary fix for better balance, I’m up for it.


there is no such thing as a “temporary fix” here. we’re lucky to even get one balance patch a year.

and these forums are genuinely hilarious. It’s always “it’s ARAM no balance needed, deal with broken splash hero in ARAM” and then “oh sorry Meph has one build with a high WR we need to balance/ban his talents in this mode” in the same breath like pick a side please.

You’re treating different opinions as if they are the same thing.

Different people posted those claims, and no single one of them is “the forum”. You are creating the incongruity that you then fault.


That one build is very popular and by far the best out of any build with high pop. It should be obvious for veteran players.

I’ve already pick a side. I was always in favor of removing Hammer, Chromie’s Slowing Sand and Raynor’s Execute Orders.

The Spite nerf that I want to see globally is this:
From 150% regen to 100% or CDR from 1 sec to 0.5 or both in between.
That’s like it used to be in 2019.

How to recognise Pseudoscience




The “forum hive mind” stuff is nonsense, nonsense which I could very easily flip to make the same generalization about the other 14 or so accounts that all hate mirror games in ARAM, believe in “forced 50%” and “illegal bots in AI.”

Many of these people do exactly what they accuse regular posters of doing. They exclusively like each other’s posts, they almost always agree, they fixate on the same topics, well you get the idea.

However, as I take the time to read their posts, I’m aware that while they agree on many things, they don’t agree on all things. So you know, kinda like the old regular “forum hive mind”, we all have our disagreements, but most of us refrain from throwing around personal insults or making sweeping generalizations.


Im sure those people are just social bored people that has nothing exciting happening in thier life so they spend all thier time here. They know they get the attention they seek and we as a community keep jumping into the trap.

Sometimes I sit down and think about why I even keep wasting my time with them. Nothing will change thier mind. They only know how to provoke and insult people. Always feel the need to make every thread political like free speetch or whatever nonsence they have that dont fit this forum.

If they want to talk about free speetch they can go to YT and do it there. People who call others for hive mind are just trolls or attention beggers with little clue about how a debate forum really works.

Good most of them are now on my ignore list where they belong. Not worth the time or energy.


So, like yourself or Xen?

They mean you.

I don’t have hours to waste neceo-bumping topics that get flagged and removed.

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It doesn’t take hours, unlike you carefully crafting your 8-9 paragraph essays (that you’ve admitted to copy and pasting around the forum)

Unless of course you are just using AI like everyone already guesses.

There’s time stamps on these posts. Your latent binge (back when I posted before) runs ~47 minutes across however many topics.

You cycle these in multiple sessions. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up spending more time on these boards than I do, but that’s harder for me to check with your spam sessions getting deleted.