Full Hero Concept : Karax
With the fact that Tassadar’s role has changed from Support to Assassin, the protoss race is in dire need of a support. Which is why I am suggesting Karax as a potential next support unit for the protoss race.
this is a full hero concept, meaning all the skills, talents, damage, cooldown ect , are all included in here as well. It will be a large read to go through but I have formatted everything to make it a bit easier to read.
Origin : StarCraft
Race : Protoss
Class : Support
Strength : enabler and damage mitigation
Weakness : little means of options or defense if alone.
BASE STATS ( Level 20 )
Health : 1630
Mana : 690
Health Regeneration : 6.2
Mana Regeneration : 4.86
Auto Attack Damage : 305
Auto Attack speed : 0.65
Auto Attack Range : 2.5
RANGE (reference point)
Q- Warp-in : 10 seconds , range 6 , 35 mana.
Target enemy minion, instantly kill them and after 4 seconds , warp in an ally protoss unit. The resulting unit and bonus are based on the targeted unit . ( resulting units continue to behave like normal minions. )
Melee Minion = Sentinel ( +100% health / 100% attack damage )
Mage Minion = Energizer ( always active- guardian shield , provide nearby allies with 50 armor )
Archer Minion = Adept ( +100% damage against minions )
Catapult Minion = (mini) Immortal ( +100% damage against Structure )
*note : this skill is inspired from “reclamation” in LotV. the skill originally allows Karax to take any mechanical units from the enemy and use them as his own. given that minions arent really mechanical , i decided to tweak the functionality a bit to still allow the effect of instantly using more units but keep the protoss theme going. Sentinels are the Zealot equivalents for Karax , same for Energizers in regards to sentries . he does not however use Adepts, but it wasnt able to think of a better or more appropriate unit to use in place of the archer minions. i also thought of having the units able to be warped within the phase smith aura rather then using an enemy minion to do so, however i figured it would turn him into a monster summoner which wasnt the main goal of his kit , so limiting it to minion might be the best way to balance it while still giving it potential
W- Chrono Boost : 12 seconds , Range 4, 55 mana
Target ally Hero’s cooldowns refreshes 100% faster for 4 seconds . ( can be self cast )
E- Purification Nova: 12 seconds, collision vs walls, 75 mana.
Upon casting , Karax becomes immobile. After 0.75 seconds, launch a purification nova that can be controlled and moved (100% speed) . After 3.5 seconds. The projectile detonates and deal 750 damage to all enemy targets caught in it. (blast radius range 4)
R1- Solar Lance : 90 seconds , Global, Vision required.
Karax becomes immobile during cast preparation, click a location for the starting point and a second time for the direction/ end location 3 times. After completing the 3rd one, all 3 lasers will come down from the sky and scorch the ground dealing 150 damage per second to all enemies caught in the initial locations and then 3 seconds later will move to their designated directions dealing 650 damage.
( global , vision required )
R2- Chrono Wave : 100 seconds, Temporary range 10 aura/21 radius , 150 mana
for 5 seconds all nearby ( range 10 ) ally heroes’ cooldown refreshes 100% faster and cost 50% less mana
Trait - Master Phase Smith : aura, range 5, total radius 11
Ally structures and minions attack 100% faster. ally heroes regenerate 2.0 mana per seconds and gain 100 shield per second up to 900 shields. the shield decays by 50 points each second upon leaving Master Phase Smith’s range. Karax regenerate those values at 50% rate.
Master Phase Smith aura is represented by the same visual as a pylon power’s field
Level 1
Solar Forge – quest :
each regeneration globe increases Karax’s mana regeneration by 0.1 up to 1.5 and his mana pool by 5 .
Reward: all basic ability cooldown refreshes 50% faster when Karax is above 50% mana.
pride of the Phase Smith – Quest :
E, purification nova’s damage is permanently increased by 5 each time it damages an enemy hero. Bonus is double is purification nova kills an enemy hero.
Hand of the Phase Smith :
Trait, the healing effects of regeneration globes on ally heroes are extended for as long as the affected ally hero are within master phase smith aura. (does not apply to Karax)
Level 4
Khalai ingenuity :
Q, Warp-in gains an additional 2 charges and reduce the warp-in time by 2 seconds…
Chrono accelerator :
W, target’s base health and mana regeneration are increased by 250% for the duration of chrono boost.
Designated target :
trait, nearby structures and minions will prioritize enemy heroes as soon as they are within range.
Level 7
system disruption:
E, enemies hit by purification nova are silenced for 0.5 second and have their armor bonus removed for 3 seconds. (damage is applied before armor removal)
Primitive technology : 50 seconds, range 5
Active, Karax channels and target a nearby enemy structure and disables that structures preventing it from attacking for the duration of the channelling , up to 10 seconds . ( can be used on core but duration is reduced by 50%.)
Stable acceleration :
W, chrono boost’s duration is increased by 2 second
Level 10
R1- Solar Lance
R2- Chrono Wave :
Level 13
Purifier technology :
E, purification nova’s radius is increased by 2 .
Phasing projectile :
E, Purification nova can go through walls.
time warp : 60 seconds, range 2
Active, target mercenary camp or boss’ respawn location and instantly respawns them to allows to be defeated for capture. Refreshed camp will not display on enemy POV and will instead show regular cooldown. (cannot be used on a camp or boss if unit(s) are still active on the map)
Level 16
Warp Gate :
Q, Warp-in spawns 2 protoss unit instead of one.
Reconstruction Beam :
Trait : ally minions within Master Phase smith aura are healed by 175HP / seconds . structures are repaired for 1% HP per second. (up to 3 targets can be healed or repaired at the same time)
aggressive defense :
E, enemies hit by purification nova are blinded for 3 seconds and ally heroes within the blast radius instantly receive 450 shields. (shield last for 3 seconds)
Level 20
Scorched Earth :
R , Solar Lance leaves a trail of blue flames in its path dealing an additional 85 damage per second to enemy units . scorched earth last 10 seconds. (not stackable).
Chrono Overload :
R, Chrono wave duration is increased by 3 seconds and mana costs are reduced by an additional 25% .
Unity Barrier :
Trait, all ally hero gain 5 spell armor for each ally hero within Master Phase smith aura, up to a maximum of 25 spell armor. (including Karax)
Purifier protocol
E, Purification nova’s movement speed is increased by 20% and can be detonated early manually.
overall , Karax would be a great addition to the Hots roster, and would likely be one of the most fitting for the role of a support character. able to assist in ways different than direct healing , but also enables his own team . he would also be flexible enough to focus either on lane pushing, supporting his team , or dealing damage based on the needs of his team but would be left highly vulnerable if faced in a 1v1 without any allies or minion close to assist him.
he also has his own model in SC2 . in term character design it would possibly make things simpler and import his actual character model in Hots.
note : i did posted the concept both here and in the hero suggestion because of the lower tracking in the hero suggestion.