This is the same thing that AnaBanana started here Forum tourney who wants in? EU
- Friday 29 october 2021 at
- 5.30pm UTC which is the same as 7.30pm at Paris, France, local time,
- you can check what this means for you with any time converter such as A random time converter;
- Best of 3 games in draft mode;
- Maps: Cursed Hallow, Battlefield of Eternity, Sky Temple;
- the aim is to have fun between forumers. There is no need to be “good” at the game to play!
- EU server means that the games will be held on the EU server and the time is more tailored to EU players. But anyone can join;
- You can add player who do not usually post on the forum. But it is then of your responsability to see that they are on time for the games.
For players:
- please also add your rank and prefered roles;
- with the people interested in playing, I'll try to put together some even team, but I do not guarantee anything. Actually, it is lucifer that is doing that XD.
For players and viewers:
- this post will be updated with people who are interested in playing or viewing. So if you don't find your name here, it means that I forgot to add you. Just reply to the thread again then;
- I only know how to invite people in a custom game from my friendlist so I'll add to my friendlist any player (or viewer) and you can delete me from your friendlist afterwards. If you are going to use another account than the one you used to reply in this thread, I need your Battle tag to send a friend request. You can also join a custom game if you have someone in your friendlist that is already in the custom game: this is an other way to join if you don't want to give your Battle tag.
- Sherk (Bronze 3, ranged assassin, bruiser)
- Karabars (Master, Flex, Bruiser/Tank)
- rcw (Gold 3-4, healer/support/ranged assassin)
- AltRightFrog (Plat 2, r-assassin and tank)
- lucifer (2 986MMR, bruiser main, ranged assassin)
- Phurr (Silver, Healer/Bruiser)
- Sami (Dia/master, ranged assassin main, bruiser and healer second)
- Ironymus (2550 MMR, ranged assassin, healer, bruiser)
- Sadius will be playing with DrLogan account (Diamond/Master, SL - 2774, QM - 2778, UD - 2783, Flex)
- Hoku (Gold, tank main, bruiser second, any)
- Nemarra (no rank, assassins and healers)
- Harbinger (Dimaond/Master, flex/tank)
Viewing: -
- Team 1 (TBC): Harbinger, rcw, Sami, Mamekan, AltRightFrog;
- Team 2 (TBC): Karabars, Phurr, lucifer, DrLogan, Ironymus.