Forum games: EU server #3


I guess it is time for another try:

  1. date changed to Sunday 27 February 2022
  2. between 6.30pm and 8.30pm UTC (please beware of the time and you can check what this means for you with any time converter such as A random time converter on webpage or an application on smartphone);
  3. Maps list: Towers of Doom, Cursed Hallow, Tomb of the Spider Queen, Dragon Shire, Infernal Shrines and Volskaya Foundry.
Previous sessions
  1. Session 1
  2. Session 2

Some remarks:

  1. the aim is to have fun between forumers. There is no need to be ā€œgoodā€ at the game to play!
  2. EU server means that the games will be held on the EU server and the time is more tailored to EU players. But anyone can join;
  3. You can add player who do not usually post on the forum. But it is then of your responsability to see that they are on time for the games.

During the games:

  1. there is a/several special observer whose purpose is to look for balance for the upcoming games and propose team compositions. Players can also make suggestions for the next game. I have the last word on team compositions;
  2. during the lobby, the lobby channel is used only for organization. For everything else, that will be on another channel (forumies for instance);
  3. during the games, the all chat can be used freely;
  4. Platinum 2 and above are not allowed to draft their mains. I will not go look at people profiles, so Iā€™ll trust people to not draft their mains. Platinum 3 and below are allowed to play whatever they want;
  5. between each game, we take a 5 minutes break (after people are invited back to the lobby though) because I need to.

Before the games:

  • For players: please add your rank and prefered roles (and for Platinum 2 and above players, provide your preferred roles considering that you are not supposed to draft your main heroes). Initial teams are set with the given information. The person(s) that does this initial team compositions can ask for in game statistics and up to 3 games to be uploaded / or played with the player if they want to have more information than just the MMR. Note the ā€œcanā€, this is not compulsory. But if a player is asked to, the player should do as asked;
  • For viewers: just tell if you are willing to propose team compositions;
  • For everyone:
    • this post will be updated with people who are interested in playing or viewing. So if you don't find your name here, it means that I forgot to add you. Just reply to the thread again then;
    • I only know how to invite people in a custom game from my friendlist so I'll add to my friendlist any player (or viewer) and you can delete me from your friendlist afterwards. If you are going to use another account than the one you used to reply in this thread, I need your Battle tag to send a friend request. You can also join a custom game if you have someone in your friendlist that is already in the custom game: this is an other way to join if you don't want to give your Battle tag.


  1. rcw: Healer/Support/Ranged Assassin; Gold 4 (one-time placement, dont really play ranked)
  2. Aphandra: ranged; silver/gold
  3. Karabars: ranged; Master who no longer plays SL


  1. Trips: ranged / healer; no rank (low silver)
  2. Tripā€™s friend: flex, high Platinum



  1. Mamekan

Initial Team 1:
Initial Team 2:


I will inform later if I can join or not.

IĀ“ll most likey be able to join.

Healer/Support/Ranged Assassin
Gold 4 (one-time placement, dont really play ranked)

70% I can join. Flex main from high mmr (ex-Master who no longer plays SL).


  1. rcw: Healer/Support/Ranged Assassin; Gold 4 (one-time placement, dont really play ranked)


  1. DrLogan
  2. Karabars: flex; ex-Master who no longer plays SL



  1. Mamekan
1 Like

Happy to join.
My relationship with HotS is a lot better so itā€™s unlikely that Iā€™ll announce Iā€™ve uninstalled yet again.

I have no clue about my skill level anymore but itā€™s roughly high Silver, possibly Gold.
Happy to play some warmup / fun matches with anyone interested, as long as youā€™re roughly the same rank.
Iā€™m the happiest on a few mages but I have a few other options. It tends to go in circles so I canā€™t really tell. Youā€™re welcome to inspect my profile in-game. I stopped uploading to HP, although things didnā€™t change much.

TLV/healer main, little flex.
Current master 1k, highest 4k.

What am I? :teddy_bear:

Captain Jack Sparrow !

1 Like


  1. rcw: Healer/Support/Ranged Assassin; Gold 4 (one-time placement, dont really play ranked)
  2. Aphandra: ranged; silver/gold.


  1. DrLogan: TLV/healer main, little flex; current master 1k, highest 4k.
  2. Karabars: flex; ex-Master who no longer plays SL



  1. Mamekan

Sign me up

I only play hammer who doesnt go into siege mode

I think I may be able to join this one!
Put me down as the most casual ā€˜here to have funā€™ player there is, I will not accept anything higher.
I mostly play R.As and healers.

If you end up missing a slot, Iā€™ll try to lasso a friend in.

Added Glomgold and Trips.

Can you provide your prefered role (I mean except one tricking Hammer who doesnā€™t go in siege mode XD) and rank ?

Do you have a rank Trips ?

I have no rank ;u;

Ranged assassins. rank low master


@Trips: which one is you?

@all: can someone provide me with the supposed correspondance between MMR in HeroesProfile and in game rank?

And I reply to myself.

So for the players who are Platinum 2 and above, tell me if your preferred roles are still the same as you provided?

My role is Flex, but for this, I want to be one of those R.Assassin mains :Đ

Congrats, you are promoted to customer Gold 3.

I need nerf. My Diablo was too fearful. O.O