Forum tourney: EU server #2

Deleted HanaSong, added Phurr.

Hi, interested to join, I would consider myself Dia+/Master.

I play Ranged assassins the most, but I also play Bruisers and Healers.

GMT is missing time zone number incremental/decremental, +X?

Iā€™m also interested in playing. I got a bit rusty but Iā€™ll do my best.
My MMR based on QM:

Wow rare profile stat lol.

Impressed that HS documents haunted mines none custom games.

Itā€™s the map with my highest Win Rate :joy:

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Iā€™ve never deleted the old replay files and have uploaded them a year ago. The matches date back to the year 2018

Added Sami and Ironymus.

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Ah also, it is 5.30PM GMT or 7.30PM GMT+2 if you prefer. It is the same hour as last time.

Please add me as a tentative participant. I may or may not be free that day, as it is a state holiday here, but I may end up being tied up with other things. No idea what rank I would be on EU due to latency and all, so put me down as Gold just to be safe.

Regarding preferred roles, Tank/Bruiser, heavy emphasis on Tank, although I can play any role.

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Added you in a separate list.

You can put me under ā€˜Maybeā€™ ā€“ happy to fill in, if no one else steps up. Iā€™m rank nothing, prefer assassins and healers.

DidĀ“nt originally catch the part with the preferred roles: healer/support/ranged assassin.

Thatā€™s normal. I didnā€™t update the OP about after it was discussed. Iā€™ll update it now XD

Added you Nemarra.

Iā€™ve also f forgotten to write my role choice. That is ranged assassin, healer, bruiser (not in a specific order)

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Role preference? Iā€™m an absolute Flex. But fav role is Bruiser/Tank.

Didnā€™t realize we had to do roles. Healer/Bruiser. Although I can easily flex if needed.

Also Silver. I didnā€™t put that either, did I?

OK, added the information.

Sign me up for maybe.
Ill flex/tank

Mmr i dont know. I usually loose intrest after reaching dia 2 and decay. So somewhere between diamond/master
I dont upload to HP

Added. /20 characters

lucifer, where is your CCL draft stuff. I want to toy with it a little bit beforehand.