Forum games: EU server #3

I am glad I am so bad at everything no nerfs are needed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I used to cross S-G threshold around 2625.
In QM experience, 2700 correlates with Platinum, 2800 with Diamond, 2900 with Masters. Extrapolate downwards :slight_smile: Maybe 75 points instead of 100 but anyway. 2300 is definitely bronze, 2400-2600 varies between Bronze and Gold. Massive difference between QM and SL performance is everyday business, a team two divisions down (e.g. Silver vs Plat) can look one sided in favor of the lowlings.

It did inflate a little over the years, but not much.

If some player is uploading a lot, you can see the range they traverse. I was moving around 100 points in SL (S5-G4) and around 125 in QM.

Hero-specific skill levels can very a lot, check mine. I span over 1000 points, which is about double the B4-D1 range. Seriously. Of course with hero specific MMR it would be more like 300 as I canā€™t ascend beyond Plat with anything nor can I lose but a fraction of my matches below Silver. So maybe HP is too aggressive with point deductions at low MMR when the match is high MMR.

You cannot play [in the tourney] Tass, Tlv for certain.

Lol I canā€™t play him since 14.04.2020

Iā€™m this one:

Iā€™ll put you as low silver then.

Just to bump this thread. It is in 2 weeks.

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Donā€™t worry, Forums remember everything.

Isnā€™t this the US forums?

Well yes it is. But the other ones are moribund (yeah a new english word I may remember). There was also potentially an US one:

But it never happened. I guess there whould be people who would be willing to play if someone organizes.

Edit: hum iirc you are from Australia though.

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We have a lot of EU people here over the years.

Your point?

No its the Russian server :slight_smile:

Russians invade US Forums, 2022, photo in color.


Stop taking everything to heartā€¦ US forum, EU tournyā€¦ just wondering why on here, I thought everyone was on NA serverā€¦

Yeah Iā€™d be willing to give it a crack but 350 ping to EU and serious lag spike makes it tough :stuck_out_tongue:


Not going to lieā€¦ This ā€˜boganā€™ had to google this word :stuck_out_tongue:

EU Forums are dead. I came here 4-5 years ago because EU wasnā€™t even active.

US was decently active so I stayed here.

To heart? It was near my left foot.


You learn something new each day :slight_smile:

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You might be pulling our leg, but just in caseā€¦
If you check out battle tags, US tags begin with 1 while EU with 2.
Might be nothing else but optimisation to keep account data in the region where you normally play. Especially as data laws follow the spirit of Orwell - US in the US, EU in the EU, there shall be no mingling.

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I think itā€™s partly the time zone and partly the lag.
Conneting to the US from the EU can get funny.
More importantly, whatā€™s an evening for EU is daytime for US, whereas itā€™s early morning the other way around. So itā€™s easier for US people to join EU than the other way around.

That being said, I could be looking for a party right now. Would be nice to play a bit but QM was nasty.

Never noties that one. The more you know.