Forcing 50% winrate

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here is a picture of my expected and actual performance in Halo Infinite, a game that uses a very similar matchmaking system to HotS. graphs and everything.

you think these devs don’t have this down to a pinpoint science?

So you think everytime you lose its always some robot that are coded to make you lose ?

Or maybe it was cause you actually lost cause the other team was just better then yours.

There are no code that are build to make specific players lose just because they won alot then puts him on a 10 lose steak right after.

Name me a reason why a million $ company want to build a code that force you to lose just because you above some winrate threshold. It makes zero sense to do that.

If this was true then I would not be sitting on 55% winrate right now this season as a solo player as I do now.

You just happen to noties your loses more then your 5 steak win you just had before it happend.

The matchmaker dont just automaticly says ‘oh he just won his 5 match then its time to make him lose 5 now by giving him noobs and brain rot players’’

Players are bad cause they happen to be bad but they play in the same mmr as you.

Nothing matchmaker can do about.

Saying that this game has an algorithm that checks how you play and then match those with people who won alot is an absurd opinion to have. I dont think Blizzard is that advance.

No idea why so many here think that they belong in the high end of the winrate if they cant even climb that high anyway. If you cant climb any higher then its cause you belong there. Not some code that force you to stay down.

But I guess everyone who disagree think they all should have 90% winrate even while playing like trash.


It’s less that 'devs have it down to a science" and more so that players are ignorant, low-skilled, and refuse to improve.

The initial starting point for anyone is that they start off not knowing things, but at some point, people rationalize themselves away with the basic pattern on how to improve. “Skills”, or rather becoming ‘skilled’ is something that is ‘down to a science’, but the scientifically illiterate would rather complain than consider that the whole gimmick of a ‘science’ is repeating the same variables to then get the some outcome. Instead of getting better, they just complain more; they convince themselves a game is rigged, don’t learn the rules, and rile themselves in misery from one activity to the next.

Wow, four years later… Of course this would be an irresistible “problem” for someone to rez. I’m curious now, what thread has the longest Necro?

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Hehe, Xen always knows the answers, ta!

I don’t always know stuff. What I do know is how to find close-enoughs to look like it :stuck_out_tongue:

:cue drcox_scrubsquotes


If Cath was here she would spin.

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