Forcing 50% winrate

You are stuck in Bronze league. You can barely write readable sentences in English. You use 2 accounts to post the same message. That is all the proof needed that your overall cognitive abilities are low.

Nobody is forcing you to stay in Bronze.

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Because math exists. As you get better your MMR increases and your opposition you get matched with is a similar skill set so you loose as often as you win. Its not FORCED it happens naturally as part of the ELO process.

Now because the player pool in hots is smaller than LOL its harder to get ideal MMR based matches without having queue times in a crazy long time.

Well they want it to be a thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Its not coincidence that I’ve been loosing so more than I can win in these past few months, while I had no Problems keeping my Winrate 55%+, now its going down to 52% and its not just that I get bad teammates, I also get bad combos that completely suck compared to enemy comb.

I think you’re on to something

why don’t you tell me what happens to a player’s MMR when they win 55% of their games?

what about being placed in multiple games with a player you report who was just afk? i was placed with the same person trolling from what i gathered in multiple games, hours apart. how can someone playing game after game and getting what im sure is multiple reports be allowed to keep playing?

The level frigging three teammate I got after a winning streak facing several 1200+ guys on the other team begs to differ. And no, he wasn’t in a premade with a high level buddy. Of course the poor guy got completely slaughtered and ended up offering nothing of value to the team but that was hardly his fault.
Granted, it was QM but still even in a random “everything goes” mode there is no frigging excuse to put a brand new player with people who have several hundred levels under their belt. At least, in a fair matchmaking system there isn’t.

There absolutely is, new players need games too.

If you isolate new players to only new players, lets say sub 50 player level, then there has to be 10 new players for them to get a game.

They have to, after a certain amount of time, be moved into the main queue or they will never get games and never play again.

Also, it’s QM, you go in accepting a certain amount of random for faster games.

Yeah, maybe he should have been playing against AI, but given how bad the AI can be, you rarely learn anything playing that way.

It is real OP. You will only find a few of the same people here saying it’s not but it is. The only constant is them saying no when it’s new people consistently asking about forced 50…hmm.

Yes, I accept a certain amount of randomness. No one goes into a quick match expecting decent teamcomps and all players on the exact same skill level. But even randomness is only acceptable to a certain degree. If matchmaking decides a game will be 4v6 from the start no one will have fun; might as well rename “quick match” into “quick sh!tfest” as the word “match” itself implies a somewhat even game.

New player would still learn more from a sh!tty AI than they would from getting their teeth kicked in the moment they appear in lane. You can’t learn anything from being absolutely stomped.

Also, what will the new player think about the game when they get immediately tossed in with people who have hundreds if not thousands of hours of experience? I’d think the game is a pure unbalanced piece of crap if that happened and probably drop it. And alienating potential new players is the last thing this game needs given the current state of things.

I agree with your opinion. There is a forced 50% win rate. However, there is a way to beat the system. Create a new account and level each hero to 15. Although this takes a substantial amount of time and effort, if you level each hero to 15 (the mastered benchmark) then youve, in theory, defeated the match makers ability to determine what your strengths and weaknesses are based on the heroes you DONT play. For example, if i focused on maining only tanks and ranged assassins then the game would be able to tell that i have a hard time playing with melee assassins and healers. Perhaps the game will place me on a team where everyone wants to play only tanks and ranged assassins thus forcing me into the healer role or someone else on the team into the healer role, a role nobody wants to play or is good at playing. That said, that’s kind of where i think the match making algorithm gets off in determining the outcome of a game. Maybe you dont play well against certain heroes (and they game can easily pull a list of heroes each player on a team doesnt play well against) and so the match maker will force you to play against people who play those heroes reasonably well. You also dont have the knowledge base to understand the ins and outs of those heroes that were picked or that you may have had to pick and so it can contribute to a win or a lose accordingly. The algorithm in hots is pretty complex and i believe it plays to the strengths and weaknesses you may have or have not developed. Perhaps theres someone on the other team that always plays heroes that get trashed by zeratul and perhaps you play zeratul incredibly well (hes one of your favorite heroes). Did the match maker know this was going to happen? My answer is: probably.

Its not that hard to realize that over 4 years of data mining and the match making engineers working that theyve continued to develop the match maker into a forced 50% win rate machine because every player in the game has their strengths and weaknesses and they can be measured relatively easily given the amount of data that has been collected. Im not saying that the developers at blizzard are evil scientists, what i am saying is that matching people based on what they do and dont do well is very easy to do because players are predictable.

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forced 50% win rate is true, at first, i thought it doesn’t make sense, as people win or lose, there is no way to guarantee you can win every game, or lose all, but even if that’s the case, the win and loss should be kinda random, HOWEVER, in this game, it almost always follows this pattern: You win 6-8 games in a row, and then you lose 6-8 games in a row… and nowadays, stomping games are becoming more common, as the player base is decreasing in size so rapidly as there are too many frustrated players… like, just lost a 0:17 game… i mean, it just doesn’t make sense if one team cannot even break one gate or kill one enemy hero…

Hey clown…just go play in Bronze league for long time…and when you too cant escape from Bronze league…then you re change your thinking. In theory is easy to be sayed. Try in practic!.


I can’t even fathom being this out of touch. Do you actually believe a master player would not be able to effortlessly get out of bronze? That is beyond delusional

If you really believe you dont belong in bronze post a replay or two to prove it. Low rank players often learn the high rank meta and think that means they are better than whatever nova mains are in their rank, when really they are just as lacking in fundimentals as the rest of the players around them

50% force winrate is a myth.

I have proof to back up my statement.

I just finish my SL placement.

I ended my placement with a 60% wr.

You want to know my secret?

I’m just played really well.

Get good. :slight_smile:

It’s not about a numbers can thou understand it? It’s about MM when thou are win because enemy team been sucks and thou lose a game because yer team been sucks not because enemy team better. And when i’m talking sucks, i mean: afk’ers, bots, people who even don’t know basis of game and etc. Thats’s why people complaining and what they mean when talk about forcing of 50%

Easy. Creating a system which be do this itself. Using for it the simple mathematics nothing more. If winning too much, system just give thou people with low winrate. Easy.

So basically lossing too much causes the system to give us players with high winrate to win?

Those same players who won multiple games got low winrate heroes to lose?

This makes no sense.

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No, you get low winrate players because you are bad and don’t deserve good allies.
In case you haven’t heard, blizzard wants you to lose at all times and ranks.

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please shut up about you can carry your team… its not dota ro lol…
and as you said only GM players can have that much of a win rate…
Im diamond and I can see some real idiots there that can make your game hell. god help low divisions…
just want to add something… SL placements I won 8 and lost 2… so as a diamond player I consider myself an average good player… but in QM case? it is real… every time me and my friends win some like 3 games… i tell them thats it… we are going to lose atleast the next 2. and believe it… its hell on earth the next 2 :smiley: