Forcing 50% winrate

There is nobody above them in skill level, except a few dozen other masters and GM’s. Hence Masters can have as high as 55-60% or better winrate in ranked indefinitely (will even out and drop a bit lower the more they play).

If you look at the profiles of some of the best players in HotS such as Rich (he uploads everything to hotslogs so you can view it there), he has way over 60% in all human modes simply because there aren’t any better players than him in the game. Nobody is forcing him to stay at 50%.

There are also plenty of players who are so bad they would demote from Bronze 5 due to a lack of points if it were possible. They have 30-40% winratio in ranked. Nobody is keeping them at 50% either.

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FYI, Forced 50% is real.

start watching from 44:20 for context

45:35 it gets to the point when matches are super even all the time after a while it actually get kinda tiring…so i come up with the opinion that its ok to allow a little bit of balance here and there and have a mix of even hard and easy matches.


I think you linked the wrong video, that one is not about hots MM. In hots you can even see that MM is not trying to force one team to win if you use hots stats or check opponent favored adjustment after the game.

I respectfully disagree. Pick Lazor build Gazlowe every game and enjoy not being Bronze anymore. People in Bronze will try to soak lanes at 10% health and get oneshot by lazor from fog, you can engage people hand-to-clamp and your lack of fear by itself will win you engagements. Trolls and smurfs exist on both sides equally out of infinite games, so the duty os one’s own to climb and not that of the matchmaker. If you do camps at good times and reset your scrap for lazor spam in fights, then Gaz is literally S-tier in Bronze. If you truly think you are not a Bronze player, then give ‘em the clamps. Nothing can hold a player down who has decided to walk the Path.

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You are saying to be legit you need the speaker to say it out loud " Heroes of the Storm Matchmaking" ? Otherwise it’s not applicable?

Geezz get a clue.

Yes I do. He is not a hots developer, only thing in common is he works for Activision. HotS devs have explained how MM works and denied forced 50%. Common sense dictates there is no 50% forced win-rate for which you can use hots stats and favored opponents adjustments to check the game too. Good players climb while shidders remain shidders blaming anything and everything but themselves. So please get clue dude.

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You said it yourselves he works for Activision. Case closed.

Get a clue bro friend mate.

I get people that actively throw the game probably 10% of the time, even refusing to change behavior when politely asked and reminded of objective and defense through pings.

What happens far more often is just disorganized play. People also getting tilted after a bad engagement or gank. Not to mention some players just being clueless.

Now I could just blame others, but recently I had a great example/reminder of when I need to step back and objectively look at my own play.

I had 8 losses in a row the other night playing the same character. Each time I felt that I made the right call, did the best micro I could, and someone else must have been actively sabotaging my efforts by not participating.

Then I switched characters and won 8 games in a row. Is this forced 50%? No, turns out that I just needed to communicate with my team better, play a little safer, and get organized.

I played the character I lost 8 games with again, and with this corrected mindset went back to winning 65% of the time. Look at yourself first!

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No, the moment my team makes a single mistake I am throwing my hands up and blaming matchmaking for matching me with hopeless trolls that I can’t possible win with. Not even a point in wasting my time trying to play the game if I know we’re just going to lose. And people call me the troll and say I’m throwing the game? I’m not the one playing like a moron, I’m just smart enough to not want to waste my time playing a game with morons. There’s no crime in that.

/the irony of 90% of these posts


Yeah, troll sexist on both sides, which means whether you get them on your team or not, and how often you get them is up to luck.

If you’re not lucky, you could get 7 trolls out of 10 games.

If we’re both platinum, we end up in bronze, and you get less trolls than I do, you’ll climb a lot faster. One can go up 1 level per day, or it could take a week. it all depends on where the trolls end up.

There will be a difference, but not a very significant one. After 50 games, we will likely have pretty similar experiences as far as teamplay goes. In my experience there are not so many trolls who will outright throw the game by refusing to participate, and in the lower ranks, most can be carried by the clamps. At one point, the statistic was 93% of the time, there was a 100% chance for victory.

Grav-O-Bomb doesn’t care about your salty Lunara, who nobly laments in the Hall of Storms over some arbtirary and inconsequential error. It cares about killing four people at a time, about your glorious turret-fueled solo-push to make the most of your won fight. Lunara’s tears will offer her an uncomfortably wet slide down the tubes of victory as the metallic clanking and wallet-checking of your bloodthirst will etch itself into the memory of your friends and your foes alike. The name “Gazlowe” will be sung in fable and legend for aeons to come, th…


I’ve been in Bronze some time ago. There are a LOT of trolls. That’s where most of the trolls are.

People think random = average. Random is not average, random is random. After 50 games one of us could have gotten 25 trolls, or none. Human stupidity doesn’t average out.

but human stupidity isn’t [directly ahem] responsible for where trolls get placed. If we both play 50 games, we have an equal likelihood of being matched with trolls and so our numbers will probably be close to the same, and after infinite numbers of games (let’s face it, we both play infinite games per day) we’ll have the same number of instances of trolling.

And the point stands that Gazlowe is troll-proof.

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Please give me back my forced 50% winrate… cuz now it’s like 20% after some bright mind at the blizz office decided it’d be great to punish people for premading for exp and matching them against much more stronger enemies in queue…


Tbh I did not think 50/50 was a thing until I started playing in a 5 man group 24/7. Suddenly everyone on my team was my skill level and understood how to play the game.

The second I solo que I get the legit level 3 who just started 2 hours ago and his buddy while the enemy team is stacked perfectly. Idk seems weird.

Just being in a pre made not having the human equivalent of adept AI on my team to always have people who can’t tell when there taking damage seems weird.

Blizzard could make all these tin foil hat theories go away by showing MMR thus proving their current “system” but hey.

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People seem to think that the system is actually pseudorandom. It is not. By design.
It does not ‘force’ a 50% win rate, it just systematically puts players in situations where they are on a unfavored team.
It has been discussed directly, and has been shown statistically.
The system ‘decides how good you are’ If you test these bounds, it will ‘enforce’ them. This is by design.
There have been several good posts over time that showed a decent statistical analysis of win vs loss streaks, what happens to teammates MMR during these, how severe is it, and how repeatable is it. It shows the same thing.

Most people on both sides of this are wholly ignorant of how the matchmaker was put together, or why certain decisions were made.

Here is the math and what defines Forced 50% to me.

50% winrate + Averaged MMR Pool + worse teammate not better opponents + hard to carry easy to throw aspect of hots + the worst player has a bigger impact than the best player + match outcome is mostly determined by the worst player not the best player = FORCED CARRY = FORCED 50%

This does not mean you can’t break from it. The recent revamp of comeback mechanics definitely helps. Your best chance is by playing a hard carry tank role and shot calling every single match.

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Literally just had this tonight. Typed GG after dying in the first minute. Not the first time I’ve seen it out of a Lunara before either. Same person everytime, or does Lunara make people salty? :thinking:

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It is still not a thing.

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Alternate Account? :thinking:

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