Extensive Guide to Forum Syntax

Sami, please. How can I post links that others can copy paste? I tried the code function, but that didn’t work.
I miss my 3 :frowning:

I have no clue, that’s the only way.

`link` should technically work.

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I have added a FAQ with 5 questions I expect people to ask most of the time, please review and tell me what you think.

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I am still amazed that this doesn’t work for me. I don’t know why.
But those FAQ are nice, I wish I had them back then. Maybe scale down the font size a bit, at least on mobile it looks oppressively huge.

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Oh god yeah, should probably remove the big and bold stuff.

Quick update, kept the bold, removed the hugeness, thoughts?

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Way better.
Any reason why you don’t use the dropdown (details) code? OP is huge and scrolling through it takes forever. Was it there before? did you remove it?

Kept it open from a design point, besides you can jump to anywhere using the content page.

For the new year celebration, I added Inline Frame to the list.

Allows users to embed documents from outside the forums that can do a lot of things

Probably require Trust Level 3, also styling for iframe(s) are disabled to avoid security breaches.

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I cannot find the “invite user” option anymore. Was it removed?
How do I now notify someone?

I know, that’s the best thread to ask…

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It was baked with “Topic Controls” under “Share”, you change it from “Send a link” to “Send an Invite”.

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I would have never checked there in a thousand years.

Nobody will, curse this stupid simplicity era we are going through.

Small update because Admins did a slight forum update and made the content slightly janky.

Also some of it is now misleading so uh yeah fixed them.

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Can we get patch notes? As in, what you actually did change?

I mean its all grammar edits and format fixes, that’s really it.

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When I go to topic controls now to share the link or invite someone, it says that my subscription does not allow more users and I should ask an admin to increase the limit.


  1. They did an oopsy with the feature.
  2. Or just a TL ranking bug.

report here:

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Hello, small PSA considering the recent forum bug, whatever you do.


As they contain “bad words” aka random number string, I think this was done against some recent spam bots dropping phone numbers if you paid attention to #technical-support #mac-support & #bug-report which are allowed to be posted by anyone regardless of in game level, as #general-discussion, #competitive-discussion and all of the other gang requires you to be level 5 in game (unless changed) and probably don’t have parental controls enabled.

Right now I have multiple guides including this thread with inability to edit them because they contain “bad words” as Discord way of linking images are random numbers, if your threads are entirely made of images linked to topic for a guide or anything else, editing this stuff will be very hard as you have to replace all the links in the thread.

My advice, use www.imgur.com, which doesn’t require an account when uploading images either, simply upload, take a link that directs to the image (which that link ends with the image format) and then link it in the thread with/out <img src=link-here>

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Sami PSAs are walways worth reading.

I just want to know how to reply to people as everyone does.

I can only figure out how to do this

Sami PSAs are walways worth reading.

How do you quote people without having to copy paste everything they’re saying and getting their profile pic to show up?