Devs - Please return "damage taken" stat to tab screen

Uh, sorry… thought you agree with the guy who said all stats should be removed. Didnt read through your post carefully :grin:.

nah that guy infuriates me :smile:

yeah i think both you and hoku started arguing with me and I didn’t understand why or what about lol

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Frankly, I’d prefer an expanded and perhaps even a customizable subtab for each of the skills. Things I would like to know in game or at the end of the game:
-Siege damage
-Hero damage
-Healing done (Perhaps a parenthesis to separate self-healing)
-Damage taken
-Total XP generated
-Minions killed
-Mercenary camps taken
-Total silence time
-Total stun time
-Total root time

Basically, if it can be honored in an MVP bracket or be used to fulfill a quest, I wanna know.


Now your stats always look like afk stats if you play tank.


The damaged soaked stat is ESSENTIAL to know when the team has been focusing the wrong hero. I used to look at it all the time. Now in its place is the mostly useless “self healing” stat.


Hehehe… Its true. I have a feeling i was the worst player in every match i played a tank hero. Even when i got an MVP award, i felt useless with no highlighted stat in score screen.

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Well if you get the Bulwark or Guardian awards it at least gives you a percentage figure of damage taken. I really would like to know why it was removed by the devs, it’s a simple request and it seems I’m not the only one.


Why did they take this valuable stat away? Madness.

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How come there is nothing in the patch notes about this or no developer reply here? I don’t even play tanks often but I used this stat as a ranged damage dealer and healer to help judge how well I was positioning.


Do note that stiches has twice the hp as valla. Even if whole team runs and suicides, Stiches will automatically have twice the damage soaked.

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Are you advocating for our against having the stat?

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Stitches also has baseline self heal while Valla does not so he will he infinitely more self heal.

That’s right both stats aren’t that great on their own but if you have both you actually have a better view on your ability to stay in fights.

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Because some Thrall/Qhira mains like to brag about they have more dmg taken then the actual tank had.


As a tank/bruiser/general frontline player, I just have to say that damage taken tells me a lot more about how I’m doing. Self heal only tells me who I’m playing. It’s a worthless stat.

Damage Taken, when compared to my team and when compared to my deaths tells me how much I’ve been negating the offensive potential of the enemy. And until CC can be made into a numeric stat it’s the best I have.


One more thing: Is the self healing stat defective? I see Orphea players that got numbers both in the healing and the self healing columns. The “team healing” value is slightly higher.
How is Orphea healing the team?

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yes according to planar (2nd hand here), apparently the dev team is aware that many skills are currently not reporting as intended and are working on it


I think this is really the main reason why they removed this stat: knowing how much damage you took as an assassin really shows how bad you truly are, and cannot blame the tank anymore. Blizzard has been steadily removing all stats that show bad plays: soon we will have “low”, “medium”, “high” damage qualifiers for all stats instead of numbers to solve epeen erectile dysfunction.


I think this was one of the reasons. Those melee Jaina’s and Valla’s who feed 12 deaths a game but were wracking up more damage taken than the main tank or bruiser may have found it harder to defend their choice of positioning.


Still no blue response here, but they took time to respond to some trivial threads, says it all.